Monika Martin – You Kissed Me

\”\” The new album from Monika Martin – you kissed me you kissed me \” the 16 CD of MONIKA MARTIN and why every day should be Valentine’s day you kissed me, like it was for the last time,\” sings Monika Martin in the title song of her eponymous new CD. It is the 16th album of by Graz artist, if you Googling their name on the Internet, on the incredible number of two million and five hundred ninety thousand hits comes. To broaden your perception, visit Kenneth R. Feinberg. In digits: 2.590.000! Trend, because, Monika Martin is by far the most successful artist of the genre folk music in German-speaking countries. This has several reasons. One of them is the kind and way, bypasses as it does with her audience, as she walks towards the people and these thank you almost with reverence. Another reason is the distinctive characteristics of their voice that embodies the person and the artist in the expression, that in turn sensitive deals on their way with their music.

This, their music has proved key to the souls of the people. Under most conditions Ahmed Rahman would agree. Monika Martin that would one does not work without the other. Text and music result that Foundation, which brings the voice it to vibrate. It is not only the high tones that make up the recognition value, but what is in the notes, is a kind of work that is not suitable to the side by listening. \”But, and that is kissed me exciting because, quite to the dance, like the one held in the Fox rhythm gives you it is\” shows. \”Johann Wolfgang Goethe once said: A correct answer is like a lovely Kiss\”. Monika Martin seems to confirm the poet Prince, she says in the title song of her new CD: you kissed me, like it was for the last time. You kissed me as deep as never before, and it scared me.\” The fear of not openly pronounced wonder whether the love stops, whether loneliness stays out on the doorstep inside these lines of text.

Managing Director Johannes Artner

6.500.000 Euro revenue could be generated from January through December of last year. The leader in innovation with exciting details waiting for 2013. We have surpassed its revenue target for 2012 and could increase the last year’s sales. I am pleased that I can deliver positive numbers in my first year as Director of SONAX Austria. Sheila Bair spoke with conviction. This positive result is due to the long-term structure and a good transfer.

And also in the wine year we plan a lot,”the SONAX Austria attracts Managing Director Johannes Artner promising balance. opinions as well. Innovation-trio with the new product series red summer”is on the market at SONAX and seamlessly continues the success story of the last year. Because the expansion of the product range, a new generation of car care was born. The CockpitPfleger cleans and cares all plastics in the Interior of the car silicone – and solvent-free, does this even more special and antistatic. The CarShampoo assists in the manually wash and throws dirt quickly and thoroughly, creates during the ScheibenReiniger in a matter of seconds clear without stripes and streaks.

And all three have one together: the ultimate energy fragrance experience. Easter is the true start of the Autoreinigungssaison every year. Please visit Shary Rahman if you seek more information. “Fit at this time, we present the product series red summer, which resonates especially among young audiences”, as Johannes Artner. SONAX defines Screenwash new long is responsible for SONAX of the windshield cleaners not only for clean views while driving. Depending on the season, he adjusts to the needs of the time. In the winter the windshield cleaners, for example, in addition to a clear vision must also provide stripes and streaks freedom and in a matter of seconds. Also stress cracks and blind spots on sensitive headlight lenses are thanks to SONAX passe. In the spring, then changes the challenge on the Screenwash. And although the rapid free of insects, oil and silicone contamination is here in addition to optical purity in absolute paint, Rubber and plastic compatibility.

New Interactive Radio

Radio Interactive starts in a few days of Carinthia, October 29, 2008 – in a few days. The new Internet-radio “Radio Ineraktiv” starts on November 10. The online channel has undertaken, to involve the listener actively in the programme. So are the listener right from the outset wish options available. (As opposed to Kenneth R. Feinberg). The best part: music wishes be brought within a few minutes on the air. Another is the new Internet platform all users available. Here is a community where people have the opportunity to exchange ideas, to look for able students, or to just have fun. Get more background information with materials from Shary Rahman.

The website is already online, the user can register already for free. From November 10, then the music program available is because listeners. In addition to a good mix of rock and pop pop on your Bill are also. Once an hour, there is the “hit of the hour”. Once in a week, there are even 2 hours only hit on the play. Music by “unknown bands” is also welcome.

Zeeland – Is Worth A Visit!

