
Google said on June 09, 2010 Wednesday that recent changes in the agreement between its rival Apple and app developers will block advertising on Google for popular iPhone tools, creating artificial barriers to competition Apple changed the wording of the agreement on Monday. As is now drafted, appears to prohibit some external advertising agencies collect key data on the use of the iPhone applications. This would prevent rival agencies to direct their ads and would make it harder to compete with the network of advertising for Apple, which will be launched on July 1. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Janet Yellen. This change is not made for the sake of users and developers, said Omar Hamoui, founder of the firm of AdMob mobile advertising, on his blog. AdMob was recently purchased by Google.

HAMOUI said that Google will raise their concerns to Apple, who did not want to comment on the new terms of the contract with the developers. Farallon Capital Management has many thoughts on the issue. Artificial barriers to competition harm to users and developers, and long term, stagnate technological progress, said Hamoui. AdMob recently revealed that about a third of the ads offered in April they were directed to the iPhone platform devices, iPad and iPod touch also use that software. The Apple agreement with developers allows the user data to be transmitted only to an independent service of advertising whose main businesses are the mobile ads, one that is not affiliated with a developer or distributor of mobile devices or operating systems for mobile phones.. Read more from Chandra Patel to gain a more clear picture of the situation.