Pilates Marketing

Comprehensive care for the customers by Liechtenecker Susanne Holzer joins the team of the Web Agency Liechtenecker 1 January 2010 and takes over the territory of social media marketing and online public relations. As growing new media agency, we are happy to have gained an employee, which may cause our customers in the exciting world of social media and online PR thanks to their experience with Susanne Holzer. Thus we round off our range and can offer online advice and implementation at all levels,”agency owner Jurgen Liechtenecker forward. The native Niederosterreicherin could gain in the past in different PR and new media agencies in senior positions experience years and was active energy, Wienerberger and more for large well-known customers such as BAWAG PSK, silhouette, Vienna. Their career range from classic marketing PR and event organisation for social media marketing and Web project management. Liechtenecker now all can bring their talents and interests under a hat. Private operates the 25-year-old passionate sport, among other things, yoga and Pilates, and writes on her blog.

Liechtenecker is a Viennese Web Agency offering Web design, social media marketing, accessibility, search engine marketing, online PR and screen design. Many customers Skandia, Wienerberger, FHWien – courses of the WKW include Austria advertising or the Tourismusverband Zell Lake. More information at. Contact: Susanne Holzer I Web Agency of Liechtenecker email: phone: + 43 (0) 1 293 18 77 mobile: + 43 (0) 676 61 55 854 Twitter: @sueholzer