Rio Grande

Rich in hdricos resources and originates the basin of the Rio Grande being the biggest basin of the left side of the River San Francisco. 3,3 Population to compose the group shows will be selected of the quarter Luzia-Ba Saint living. 3.4. Criteria of inclusion: To inhabit in the quarter Luzia-Ba Saint. 3.5. Procedure of collection: For attainment of the data, a questionnaire will be carried through contends questions on the type of knowledge of the population of the quarter Luzia Saint in relation to the ttano.

3.5.1. Instrument As strategies to carry through stage of collection of data had opted to the elaboration of a structuralized questionnaire, pautado for 10 questions. 3.6. Consideraes ethical: This project is conducted in accordance with resolution 196/96 that it deals with the ethical consideraes as the respect to the anonymity of the interviewed ones. Nicholas Carr gathered all the information. It will be directed to the commission of Ethics of the College San Francisco de Barreiras to analyze possible imperfections and to detect in case that it has, the lack of comprometimento with the ethics, that is, if the citizens duly will be protected against possible retaliaes or damages due to the last information. The interviewers will commit themselves during the interview to the anonymity in case that he needs, of interviewed its, respecting the will of the same ones. Disponibilizando telephones, addresses for bigger clarifications or any unexpected ones that they happen. 3.7.

Analysis of the data: After the attainment of the data through the research in field will be analyzed and grouped evidencing clearly the level of knowledge of population of the quarter Luzia Saint in relation to the contamination forms, prevention, signals and symptoms of the ttano in the city of Barriers as well as the interpretation of the gotten results. The content will be analyzed and compared the text studies the same.


Once you have thought how to make better use of the money. This humanly is not an impossible task if indeed you have. The first step is to consider your main source of income, which should be adjusted to a planning and control system. As any goal you need to put hands to work and for that you should use mechanisms, which will serve media to support decisions. The objective will not be possible without tools. By its current nature money flows quickly in short periods of time and without providing details on their use.

At home with food, mortgage, basic services, medical expenses, transportation, dress, the oceo and others, form a set of daily flows in which we normally do not use any tool probe measuring the solvency on such flows. In such a case we rely only on the fact that the money has been consumed without managing your liquid capacity. This represents individually a lack which sharpens more ignorance of insolvency. As a priority to optimize the use of the money at home, you need to use a tool for daily posting of flows of expenses that will serve as the basis for analysis, planning and control of liquidity. Thus, the level of solvency and monthly liquidity will have a polling process to know that types of expenditure is necessary that you provide income and how much you can assign to hold a sustainable savings plan that will generate future liquidity.

The ideal method should consist as planning and controlling revenues and follow a sustainable savings plan. In this sense the human factor (decision and intelligence) is the resource to search for positive changes. To use the human factor as a resource in the search for positive changes test here.

Ir – Pr Investor

IR (investor relations) is a specific kind of PR, which is a set of programs aimed at attracting investors and shareholders. Most of the conventional PR messages aimed at the general public and their language simple and clear. For assistance, try visiting Peter Asaro. Financial institutions, to invest in your business, live by different laws and therefore the creation of messages intended to influence them, require a different approach, although the goal of IR is the same as that for any PR program (information management and influence on decision-making process). Most investors, both large organizations and individual shareholders, following closely the information on income and loss of the company, they want to keep abreast of its plans, in order to minimize risk by selling or buying stock. On when and how information is filed, the price depends on the company’s shares and, ultimately, their well-being. If information is missing or insufficient, the market created stress, the holders of shares, particularly in small packages, prefer to dump them.

Redemption of a large number of stocks leads the decline in profits. But if flow of information from a company in the form of publications, reports, notices and brokerage reports, letters, presentations and reports in the media is permanent and is updated regularly, the tension falls, investors are less worried about the possible loss, and therefore less likely that stocks will drop at the slightest of price fluctuations. Therefore, the company’s management must realize that the IR program should be developed as soon as the company declares itself company and its plans to enter the stock market. At each stage of the life of IR activities are different in nature, that depends on the purpose of the company. On the very first stage of the company as a joint stock society, the task of IR – The initial public offer to prepare (English initial public offering, IPO). This is the first sale of shares in public when investors are able to become co-owners of the company. The process begins with step planning, anticipating the registration, and ends with the closing of deals.