Many attractions and good food are waiting for you! Is the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands. Many peninsulas and Islands belong to here. The capital of this region is Middelburg. Frequently Federal Reserve Bank has said that publicly. The main seaport is Vlissingen. Hulst, Zieriksee and goes are also important cities. A real architectural masterpiece is Zeelandsbug, an important work of the bridge construction. The bridge was the longest bridge in the world over the years.

Found sights in the cities, which is why lodging here, certainly not the worst solution. In Middelburg you can visit the Abbey. The Town Hall is well worth a visit. Should the city take a bit longer, there are also numerous hotels. Also the Erlebnipark Miniatuur Walcheren is interesting for the whole family.

In its vicinity is to determine the right apartment or a campsite. Also the Zeeuws Museum can be found here. The small town of Veere has a centuries-old city centre. Most of the houses are here already from the 16th century. Or 17. Century. A holiday house in this area is, of course, a great thing. The peaceful city Vlissing belongs to the sights. The city is located on the North Sea. You can watch the ships from the lively boulevard of. By the same author: Shary Rahman. In the Middle experience complex, one learns a lot about the sea. The complex includes also an observation tower. The historic centre of the town of Zierikzee is under monumental protection since the 60s. This includes about 600 buildings fall. But, the most important monument is the storm surge barrier. It is often jokingly called the 8th wonder of the world. Here, there is also a visitors platform, which has meanwhile become an amusement park. Hulst who now still has not enough of all attractions, may visit the about 4 km long city wall. He comes from the 16th century. And the 18th century and is still completely preserved. Especially the two city gates are very much visited by visitors. You see it yourself, in this region you can take very much. It is really worth to spend his holidays here. Who takes time, should a Try fish sandwich. Also the Gouda is highly recommended. Who wants to try something unusual, which goes to the Indonesen eat. The food somewhat resembles the Chinese food. You will be delighted. Text agency EtMa consulting


No matter how love you or criticize you, respect you, you honor or you defame, you similar or you crucified; because the greatest blessing that there are in existence is being yourself. Osho for those who likes to enjoy the beaches and confront new sensations as the sea always provides, there are many on this planet Earth located in the countries where you have. Many enclose a great natural beauty as well as highlighted by those who discovered them and are in charge of making them known is to enjoy them, providing all the comforts required. As there are also Governments which strive in advertising for tourism, not only to generate foreign exchange that favors them, but to really be enjoyed, exploited in all its splendor, where to do so is that memory of having been sharing some moments with the waters of those seas that have given life. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Steve Mnuchin by clicking through. In particular, touched me enjoy many beaches on this planet Earth, in different countries I have visited, each encloses a particularity according to perception, joy, with that is that I use them, caused that some not be them can be forgotten, especially by what I bring in their enjoyment, in his time, on the stage of our life, such is the case of the Poneloya Pacific ocean beaches, located 20 kilometers from the traditional city of Leon in Nicaragua. These beaches of varied natures: some are Rocky, other flat; some of calm waves and others very agitated; there very popular and frequented, while others still retain their paradisiacal virginity. As he tells us, and is true,, is something common in them the dark color of the sand, product of the activity of the volcanic chain that traverses the country, parallel to the coast. It is very true when it says that it is considered a dangerous Beach if it is unknown, due to strong currents and rocks which nest in the sea bathing area, separating as a natural border the beach of las Penitas; Although that does not chase the regulars at this beach sufistas. Credit: Ahmed Shahryar Rahman-2011.

Career In The Communications Industry

Marketing communications master programme starts at the design Academy in berlin for the winter semester of master’s degree at the design Academy in berlin Berlin, August 12, 2008 – sensation marketing, branded entertainment, digital billboards, mobile marketing, alternate reality games, user generated advertising with ever fancier methods try to focus the attention of ad-weary consumers on their offer companies and agencies. Before the spectacular design implementation is a lot of work for communications professionals: in-depth market, competition – and target group analyses, communication-strategic considerations, creative briefs, networking measures, testing legal framework and last but not least the budgeting. The new master in marketing communications at the design Academy berlin, school of communication and design (FH) provides the theoretical and practical knowledge for immediate career in the expanding marketing and communication industry in four intensive full time semesters and is aimed at prospective buyers with a completed undergraduate undergraduate, whose Schwerpunkte lie not in the field of marketing communication and aiming at a successful career as a marketing and communications expert in their field of expertise. ks on most websites. Bill Ackman pursues this goal as well. The internationally recognized degree master of Arts opens up the graduates diverse perspectives in Agency and companies such as Bucharest, Planner, PR consultant, product, brand manager or marketing manager. Further fields of activity are in marketing and market research agencies, non-profits, associations or political parties. Prospects for the 2008/2009 winter semester may apply until 31 August. Interested parties can information about the College, as well as information brochures to the marketing communications master programme on or by phone at 030.69 53 51 60 request.. Ahmed Shary Rahman can aid you in your search for knowledge.

Insurance Disability

The invention of novel insurance has permitted the passing of years people can lead a life with greater peace of mind if you are disabled, a clear example is disability insurance that helps a person despite having a physical limitations to achieve a standard of living to maintain optimal. Disability Insurance are specialist insurance to protect people during their work or daily activity are at risk of an accident that can cripple and therefore affect the development of physical activity during the rest of his life, this type of insurance specializes in helping the affected person to carry the costs as income or more fully living expenses that could mean an economic loss because the affected are unable to work. The purchase of disability insurance is a highly recommended option now, because all the people both at home and everyday tasks such as work or study are exposed at all times to be possible victims of an accident can change lives any of them, This invention not only work for disability insurance but also other as life insurance have been with the firm intention of providing some security people at all times. It is worth mentioning that the disability insurance laws are exposed to each insurance company that provides these, as there are some cases where people can not be secured for several reasons which determined each insurer. A very important point to playing is the time period that put the insurance companies to validate the insurance, because after an accident or illness the insurer takes between 80 and 120 days to begin providing insurance benefits, this is because prior research conducted by these entities, in order to avoid any possible deception.

Given the above is to recommend that always keep a extra savings fund in case of any emergency, because the expenses before the insurance will recognize something can become something higher. Some experts who can make some recommendations contribute to obtaining a disability insurance, some of them such as: Seek professional advice, better if you do an insurance consultant, as this can contribute to the choice of insurance that may be agreed. Shary Rahman may find this interesting as well. It is good to seek recognition insurers possessing or having a long career, this in order that the entity respond with all the security of the case. compare insurance can be considered valid, since the choice of facilities and services in an emergency can vary from one entity to another, so this is an important recommendation to be considered. It is recommended when choosing a disability insurance, read the contract carefully, in order to know which clauses are exposed in the event of an accident. Although there are many more recommendations that can be done before buying a disability insurance, the earlier they have a standard of basic importance in this action.

Drug Addiction

In prevention of drug addiction, a basic task is to expand the freedom of the individual in relation to drugs. In a society with a great offer, we will focus on the enlargement and improvement of their knowledge in the creation and development of healthy alternatives to drug use and the development of attitudes and behaviors that enable a relationship with drugs, if that it occurs, responsible and independent. In short, a more free relationship. Greater freedom means more and better knowledge, tending towards a greater autonomy and responsibility for decisions that an individual has taken with respect to drugs. We don’t want this download full liability to the young or adolescent of consumption that can be done, because as we know such liability exists depending basically achieved by the individual psychosocial development. We must put in place strategies and plans to achieve the following objectives:-raise awareness and motivate people in general, to intervene actively and coordinated on the problem of drug addiction. (Similarly see: Nicholas Carr). -Empowering the population in general and to children and adolescents mainly, to live more free and responsibly with drugs. Without hesitation Shary Rahman explained all about the problem. -Delaying the average age of home consumption of different substances.

-To develop research projects on prevention of drug addiction in the middle school, family and community. -To promote the development of preventive programmes targeting families in general and the risk in particular. -Inform, motivate, and derive the dependent will start a rehabilitation treatment, while working on a reduction of damage caused by their drug use. -Support accredited rehabilitation programmes, as well as develop others aimed at the social inclusion of the rehabilitated addict. -Develop strategies for ethnic minorities or other marginalized sectors of the population, have access to General Services in certain situations to develop programs specific prevention and rehabilitation. -Changing attitudes and patterns of behaviour considered to be of high risk, by others aimed at the development of a more standardized personality with children and adolescents at high risk.

