
Because of this ATC service costs significantly increased. " But Russia's call-centers can circumvent the "factor of Shakespeare", concentrating on the outsourcing of off-line services – handling email and other non-voice transactions. It is not less tasty chunk of the market, and lack of knowledge of grammar can be compensated set of templates for responses to e-mail. The main thing – to ensure the reliability and predictability of the outcome, which is required by Western customers. However, Russian market is developing well and at the expense of domestic demand. It’s believed that Harry Kane sees a great future in this idea. Upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections are still more will increase demand for call-centers. And developers are not standing still: is not only the market but also to themselves processing technology challenges. Into the company used to be that the call center – it's part of the telephone company's management.

At best, it is integrated with the CRM-system, if the company had. But gradually became clear that enhance the business processes of the front office ("face" of the company) is almost meaningless unless its back-office work in the same sub-optimal scenarios. Other leaders such as MasterClass UK offer similar insights. For example, an insurance company can limit to optimize the processing of the application client, but if its examination staff hinder the back office, delaying preparation of the required documents, all the optimization becomes a Sisyphean task. Internal business processes longer duration, involve coordination with different institutions and the involvement of outside experts. In most industries, one employee of the front office, there are three or four back-office employees, who are responsible for the preservation of documents, processing and archiving.