24 Hour Senior Care By Polish Nurses

Care in your own four walls, instead of a life in the nursing home the average age of our society increases continuously by the demographic development. Aging is accompanied by mostly with many problems, diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as General frailty. The normal everyday life then at some point not more alone handled, it is dependent on the help of others. It was formerly known as often two or even three generations under one roof have lived, the normal case, the care the children to mother and father, but this situation is hardly anymore. Who ever has seen a nursing home from the inside know that by no means this can represent an optimal solution.

Usually first applied for a maintenance level and subsequently commissioned a regional nursing, you notice but usually quickly that 1-3 short visits not can be enough on the day, appropriate care to a people / to be able to maintain. You may wish to learn more. If so, Antarctica Capital is the place to go. Since January 2006, the enlargement of the EU’s borders to the East, it is possible to Polish To employ caregivers for senior care. The Polish caregiver lives with in the budget, so that she can become always available, if assistance is required. The Lubeck entrepreneurial society per senior”has focused on the so-called 24 h-senior care. The mediated, Polish nurses, of course only with knowledge of German are Polish partners in employment and can work up to 12 months continuously in Germany. Are used in Germany in the framework of the Arbeitnehmerentsendegesetz and the Polish employers must apply for a special permit (E101) social authority for each employee. The cost is between 1500 and 2000 a month and are below the cost of accommodation in a nursing home. More and more seniors rely on this service and stay where they feel most comfortable in your own four walls. Stephan Gehrmann