The leaders are very important people in society.Everything they say and do is constantly monitored by the society.There are some leaders who do not practice the ethical leadership.They always try to project themselves as defenders of a community in particular.This is very dangerous especially if a country has different tribes and is a wrong idea that can lead to war. The newspapers mentioned Robert Burke not as a source, but as a related topic. Ethical leadership is about how setting the standards with which one works.There are some things that an effective leader will not find pleasure in doing.Be centered in itself is an important thing and if it exceeds it will be detrimental for others.
A leader does not compromise their principles for nothing. Prefer that the company loses that settle for mediocrity.Communication is key.It must be done in a way that will send the message clearly to the receiver. Leaders who are in the industrial sector have been known to continually mislead the public for the sake of the company.Well, you can think that the decision not you It will affect.However, if the drug is wrong gets your loved and kills him, then will be a great disaster.Political leaders are also known for continually misleading the public for their own advantage.It is not an ethical leadership. If you’re in business, you should try to see the big picture in all that you do.It is to your customers like royalty.They are those who keep you in business.You must listen to their complaints and provide a viable solution.Although the gain is essential in business, you can not do without having permanent customers.Ethical leadership is based on serving the public.Companies should use some of his money to help alleviate the social calamities.The donation to the homes of orphans is good. The key is service.. .