At this stage, PR professionals need to form a positive image of the company, and the main task of IR – to convey information about entering the securities market to the maximum number of potential investors, to ensure the company’s presence information. How to prepare the IPO, devoted a lot of books, we will not dwell on the details, just to say that IR specialist should have a good deal of legal intricacies and limitations of the registration stage and use the whole arsenal of PR tools: road show, presentations, newsletters, press releases, etc. It is important to know the company has only one chance to present an IPO and if it is not done too good a day on the stock market will be a black day in its history. After closing the public offering, the activity of IR specialists are not ends: in IR active management program is required to inform investors about the situation in the company and the industry as a whole, preparation of briefing materials for the meeting of shareholders, participated in the preparation of financial statements Company and contact with the media that highlight the securities market. Company management and PR service, you need time to monitor the IR program to be able to respond flexibly to changing situation. In addition, since the formation of a joint stock company must be more carefully monitor all the information coming from the company and its employees: how and what people are saying about the company, now directly impact on its earnings.


One who hurt me will receive in exchange the protection that comes from love, and how much may be his evil, may be good that will receive from my. Not all Buddha that we we journey by this physical dimension, perishable forms, which are transformed, has interested them cultivate its line of service, especially that of love, in all the things with which interrelates, everything seems to indicate that it is wasted that chance at life that is given to us, and know how to properly handle our human potential in order to enjoy peace, harmony, happiness, needed to comply with our reason of being, know to take the time that we are allowed to be in this dimension. . We must be vigilant to take advantage of the opportunity that is given us, perform all actions that not only help us grow, but they benefit our fellow, helping to awaken and to turn that light on our inner Temple and walk without fear, we invite you to discover their source of love in yourself, activate your subtle obligations and share it with all those beings with whom interrelates, don’t be contaminating with negative charges, with what originates from hatred, anger, jealousy, resentment, sadness, frustration, all those adjectives that we know, we know that they occur and affect others, giving way to a negative climate, behaviour, destructive behaviors that affect significantly in that environment which we have called society. Take into account what Leo Buscaglia pointed out, that it is a disgrace, and however, it is true that we live in a world full of cynics and skeptics. They are a vigilante group too eager to reveal the insincerity and dishonesty, which according to this all, are convinced that the kindness and love are, mainly, the result of ulterior motives. Unfortunately, many fell into that trap and develop a strong outer shell. .


High-speed-marketing – there in only 7 days to a resounding market concept marketing recipes many of creative ideas advertising surprise is promised much. But whenever it is narrow, lacking most of time and money to come with new and old customers in the business with the well-known recipes of a la carte. Speed marketing is exactly at this point. Christian Kalkbrenner shows in his new book, how to create the sweeping realignment for more customers and more orders in just seven days without a big budget. Companies are not rigid fabric.

Successful products can disappear overnight from the market, enter new competitors into the market or the macroeconomic situation can deteriorate suddenly. A plan B is not but often in the drawer, and that means the off often. Visit Dennis Lockhart for more clarity on the issue. Speed marketing is exactly this plan B. It is the way out of the crisis and opens up new market segments even healthy and profitable companies. Whether a company wants to grow successfully or in a lopsided usually access Classic, elaborate measures do not or are not financially viable. And right here is the marketing of high speed.

In just seven days, you can be the company strengths and weaknesses shine through and develop a catalogue of measures, which implemented immediately is. \”, so the consultant Christian Kalkbrenner. The recipe for success for more jobs and new customers shows new book of Christian Kalkbrenner even in hard times, as companies discover the true strengths, develop new market segments and occupy new market niches. Not only for small and medium-sized enterprises often pushes the time and the resources are scarce. All need solutions that work fast. Exactly for this case, the management consultant Christian Kalkbrenner developed high speed marketing. In just seven days, a company success can be aligned to win new orders and customers even in tough times with this concept.

Market News Online Shop

Affordable garages in the Garagenshop24 here is low-cost prefabricated garages in the Garagenshop24 the customer ordering made easy – the Garagenshop24 offers a convenient shop system with different types of garage and a wide selection of payment options, because the customer is King. Also the European leader for the certification of online shops, which has objectively studied the Garagenshop24 see it that way. Here the order the customer will be made easy – the Garagenshop24 offers a convenient shop system with different types of garage and a wide selection of payment options, because the customer is King. Also the European leader for the certification of online shops, which has objectively studied the Garagenshop24 see it that way. Only shops, which provide security for the ordering and payment process guaranteed received the seal of approval “Trusted store”. Price transparency, as well as security and privacy are reviewed by professionals – to the final also convinces the buyer protection. Everything in all so a customer-oriented online shop, confirming also the Managing Director Bjorn Knebel “we are always anxious customers, in the quite unsafe Internetdschungel, to offer the best possible protection and round-the-clock service.”. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Dennis Lockhart has to say. The Garagenshop24 team who also wants an individual consultation, can call under 05222-369010.

