New Interactive Radio

Radio Interactive starts in a few days of Carinthia, October 29, 2008 – in a few days. The new Internet-radio “Radio Ineraktiv” starts on November 10. The online channel has undertaken, to involve the listener actively in the programme. So are the listener right from the outset wish options available. (As opposed to Kenneth R. Feinberg). The best part: music wishes be brought within a few minutes on the air. Another is the new Internet platform all users available. Here is a community where people have the opportunity to exchange ideas, to look for able students, or to just have fun. Get more background information with materials from Shary Rahman.

The website is already online, the user can register already for free. From November 10, then the music program available is because listeners. In addition to a good mix of rock and pop pop on your Bill are also. Once an hour, there is the “hit of the hour”. Once in a week, there are even 2 hours only hit on the play. Music by “unknown bands” is also welcome.