
Annual Conference on cogeneration in Cologne the Conference of industrial and municipal use of CHP”takes place in an annual succession and was attended for the first time in 2009 by more than 60 participants. This annual Conference is dedicated to the technological developments than even the changes in the legal and economic framework conditions for a CHP applications in the industrial and municipal sectors on the one hand. The Conference will take place on 19-20 October in Cologne and begins with an overview of trends in the field of CHP. Then a speaker enters into the further development of the efficiency of large engines. After performance of the combination of engine CHP with an electric heat pump be more practice in the industrial and municipal sectors. For the use of vapour steam in the industrial sector, the Konditherm method, which will be presented in a separate presentation, appears a meaningful way of the heat.

Then one is a lecture on the current CHP law perspective City work and an industrial company. New developments in the energy tax law are subject of the first day of the Conference as factors for a successful contracting tender as well. At the end of the first day, CHP-consult invites all Conference participants and speakers to a small evening snack with drinks. The second day begins with the legal framework conditions for biomass cogeneration (EEG, BioSt-NachV). Also the regulations and legal approval CHP are topic of a lecture. The funding for CHP plants are briefly introduced in the form of an overview. At the end of the Conference innovative information and control engineering is entered thematically on more marketing opportunities from CHP plants such as the building of a virtual power plant, as well as the direct marketing of Cogenerated electricity use.