Soluble fiber from the Konjac plant promotes intestinal health and more Glucomann which originates from the root tubers of Konjac Asian plant, is a water-soluble often sugar (Hemicellulose), significant health effects are attributed. It has long been known that this natural product for the good impact of many Asian dishes is responsible. It is also known to his benefit when blockages, diabetes, lipid disorders, and excessive gout. Glucomannan can regulate in the derailed metabolism, protect the intestines, and of course reduce the feeling of hunger. Glucomannan wide research results there are for, further underpinning the application range of this valuable Ballaststoffes health. New research results dealing with the ability of glucomannan to promote intestinal health and to reduce the risk of cancer development in the intestine. Reports on the increasing number of civilization diseases, suffer from which the Germans appear almost daily.
The most of these diseases linked to unhealthy modern lifestyle in conjunction and revolve around metabolic disorders such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders such as atherosclerosis or heart attacks and cancers. Relating to these diseases causes and pioneer are often called as: obesity, blood lipids, cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and some more. All these factors can be influenced positively by a healthy diet and nutritional measures. The targeted revenue such as glucomannan fiber made from the Konjac plant Asian is one of nutritional measures for health. New research deal with the question of why and how glucomannan promotes intestinal health and prevent colon cancer No. Very important seems to be that glucomannan of the natural intestinal flora is used as a food source and is degraded by this to short-chain fatty acids. The short-chain fatty acids play a key role for intestinal health. In particular the Butyric acid, one of the short-chain fatty acids, plays an important role for the energy supply of the intestine and regulate the peristalsis, the sugar and fat metabolism, reduce inflammation and inhibit the formation of cancer cells.