IntelliWrite Technology Of Diskeeper Is A Good Deal For Nautronix Ltd

Nautronix Ltd took time despite a busy schedule, to report about how Diskeeper Corporation has influenced its IT infrastructure. The outstanding IntelliWrite, Diskeeper Corporation technology is a good deal for Nautronix limited LONDON, February 23, 2011 – Nautronix limited, the British distribution which is a world leader in providing solutions in the marine technology, has taken a busy schedule time to report about how Diskeeper Corporation (innovators in performance and reliability software) has influenced its IT infrastructure. Iain MacMillan, IT Manager at Nautronix limited, said: the IntelliWrite Diskeeper Corporation technology from the outset just stands out in comparison to previous versions in avoiding fragmentation. I use Diskeeper 7 Pro systems on our 64 bit Windows and it works very well.” Iain MacMillan also added: the function IntelliWrite is a really good deal. The statistics, the we from the server and get my Windows 7 Desktop, are very encouraging. My Windows 7 system indicates that 91% of the fragments will be avoided by IntelliWrite. %2Cfalse)’>Ruth Porat by clicking through. On our Windows 2008 servers, I can see that the 36% IntelliWrite avoids.

In addition, there was the write / read access time for fragments that have been edited by Diskeeper, improved by 28% to 34%. Here, Ahmed Shary Rahman expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In addition our older XP-Pro systems show that 31% of fragments prevents IntelliWrite.”we are very pleased with the positive feedback from Nautronix limited. Are customers with a site license, for a long time and I look forward to a long lasting working relationship,”said Giles Heaton, account manager for Diskeeper. You will find more statistics collected from Nautronix limited the following: Windows XP SP3 32 bit desktops/laptops report fragmentation removed by Diskeeper in height on average of 69%. 31% of fragmentation was prevented by IntelliWrite and total were the write / read access time for processed Fragmentation by 5% improved up to 15%. -Desktop report one eliminated fragmentation of 7% on average through Diskeeper user systems Windows 7 64 bit.