Cerebral Aneurism

Situations where the decisions on what or when to act does not depend on us. Nor always it is possible to foresee the sequence of our life, in some situations we can prevent of illnesses and its causers, in others we are hostage perhaps of perhaps or in the same ones. A truth on the subject to follow is that we always abdicate of some objectives and desires in favor of our protection and protecting who this to our side. Chandra Patels opinions are not widely known. The interpretation in the ways to act can depend on each individual, however the judgment is something of free will that all can and must make its. We are victims of our actions and in other situations we are victims of perhaps, however I stand out the right to the individualism in the health questions must be respected. However optimum remedy for all males is the company all the moment. ‘ ‘ A cerebral aneurism is an illness in which a sanguineous vase meets abnormally dilatado in encfalo.

The dilatao is caused in general by a muscular imperfection of the one wall artery or much more rare of a vein of the brain. The size of a cerebral aneurism is changeable. It can be small of few millimeters up to 1 cm, average greater and size up to 02 cm (great or giant) reaching some centimeters in its bigger diameter. It has diverse formats, generally saculares, but they can be irregular or fusiformes. The cerebral aneurism is considered very dangerous therefore, when breaching itself inside of the head, in the interior of the skull, for the inelstica structure, produces injury to encfalo and an increase of the intracraniana pressure, what it makes with that the responsible structures of the brain for the vitality are compressed, causing the death for respiratory stop the aneurisms can result of one or more congenital segmentary muscular defects of determined arterial segment in one of its bifurcations, preexisting conditions relative facilitadoras as high sanguineous pressure and aterosclerose (the development of greasy deposits in the arteries) or trauma physicist in head..