One who hurt me will receive in exchange the protection that comes from love, and how much may be his evil, may be good that will receive from my. Not all Buddha that we we journey by this physical dimension, perishable forms, which are transformed, has interested them cultivate its line of service, especially that of love, in all the things with which interrelates, everything seems to indicate that it is wasted that chance at life that is given to us, and know how to properly handle our human potential in order to enjoy peace, harmony, happiness, needed to comply with our reason of being, know to take the time that we are allowed to be in this dimension. . We must be vigilant to take advantage of the opportunity that is given us, perform all actions that not only help us grow, but they benefit our fellow, helping to awaken and to turn that light on our inner Temple and walk without fear, we invite you to discover their source of love in yourself, activate your subtle obligations and share it with all those beings with whom interrelates, don’t be contaminating with negative charges, with what originates from hatred, anger, jealousy, resentment, sadness, frustration, all those adjectives that we know, we know that they occur and affect others, giving way to a negative climate, behaviour, destructive behaviors that affect significantly in that environment which we have called society. Take into account what Leo Buscaglia pointed out, that it is a disgrace, and however, it is true that we live in a world full of cynics and skeptics. They are a vigilante group too eager to reveal the insincerity and dishonesty, which according to this all, are convinced that the kindness and love are, mainly, the result of ulterior motives. Unfortunately, many fell into that trap and develop a strong outer shell. .