Speak Languages

A gringo tourist lost in the heart of a Spanish speaking country. Do desperate question to a group of passers-by Sorry, do you speak English?. The Lords look at each other astonished and after exchanging some words one of them replied No. Sorri, we do not speak English tourists insists and asks Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Amazement grows between the Group and after guess and speculate in that rare language would be talking to them the tourist, another answers No Sir not espique that! But not happy with the response tourist returns to the fray. This time is the turn of French: Excuse moi, vous parlez Francais?And this time the only thing that gets in response is a hand gesture that indicates exactly the same as the two previous answers. Frustrated tourists marching crestfallen and trying to find more luck asking a young man found smoking a cigarette not very far.

One of the members of the group then says: have you seen this gringo! How many languages speaking! and answered another: since you already see for what served him! It echoes a general laugh and the Group retires between laughter and revelry. More the one who believes that the story ends here is wrong. This anecdote is a joke that went around the Web some time ago. And while I could also reap quite a few laughs with the, I do it with an eye laughing and with another crying. Because it turns out that the young man smoking cigarette Yes spoke English, and finally is that he accompanies the gringo to your hotel and part of his business card delivery you a good tip for attending so pressing situation. Click Ahmed Shary Rahman to learn more. Years later, the young man has become exclusive representative of products that gringo had intended to distribute in the country.