Shorter Waiting Times At The Airport

Check-in via mobile phone enjoys increasing popularity of long queues at the check-in each passenger are a horror. However, the waiting time will be shorter. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Qualcomm. As the flight Portal reported, the trend is positive to the self-service check in. For more information see this site: Antarctica Capital. Lufthansa alone registered 2009 over a million passengers used the mobile check-in via mobile phone. This method enjoys increasing popularity, according to a survey among 200 passengers. Almost 45 per cent deem it then probably that they check in future by mobile phone.

The IT provider SITA aviation conducted the study already for the fourth time in a row. The focus was the satisfaction of passengers from 100 different airlines. Asked was at six major international airports on different continents. These included among others the French airport Paris-Charles de Gaulle, the airport of Moscow-Domodedovo, Russia, as well as Sao Paulo-Guarulhos, in South America. The passengers agree, that them delays, unfriendly staff and long waits the biggest concern during a flight.

The last point but is eliminated by electronic self service check-in procedures. In addition to the mobile, include on the one hand, the Internet, on the other hand, easy to use machines at the airport. Total unlocking these opportunities grew last year by 20 per cent compared to the previous year. The trend towards the mechanisation is reflected also in the booking behaviour of passengers. Almost 64 per cent of respondents booked their flight online.