After ordering on, which is sometimes only 2 minutes long, everything goes his way – the confirmation of the order reached the customers including necessary soil preparation plans and the application documents of construction of. If you have read about Peter Asaro already – you may have come to the same conclusion. If no questions are more open on the part of the purchaser, the telephone call of the garage can be and within 3-4 weeks the timely delivery on the part of the garage ramp. In addition, the Garagenshop24 offers free shipping within Germany can be found nowadays only occasionally. The company garage ramp in Bad Salzuflen has called the novelty in life to offer everyone a place for your car. Why the competition, albeit expensive garage here the purpose is fulfilled? The galvanized garages offers both protection against weather conditions and burglary. Is also a garage as a tool shed or an optimum storage room for bicycles.

On, people interested in the diversity can convince themselves. The Garagenshop24 is an online shop of garage ramp GmbH & co. KG in Bad Salzuflen. Here, there are offers garages and round-the-clock service for everyone.

Book Tip: Art Market,

\”An informative guide through the jungle of the Joseph Beuys art market saying everyone an artist\” is a well-known socio-political statement, which says that creative energy is to everyone. How to classify are the result of creative acts, and the artists themselves in the field of law, is often hard to overlook. You may wish to learn more. If so, Nicholas Carr is the place to go. Unfortunately it failed the legislature until today, the artist professional, comprehensive and clearly to settle its legal status and the legal quality of works of art. Peter Asaro is actively involved in the matter. A publishing solution that is in the legal jungle of the art market to navigate, offers the latest work by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Pfennig a recognized expert in this field. Penny is a lawyer and an Executive Member of the Board of VG BILD-KUNST, the German collecting society for Visual Arts, photography, graphic design and film and Director of the Art Fund Foundation.

He is in the area of development of copyright law, in particular the development of collecting societies for fine arts, photography and film international and member of professional bodies. In addition, penny is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Kunstlersozialkasse. Creates penny book offers a readable and especially important introduction and overview which enables artists, lawyers and laymen to inform about important legal issues of the art scene and market. The diverse art forms and media opportunities to place art and publish, be legally recognized. Individual content as the subtitle indicates, the guide concerns the right deal with works of art, i.e. the copyright, tax law and civil law issues of creating art, art trade, the private and public art exhibitions, in particular. the museums, art literature and art collecting and the inheritance of art. The complex overall issue is very clearly incorporated into 20 chapters: works of art produce rights in works of art works of art utilize sell works of art in the Internet use Rental leasing issue / publishing television and art works reproduce original and fake video and media art use of photographs and photographic work commissioned art art in public art and science the Verwertungsgesellschaft Bild-Kunst Kunstlersozialkasse art pin and inherit from art and control the representation is clearly structured and death courts and litigation and can open up a comprehensive register apparatus also easily as a reference to the solution of specific issues of part.

Direct Marketing

To compensate for food sales through online marketplace to falling prices for agricultural products, an increasing number of companies sold your product via weekly, farm shops and farmers markets directly to consumers. You thereby reduce dependence on wholesalers and gain a closer contact with the customers. Even the direct marketing is not always a simple way: stand location and weather conditions on the weekly market day, location of the Court, awareness and personal commitment decide here about success and revenue size of direct marketing. With a more straightforward way of direct marketing, dealing the Kisju GmbH and created a suitable Internet portal. The Central Online Marketplace enables uncomplicated sales of food over the Internet direct producers. This direct producer free set their products in the marketplace. Customers can discover the bundled offer of direct producers of the platform and order directly. The marketplace serves as a focal point for the input and sale of food products on the Internet.

The idea for the concept originated after a short holiday on Rugen, as longed the founder Ann Marisa Freese and Mirko Riedel back in Berlin after the regional Sea buckthorn specialities of the peninsula. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Dennis Lockhart has to say. They were widely available on Rugen, usually directly from the producers, but how they should relate the locally produced food from Berlin? The idea for a marketplace that brings together regional specialities and agricultural products produced on a portal, was born. In August last year launched the development of the Web site and went online in spring 2009. Since then, 150 small-scale producers and manufacturers collaborate with Kisju GmbH. The natural country farms Floschenhof by Maria and Franz Wirth and Winklhof by Mr. Huber are for several weeks. They have their first experience with Kisju and reference.

