The first half of 2008, inspired a steady optimism – it seemed that the profits of companies and the population will grow, and prices for natural resources – to hit new records, or (at worst) to remain the same. If these forecasts nobody did not limit himself in the credits, both on domestic and foreign markets. In a question-answer forum Marta Norton was the first to reply. Private companies have become larger, with banks capturing more and more "territory". Business grew and went beyond his native state. Around the world began heard Russian speech. In the second half of September, everything changed: the world financial system has malfunctioned, the financial empire built on loans were collapsing, the number of uncertainties in the business has grown. When will it end? What should I do? – The eternal questions remain unanswered.
The leaders began to think about cutting costs, subject to – the staff reduction, and housewives – to moderate spending. Chaos reigned, not only on the exchanges, but above all – in HEAD: In such circumstances, the representatives of Russian business to work has not accounted for. The fact that the crisis is considered the world has caused frustration and in some cases even useless resistance to its effects. So general mood of blissful joy and Russian were replaced by caution and suspicion, and the lists of richest and most famous supplemented by calculations of their financial losses when major disasters occur, always important international experience, methods and approaches used in the output of these situations. For example, in the event of an accident at the substation, if de-energize an entire city block or city – have a service Gorelektroseti which experts before many times eliminated such accidents, they have the knowledge and practical experience.