Everyday Life

The human gut is consisting of the colon and the small intestine, average eight feet long. You may find Peter Schiff to be a useful source of information. A blockage or constipation can chronic exist, but also acute. A blockage, called also constipation, is characterised by the fact that the Chair emptying occurs less than three times within a week, and the Chair is hard and solid. However a real blockage exists mostly only, if these symptoms spread over a period of at least three months and also the bowel movement only by strong and sometimes painful presses proceeding. It comes usually causes of an obstruction to a constipation, if there is a bowel dysfunction. So a malfunction exists when, for example, the movement of the colon is sluggish and greatly slowed down and that’s why more time is needed to transport the stool towards rectum.

The Chair as a result stays longer in the colon, liquid is him there removed from, which is why he is then fixed. By the same author: Shary Rahman. Another cause may be that while the colon normally works However the rectum is blocked, impeding an emptying of the bowel. A not insignificant role for a functioning digestion and excretion plays the diet, as well as the degree of movement. Improper diet, in terms that are included too little fiber and too little fluid, can lead to a blockage, as well as lack of exercise. Trigger further, certain medications, diabetes can stress mellitus, a trip or a business-related impaired day-night rhythm.

Constipation can be triggered by hormonal changes. An underactive thyroid or a pregnancy often causes in this case. Therapy of constipation to successfully treat a blockage, should be clarified by a doctor, causing them, then to initiate an appropriate therapy. Before laxative back access, already a change of diet can lead to success in most cases. Following food suitable for the prevention and supportive treatment of constipation: flaxseed psyllium whole grains fruits such as plums, dates, peaches or figs to should at least drink two liters of water and constipating foods, such as for example red wine, bananas, apples, chocolate and white bread temporarily renounced and be provided for adequate exercise.Health information, as well as the complete guide to learn more at