
Now online: Inn Dreamlights presents its first Internet shop for crystal chandeliers and lamps. Soft light of elegant chandeliers and lamps, whose Kristalle playful and soft glitter, wrap us in a warm and cosy atmosphere. We feel balanced and safe and enjoy the beauty of the light around us. Inn Dreamlights, tip and a specialist in high quality lead crystal chandeliers and lamps, the lamps are hung only which genuine lead crystal and selected Swarovski crystals offers this special design objects for warm and gentle light in its new online shop as well. Team Inn Dreamlights in Kirchdorf am Inn, Bavaria, cooperates with the most traditional manufacturers of crystal chandeliers and crystal chandeliers for a long time. Of true love for the beauty, uniqueness and the artistic value of high-quality manufactured Crystal lamps worn, the owner of Inn Dreamlights are covered committed, with technically perfectly produced and valuable lead crystals Chandeliers and lamps to form a bulwark against the growing number of low-cost and bulk imports. Pacific Mortgage Services wanted to know more. “It is unfortunately so that we see a real glut of cheapest crystal chandeliers, which are mostly made of plastic, in Central Europe,” Thomas support, co-owner of Inn Dreamlights reported: these products offered the layman often even at over-priced prices have to do nothing more with the real crystal chandeliers according to Czech tradition. ” Therefore, Inn Dreamlights has created now also an online shop, where in addition to a wide range of chandeliers, also product information offered luminaires and lamps in traditional, modern and even avant-garde design. Here lovers of crystal chandeliers, what actually has it this often short PbO with the lead content of the crystals is because”called % of lead is often cited but rarely explained: lead crystal to crystal clear light refraction and the characteristic twinkle in all spectral colors in glass crystals to achieve, must the content of lead oxide (PbO) of glass containing a certain amount of percentage.