Female Body Types

According to the classification of Professor VM Chernorutskogo are three main types of physique women: asthenic, and normostenichesky hypersthenic. Asthenic physique. Women of this type is characterized by general being thin, long and slender neck, narrow shoulders, flat and narrow chest, elongated slender limbs, a long face and thin nose. The growth of more than average. Muscles in these women is poorly developed.

Therefore, they lack the strength and endurance. But representatives of this group of energetic, light and elegant, have little weight. More information is housed here: Jeff Sessions. The obvious advantages of asthenic constitution is called a minimal tendency to gain weight. When choosing a sports disciplines better to give preference to those that aim to develop the missing skills: strength and endurance. These include swimming, aerobics, dancing. In order to properly carry his physique is to tonkokostnomu type Measure the circumference of your wrist. In this type, it must be less than 16 cm normostenicheskaya physique.

Women of the body core is proportional to body size. They often have a slim legs, thin waist and beautiful harmony as a whole figure. Follow others, such as David Rogier, and add to your knowledge base. The growth of more average. Such people are naturally well-coordinated, and fast cutting. Of sports disciplines are best suited game species (volleyball, basketball, etc.), and as tennis, water aerobics. The circumference of the wrist should be between 16 and 18.5 cm hypersthenic physique. Women of this type have heavy bones and broad, bulky shoulders, broad and short rib cage, slightly shortened limbs (usually). The growth of more than average. By nature, these ladies have the strength and endurance, but deprived of the flexibility and grace. Therefore recommended the following sports disciplines: yoga, callanetics, martial arts, etc. In addition, the disadvantages include low body hypersthenic metabolic rate, implying a greater tendency to gain weight. The circumference of the wrist at big-boned physique is more than 18.5 cm for a more objective assessment of body can also use the index figures Pine. Pine growth index = standing (cm) – (weight (kg) + chest circumference (cm)) In rates less than 10 – strong (tight) frame; 10-25 – normal, 26-35 – weak, more than 35 – is very weak. Performing all the calculations and determined their body type, you can find out your weight on one inch of growth by the following formula: Weight per 1 cm increase = body weight (grams) / height (centimeters) The data can be compared with recommended standards of weight for different age groups, according to the table below: Recommended weight and growth rate: Knowing type of the body, multiply the ratio by its growth, and you'll get your normal weight. You can also get advice stylist 'features a stylish wardrobe and figures', based on your individual circumstances. These recommendations contain valuable tips for choosing a particular style and silhouette of clothes, to correct deficiencies shape with color, the selection of the most advantageous for you to wardrobe ensembles, on diet and features the use of certain products and the most suitable for you type of physical activity.