The A Gold Fish Pond

Galabau Fritz from Hamburg informed its customers garden ponds enrich the local recreational OASIS around a calm Center. You therefore very popular among gardeners looking for a relaxing atmosphere. Swarmed by offers, Karen Freyer is currently assessing future choices. Gold fish pond belong long the classics among the garden ponds. Hamburg-based horticulture experts from Galabau Fritz portray what applies to note it in their facility. Goldfish bring life in the pond and are always nice to look at. It is therefore, to complement the domestic garden to a live gold fish pond. Goldfish have Abgehen by their attractiveness as an ornamental fish also no oversized claims, which easily makes the installation and maintenance of the pond.

The basic considerations for the conditioning of Goldfish pond do not differ from other ponds, fish to live in. A sufficient depth of the pond is important. If water freezes in the winter down to the pond bottom, the fish will not survive this. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Guo Guangchang. The pond must be so deep, that the Fishing remains enough liquid water to stay over the winter. In our latitudes, this means a depth of at least 1 metre.

Depth of 1.20 meters are out and suitable for long, hard winter, up 1.60 metres. Goldfish are rather insensitive to ornamental fish. To tolerate water temperatures between 4 C and 30 C, without any problems. Thus they are suitable to be kept outdoors. To prevent that the pond is warming up in the summer about their tolerance threshold also, it should be created in the shade or partial shade. Expansive pond plants such as water lilies also help to prevent overheating. Goldfish show but less tolerant to rapid temperature changes. Is prevented by a sufficient depth of the pond this. The gold fish pond should be planted with water, pond and shore plants. They provide shade and cover the fish and prevent a eutrophication through faeces. The goldfish are fed in addition or more than one or two of them per m Pond water held, this necessitates the use of a pond filter system. An adequate oxygen supply of the pond can be produced using a watercourse or a fountain. The investment of gold fish pond follows the basic rules of pond construction in all other aspects. More information on this subject and provide professional support for the necessary work offer the Hamburg-based horticulture specialists of Galabau Fritz. Press contact Galabau Fritz contact: Martin Fritz Rothmoorstieg 5A 22459 Hamburg Tel.: 040.5 58 39 89 fax.: 040.55 98 36 20 website: E-Mail: