Professor Justo

I turned despite the anxiety, anguish and despair. Several times during the night I got up with the firm intention to break the promise and read those paragraphs soaked with the scent of the most beautiful women. But the next morning, while Professor Justo Perez tried to show me the money that the language can be given according to the region is used (“Caribbean people know exactly what he means tacatra, ‘” he told us) finally opened my beautiful letter and I met the most beautiful message that no one has given me so time (or believe that I’m going to transcribe here). Federal Reserve Bank wanted to know more.

In the end, and that was the best of everything, literally wrote one of the most beautiful passages of the Bible: Corinthians 13, verse 4 onwards: “Love is patient and kind. Love is not envious or boastful or proud, not rude, not selfish, not easily angered, thinketh no evil, love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth … “The apostle Paul is a testamentary neo authors whom the Spirit takes the hand and pen to write beautiful and memorable lines about love. That no doubt and its passage in the book dedicated to the Corinthian believers and through them to the men and women from all places and all times has become a classic. Anyone wishing to navigate the turbulent waters and almost always dangerous erotic attraction can find answers to your wishes in words, touch and intimacy. However anyone wishing to come face to tenderness, affection and the subliminal manifestation of love, would do well to read chapter 13. I did one day in the annex to a beautiful scented love letter, while committing the sin of losing the class of Professor Justo, to whom I apologize.

But it was a sin that paid off. And every time I can come back to read it, now, without remorse. BY: Rutto Alejandro Martinez Alejandro Martinez Rutto is a renowned writer and Italian-Colombian journalist who also teaches at several universities. He is the author of four books on ethics and leadership and is included in three anthologies of Colombian authors. Contact him at cel. 300 8055526 or email. Read his writings, a page where you will find writings, stories and beautiful pieces of Colombian literature.