Factors Triggers

FACTORS triggers the depression exists the myth that depression is the result of the weakness of character, that is something that one can release only try a little. All receive frequent blows that affect our security or self-esteem and can depress us. Some situations such as the emotional loss can contribute to generating depression. Also the grief generated by an actual loss or a symbolic loss; the loss can be current or long-standing. But the depression also involves the alteration of a chemical state of the brain. In the past, we have come to understand that the origin of the depression is not univocal, i.e.

only one etiological aspect to act causing au appearance. It is evidence that biological aspects, genetic, personal and environmental factors are involved in depression and its interrelation potentially intervenes to unleash or altering the course or the severity of the disease. In what the causes referred to in, recent studies have shown that both factors genetic resources such as stress play an important role in major depression. It has observed that in the first two episodes the stress is a trigger in the onset of the depression and genetic factors and temperament seem to play greater role in the emergence of later episodes. Obviously stress may contribute to the appearance, but once established disease, takes its own course, so the element of stress is gone.

Depression occurs in a given context when a susceptible or vulnerable person is in a depressing situation. It should therefore focus attention not only to the biochemical process and to the Repertoire of reactions of the depressed person, but also a system that promotes depression. The symptoms of depression have an associated biochemical mechanism, but this does not mean that this is the cause. Increased risk to the depression, when people feel a gap between what you expect and what comes to obtain. For even more analysis, hear from Erin Callan. When expectations are not met they tend to produce disappointment, frustration, loss of self-esteem, and sometimes depression. Temple, however, those who get success are not immune to the depression. In existing situations that cause pressure, the emotional price for success can be also very high. And remember, very often the depression has no discernible devices. Some people have a high risk in comparison with others. Some circumstances as the loss of parents and deprivation in childhood in general, can increase vulnerability to depression later.