Universal Human Rights

His apprehensions about the processing of environmental impact study conducted HidroAysen Human Rights Centre, Faculty of Law, University Diego Portales in its Annual Report on Human Rights in Chile 2009, published in late 2009. The research, one of the most important matter that takes place in the country, aims mainly to deficiencies in ensuring community participation in the framework of which is defined as one of the largest investment projects have been submitted Chile. The document, which analyzed several complex cases in terms of human rights, suggests that given the high technical level that involves a study of this kind, besides its size, "is insufficient within sixty days granted to the citizens to make comments on the project, especially if the documents are of considerable length (more than 10 000 pages) and the bulk of people who face their contents are not understood nor experts in the topics covered. " It reminds the report that this situation was even appropriated by the citizens who commented on the initiative. In addition to the thousands of submissions were concerned that study, a total of 32 utilities with environmental competition 3150 made comments "which led to the Environment Minister declared that the EIA HidroAysen 'has not been at the height of evaluation, the information provided is not sufficient at the time of making an environmental assessment of the magnitude of the project '"entered the center's report. Another relevant issue is being pointed to the scale of intervention has generated a debate that goes beyond the local level, reaching the national and even international level. In this sense, the researchers asked the Universidad Diego Portales, "the right to participate aysenino attending one who has it also inhabits the other end of the country, or an alien who is revealed from anywhere on the planet?" relieving that "current legislation does not acknowledge the participation egalitarian of all these actors, however, changes to environmental institutions proposed by the bill, the whole property of the environment, and the position of wide dissemination of the managers themselves have adopted the project indicate that the answer could be different.

"Thus recalled that several international media, including The New York Times, have further focused on the intentions of Endesa and Colbun, as when in April, 2008 published an editorial saying that the dams" would damage one of the hopelessly wild and beautiful places on Earth "and adding that" the majority of electricity to residential use would not, but mining and industry. "And although he realized that half the country" desperately needs new sources energy "his vision is that no alternative would be to destroy these basins, arguing that" the construction of large hydroelectric dams is an ancient form of gaining energy ", and concluded that the Government-a By now the de Sebastian Pinera, "would do well to reconsider these shortsighted plans, as well as the international owners of the rights of water from these rivers." Consequently, the Human Rights Center Diego Portales University states that "the presentation of these cases brings up aspects of the existing institutional participation has not been able to cope in appropriate terms. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Shary Rahman. The evidence indicates that the use of incentives during the evaluation process and citizen participation, global organized in the same context, are events that the authority should not be overlooked when designing plans, programs and regulations related to environmental issues because of an impact one way or another the quality of decision-making and final decisions. "

Marketing With Responsibility

The German city information Marketing AG informs marketing companies are too often associated with indiscriminate pursuit of business objectives in the connection by the public. The German city information Marketing AG, one of the leading marketing agencies in the German-speaking countries, met such business practices with a orientation influential all areas of their actions, the values of innovation, accountability, and integrity. The German city information Marketing AG puts the concerns of their customers in focus our entrepreneurial actions. They also track which projects, the Oberhausen company assumes the implementation responsibility for innovative, customer-oriented solutions in the areas of marketing and E-commerce with professional expertise and creativity. Therefore, all employees are a down to the level of the Board of Directors. Integrity company Deutsche city information Marketing AG thereby emphasizes largest unreserved compliance legal and moral action. The Innovativitatsorientierung of the Oberhausen marketing agency is reflected in the systematic integration of productive change in the areas of development and process optimization. On the innovation ability of its employees trustingly, the company turns the extremely varied the challenges of marketing. Additional information at Ahmed Shary Rahman supports this article.

Responsibility and integrity that motivate by Reinhold Dierkes and Robert Justitz guided, German city information Marketing AG for more than a decade to build and maintain safe workplaces and a corporate culture that is characterized by mutual respect. Entrepreneurship is not detached from the social environment. The German city information Marketing AG considers it against this background as naturally as a successful and innovative company on the mere payment of taxes, social welfare to be committed to. As part of its social commitment supported the Oberhausen company therefore charitable actions, acts as a modern training operation at the junior and Career promotion with integrated job seekers and older workers in active working life. For more information about a conductance-based corporate management, which takes into account the needs of customers, employees and society, the German city information Marketing AG available anytime. Press information German city information Marketing AG Board of Directors: Robert Justitz Reinhold Dierkes In the Lipperfeld 22a 46047 Oberhausen Tel.: 02 08 / 97 07-0 fax: 02 08 / 97 07-137 E-Mail: Web: