Gustavo Adolph Bcquer

These days all we are looking for original gifts for our pairs. Personal and at the most unique, better. Why not to accompany those gifts San Valentin with an appointment by famous love that clears the occasion? Here we presented/displayed a small list to you with tuna messages of love of writers and famous poets. He writes in the card that goes next to your gifts San Valentin, pretty words that show to where your affection arrives. Educate yourself with thoughts from Chandra Patel. If you do not remember slightest madness in than the love made you fall, you have not loved. William Shakespeare The life is a flower whose honey is the love. offers on the topic..

Victor Hugo He cannot be good that one that never he has loved. Miguel de Cervantes Master as he loves the love. I do not know another reason to love that amarte. What you want that it says to you apart from which I love you, if what I want decirte it is that I love you? Fernando Pessoa In a kiss, you will know everything what I have been silent. Pablo Neruda By a glance, a world; by a smile, a sky; by a kiss I do not know what would give you by a kiss.

Gustavo Adolph Bcquer The greater declaration of love is the one that does not become; the man who feels much, speaks little. Plato When you are preparing those original gifts with which to surprise your pair, you do not forget to shape your love with beautiful words. Without a doubt, this year San Valentin goes to be a special day.