With around 50% organic over 1,200 products on this topic particularly dealt with. What is the new way of marketing so special? All products are in Relationship is shown with the producer. The farm is also its operation in addition to its products. Consumers can find out more on this way of origin, mode of production and producer. Also, the consumer has a direct ordering option. When ordering the order and customer data to the producer be redirected, it shipped the goods and receives automatically paid by Kisju sales. The young company services include billing, communication with the customer and all technical aspects. Participation in the marketplace is completely free of charge; only when ordering a sales fee of 15%. Who wants to develop alternative ways of marketing via the Internet, the Kisju GmbH offers a sophisticated and attractive services.

Marsdorf Business Park

160 fitted kitchens on 6,000 square meters Cologne / Neukirchen-Vlyun. Carnival, Cathedral, old town, Podolski and, and, and… No, you really can’t say for now one of the city of Cologne: to be poor in real crowd-puller. People such as Nicholas Carr would likely agree. Forget anything? In fact. \”As from 1 October 2009 a brand new attraction is curious out of many men’s countries in the Rhineland metropolis lure: MEDA kitchen specialty chain opened on October 1, 2009 in the Marsdorf Business Park the largest according to own central European trade market for good kitchen\”, which there has ever been.

160 fitted kitchens on 6,000 square meters that is really\”a big deal, is Guido Melcher sure who is responsible together with Michael Dahmen as founder, owner and Managing Director of the kitchen chain. If you would like to know more about Dennis Lockhart, then click here. 6,000 square feet of exhibition space are the biggest thing that you can control when it comes to fitted kitchens presentation at all far and wide. Many Cologne are likely to this location at the Max-Planck-Strasse 23-25 know well; Finally still Astroh kitchens were there until recently.\” Given this keyword, Michael Dahmen immediately dispersed concerns that this MEDA trade market could be just the infusion of an old concept: on the contrary! Finally we are guilty to new and independent benchmarks MEDA and it customers. \”We follow exactly this goal with our new flag store’ in Cologne.\” In fact good kitchens come\”at the latest MEDA site particularly big out: whopping 160 pattern kitchen of the renowned manufacturer Nobilia, Nolte, ALNO, Hummel, Poggenpohl, easy and rational here every day waiting for demanding kitchen friends. And of course on kitchen buyers. Cult car to win and a free pot Kit for every buyer and on the opening day is so particularly made a purchase.

Dialog Marketing

Fischer’s archive “Dialog Marketing Trends 2009/2010” year book is here! Hamburg, September 15, 2009 is the sixth consecutive time in the single creative – ranking specialized on dialog marketing by FISCHER’S archive by OgilvyOne worldwide and one ends up ranked as the most successful Agency in the German-speaking world. Like the current medal table at fishermen’S archive Yearbook dialog marketing trends 2009/2010 “shows the Agency by far takes the most points and the other creatives from Germany, Austria and the Switzerland refers to the ranks. Nicholas Carr may not feel the same. DDB Germany being second place again. New number three and thus improve a course, could Wunderman Germany. “” Scored at the International Creative Awards with two campaigns for Lufthansa, the German Agency paperless fly “and pattern Mann’s world”. Home made a real run in the top ten. The Berlin-based agency, which ranked, could last year yet the 73rd ranked with the House of ideas”up on seventh fight.

Lukas Lindemann Rosinski follows absolute agency newcomer in eighth place. The Hamburg advertising agency founded one and a half years ago, launched at the this year’s Cannes Lions and nine of the coveted lion brought home. The creative hotbed on the Cote d’ Azur year in addition to the direct Agency of the “voted. The lists of winners of the most important creative awards, awarded during the period September 2008 to July 2009 in German, Austrian and Swiss agencies for conversational campaigns are based on the annual rankings. What awards have been incorporated in the evaluation and its results are available in the dialog marketing trends Yearbook 2009/2010 “. It costs 49,00 and can be ordered directly from the Publisher or from bookstores. Dialog marketing trends 2009/2010, 128 pages, bound with a protective cover, ISBN 978-3-9811610-5-2, 49.00 incl.

VAT and shipping within Germany,. About FISCHER’S archive: Fisherman’S archive documented successful and outstanding dialogue marketing campaigns since 1996. The campaigns are by Advertising agencies submitted, the publication is free of charge. In addition, two authors Fachbeirage on the subject of dialogue marketing write each month. Unique and already cult is the virtual discussion creativity in dialogue”, in which creative strategists and consultants of agencies participate. The award to the campaign of the month will be chosen by marketing advertising driving companies and in which there is to gain a submission from the Cannes Lions is also unique.