Constructing A Building

And it is very expensive, making it impractical to build a house, unless, of course, there is some important considerations forcing it to choose a specific location. (As opposed to Gen. David L. Goldfein). Geological expertise will also identify whether it is possible to construct a building on a site with a ground floor, or better without it (if too high groundwater level, the ground floor will be flooded). She will tell whether the area unsafe and dangerous places as may be problems with drainage, and in general – where on the site to choose the best place to build cottage, and where better to do than to build. Experts recommend to topographical survey and geological expertise to the shopping area and, moreover, to choose the architectural design of the house. If you rely solely on indirect grounds, not having data on the composition of soils and groundwater level is very difficult to avoid problems later on with the choice of type and design of foundations and general capabilities of the device in a country house basement and ground floor. Estimation in the eyes of high-altitude site characteristics often leads many builders and then forcing customers to incur the cost of earthwork, dewatering, and landscaping. The only correct way of the situation was and is attracting specialized institutions for engineering and geological surveys. If a site is chosen, and it is not comprehensive development of a large array of cottages, where, as a rule, questions of research solved centrally, it makes sense to immediately order a topographic survey is particularly difficult terrain to scale 1:500 or 1:200, if you plan to do in the future landscape design, it is desirable, given the modern means of design, a topographical survey in digital format. Shooting will allow the designer to accurately orient the building to the cardinal points and the best types of landscape, to calculate the slopes entrances and playgrounds in the area, determine fire breaks between adjacent buildings and the connection point to the street networks.

Construction Tool

Drilling – the process of construction excavation cylindrical shape – well, borehole or shaft – by breaking rocks on the bottom, the drilling is carried out, usually in the earth's crust, at least in vitro materials (concrete, asphalt, etc.). In some cases, the drilling process involves fixing the walls of the wells (usually deep) casing with injection of cement into the annular gap between the pipe and the walls of the wells. Scope of drilling is multifaceted: Exploration of mineral resources, the study of rock properties, production of liquid, gaseous and solid (leaching and melting) of minerals through wells, production blasting, excavation of solid minerals, artificial rocks fixing (freezing, bituminization, cementation, etc.), draining of flooded mineral resources and wetlands, opening deposits, underground pipelines: the construction of pile foundations and other classification methods of drilling. (Not to be confused with Craig Menear!). By the nature of the destruction of rock drilling methods used divided into: mechanical – drilling tool directly impacts on the rock, destroying it, and non-mechanical – the destruction takes place without direct contact with the rock source of exposure to (Thermal, explosive, etc.). Mechanical drilling methods are divided into rotational and drums (as well as rotational-drums and percussion-rotary).

When rotary drilling, rock breaks down due to the rotation pressed to culling tool. Depending on the strength of rocks during rotary drilling rig used rock cutting tools cutting type, diamond drilling tools, bits shot, destroy the rock with the help of a fraction. Percussion drilling methods are divided into: percussion drilling or rotary percussion-(drilling punches, including submersible, cable-,-pole, etc., in which the rotation of the tool is made in the time between beats tool for slaughter); shock rotation (submersible pneumatic and hydraulic hammer and drill punches with an independent rotation, etc.), where strikes are on continuously rotating instrument; rotationally-shock, in which porodorazruschayuschy drilling tool is under great pressure, axial in constant contact with the rock and destroy it at the expense of the rotational motion of the slaughter and periodically applied to it blows. Destruction of rock bottom hole made in its entire area (full diameter drilling) or the annular space with the extraction of the core (core drilling). Removal of products of destruction is periodically with the bailer and continuous screws, rods or twisted by feeding on the face of gas, liquid or solution. Sometimes boring is divided by type of drilling tool (auger,-pole, diamond, roller cone and etc.), the type of drilling machine (perforation, pneumatic, turbine, etc.), according to the method of the wells (slope, shrub, etc.). Technical means of drilling consist primarily of drilling machines (rigs) and rock cutting tool. Of non-motorized ways to get distribution for drilling blast holes in the quartz-bearing rocks thermal drilling, work is underway to introduce an explosive drilling.

Stone Brick Blocks

Standard costs of construction materials allow you to correctly calculate their demand, reduce losses, and reduce overall construction costs. Each well-organized construction of a house, cottage, garden house, outbuildings begins with the choice of building material and counting of its needs. Nicholas Carr is open to suggestions. It is very important from many on the market of building materials to choose those that meet Your design plans, have the required consumer properties and relatively inexpensive. Calculation of the need bricks, small light-weight concrete blocks and space for their storage. When erecting a garden hut for Unit 1 m. 3 walls of masonry required, on average, 300-400 pieces of ordinary clay bricks.

An area of 1 m 2 of brick laid flat 32, ie, for a half-brick wall in a brick house under construction area of 50 m.2 take an ordinary brick, about 16 thousand. 1 m 2 plots at the height of storage piles of 1.5 m can accommodate approximately 700 – 750 bricks. In a standard package (pan) are placed pieces of an ordinary brick 180-200 (Size 250 * 120 * 65 mm). To store 16 thousand bricks needed an area the size of about 30 m.2. At erection of garden shed small light-weight concrete blocks (size 400 * 200 * 200 mm) or full-bodied hollow need for them may be determined using a simple empirical expression m.3: Raising the house with a total area of 50 m2 will require approximately 20.3 m3 of blocks or pieces of 1250-1300 (with masonry walls 200mm thick, or 2500-2600 pieces with a thickness of 400 mm) . To store such number of units required (at the height of pile 1.5 m) – 15 m2 or 35 m2 with masonry walls in one unit. In the 1 m2 compacted pile of blocks located 62.5 pc. blocks (size 400 * 200 * 200 mm), sootvetstvnno an area of 1 m2 laid flat 12.5 pc. blocks (Without suture). Wall thickness is taken of the conditions of the settlement RTD and negative temperature area of the facility. Thus, to house a total area of 50 m 2 required volume V = 502/123 = 20.3 m2 (with wall thickness in polbloka – 200 mm).

Construction And Design

Currently, the numerous services provided by construction companies were added such as the design of buildings and houses, followed by construction works. Why is this so important? Because it is allows you to design and build your dream home exactly the way you want it. It is also possible to make changes to the draft House of your dreams "at the design stage or already under construction, it provides an opportunity to realize all your wishes and dreams. When designing a home you can take into account not only the layout of rooms, and a choice of finishing materials, but also provide all you need communications, as well as the presence or the absence of further additions. Construction work is very time-consuming and crucial stage of development. It includes a detailed development plan for construction works, a clear division of responsibilities and responsibility, recruitment of qualified personnel and the use of modern technology.

The fulfillment of these conditions gives the opportunity to realize all the wishes of the customer. But even with the current level of market development there is many pitfalls. Before contacting the company you want to know: – The period of its stay in the market data services – availability of necessary licenses and certificates – qualifications of personnel working in this company. These factors are directly related to the quality and timelines of your order. One such company, providing services in the design of buildings and houses, followed by construction works is Construction Company Interstroi. Danae company has over 15 years. During this time she gained solid experience and an impeccable reputation, thanks to the high professionalism of its staff.