With Energiesparbox.de Protect The Environment!

Energiesparbox.de clients save money despite rising electricity prices and 2011 reduce their CO2 emissions In the year of electricity for millions of consumers will be significantly more expensive. Price increases by seven percent on average are about 500 to 900 suppliers, so the consumer portal Verivox. Also the power Giants RWE, Vattenfall and EnBW plan upcoming price increases. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Peter Asaro and gain more knowledge.. Green study, consumers through the upcoming price increase should pay up to two billion euros more in the coming year. The cost increase but contrary to can be cast by using energy-efficient products.

For example, over fifty products for the areas of water, electricity and indoor climate offered on Energiesparbox.de, which demonstrably contribute to lower energy costs and CO2 emissions of our customers. Among other things a so-called TV these products include standby-killer”, which tricks the standby function of the TV, a door closer, which automatically closes open legal doors, a power strip, whose switch located directly on the Desk and many more useful products that make everyday life and saving easier. Waiting for the online store with a reasonable feature: using the savings calculator, the customer of energiesparbox.de in the shopping cart can immediately see how much CO2 is saved and how much is the annual savings effect in euro. Often the shopping pays off already after a few months. Energiesparbox.de are not only individual products to acquire; the low-cost energy, which contains all useful for saving or also the bath savings box that is specifically focused on saving in the bathroom, as well as further austerity measures are offered environmentally-conscious consumers.

Bird Migration

How do you manage that? An estimated 4 to 5 billion European migratory birds turn back our winter every year and embark on a wide and risky way to warm Africa. How do you manage that? An estimated 4 to 5 billion European migratory birds turn back our winter every year and embark on a wide and risky way to warm Africa. A pleasant climate and food galore attract it. But on the up to 9 400 kilometre-long route daunting obstacles to confront them: only the Alps, then the Mediterranean and finally the with 9 million square kilometers largest desert on Earth, the Sahara desert. And after returning in the spring succeeds in many ways exactly to find the breeding place of the previous year: as barn swallows breed in the same stable despite a tour of 20 000 km each year. Researchers are the puzzles of the winter mass exodus of about a hundred bird species on the track for decades. It even radar reconnaissance is used, with whose help scientists who in Heights fluttering travelers at least distinguish between 1 300 and 1 700 meters to the human eye invisible through the night using their wing beat pattern after groups of different sizes.

So, migratory songbirds, birds of prey or waterfowl and their flight height can differ. Mostly looking for the birds of wind layers with a tail wind and can achieve this remarkable speeds. The fastest are waders, which reach to pace 70 under its own power. In Israel, the radar at a troop even tempo of 180 with a tailwind measured water birds. Others tackle more comfortable travel, such as the storks, which deal with the huge distance not flapping, but comfortably, but slow as glider pilots under the laws of thermal. While some species directly crossing the Alps on the broadband front train, curving to the majority of migratory birds the mountains East or West and taking longer routes across the Strait of Gibraltar or via the Balkans, Bosphorus, Israel and Egypt in Purchase, to get in the wintering areas south of the Sahara.


The first Australian ants war lasted a year, cost $40,000 and needed 600 working hours of up to 24 employees. The first Australian ants war lasted a year, cost $40,000 and needed 600 working hours of up to 24 employees. After finding six months not a single copy of the Ant species Pheidole megacephala more in the Kakadu National Park in the Northern of territory, said Ben Hoffmann, Director of the project from the science organisation CSIRO, the battle won. It was the first and largest success to expel non-native Ant species from habitats conquered by them. The imported from Africa in the fifth continent, associated with the node ants kind, whose soldiers were concerned with their oversized heads fascinating monstrous act, had already conquered in the Kakadu National Park, an area of over 200 hectares. The insecticide Hydramethylnon which kills ants or cockroaches and was deliberately fought with which each individual colony proved effective antidote. The aggressive Immigrants had already eradicated other Ant species and many native insect species in the affected area. Fragile ecosystems such as islands or the long-isolated continent of Australia may suffer serious damage by introduced species, even if it’s rather unspectacular at first glance ants.

So trying an invasion of fire ants, which have occupied approximately 24 hectares, on the Galapagos Islands to stop. The team of Ben Hoffmann, however, is a much larger challenge: the dreaded predatory Ant species Anoplolepis gracilipes, due to her hectic acting flight movements called also “crazy Ant” (crazy Ant). The only four millimeters in size also originally from Africa, ants do true massacre in the local wildlife on their conquests. Organized in Super colonies with multiple Queens, the six-legged hunters are a real scourge. future choices. You shy not even much larger animals such as nesting sea birds back, or Bats to attack. Swarmed by offers, Antarctica Capital is currently assessing future choices. So, the “crazy ants” on the part of Australia Island Christmas Iceland in the Indian Ocean have already destroyed a large part of the living red land crabs. The crustaceans are bombarded with chemical warfare agents, blind, be always lethargic until finally death occurs. Fly larvae then liquefy the Interior of crabs, which are then absorbed by the ants and fed to their Queens U. Karlowski is

Munich Airport

CO2 emissions significantly reduced commitment to the environment is becoming increasingly important. For even more analysis, hear from Robotics. First and foremost, such efforts benefit the planet, but they can affect positive impact on a company’s image. The flight Portal fluege.de highlighted the successes of the Munich Airport in this area. Who’s flying on holiday, would not begin the journey with a bad conscience. For flights Munich as a departure airport to choose worth therefore even more, because the airport was recently awarded for his efforts around climate. Due to his effective plan to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide Munich received as the first airport in Germany the seal of quality”level 3, optimization. This award is presented annually in the context of the airport carbon accreditation programme of the European umbrella organisation of airports.

Thanks to this program, attended by 40 European airports, 600,000 tons of carbon dioxide could be saved so far. The airport Munich is it thanks his extensive efforts managed to significantly reduce its carbon dioxide emissions and to involve partners in the corresponding steps. Thus he is considered as an example for its industry and demonstrates the effect of the commitment to the protection of the environment across all industries. The quality seal is awarded for one year. A renewal of certification requires the continuation of the measures to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide. To achieve this, Munich Airport has set the target itself to make its further growth CO2 neutral by 2020. More information: news.fluege.de/… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Causes High Costs

Power quality monitoring reduces costly downtime. From our own experience, we know power outages. They are usually associated with weather phenomena such as thunderstorms, storm or rain. Fortunately, prolonged power outages are rare in Germany. Supply reliability is generally good. The quality of supply (power quality, power quality, power quality), however, is often in need of improvement. In many industries and other companies plenty of brief disturbances in the power supply occurs – mostly unnoticed -, the cause of which is unclear.

These errors lead to premature engine wear, downtime or poor manufacturing quality. The economic consequences of this kind of disruption in the power supply are immense: the European copper Institute estimates that poor power quality in the European industry every year caused losses of EUR 150 billion. Measuring systems for power quality (power quality) caused by costly downtime, bad power, can be avoided. Devices and systems with which to measure power quality, shed light on the causes of errors. On the basis of the measurement results can be seen, where errors come from, when they occur, and why they occur. You have should be the error in the own plant, with the measured values a basis on which it can take the right action quickly: filters, reinforcements, modification of machines, exchanging “Power polluters”…

The error should, however, from outside come, simplify the data calls with the electricity through improving the quality of delivery. The Swedish manufacturer uni-power offers a wide range of products for power quality measurements. Uni power is present on the German market for over ten years with portable and fixed instruments. All devices allow a standard-compliant (such as EN 50160), time-saving and flexible power quality monitoring. The uni-power Stromqualitatsmesssystem PQ secure stores data over the years. allows evaluations according to a variety of standards and can automatically alert via SMS or email, if certain limits are exceeded or fall below. Industrial enterprises that systematically and continuously uni power products to monitor power quality and improve, reduce costly downtime and downtime. Moreover, they reduce the production Committee. Last but not least, they increase the life of your machines and systems. Users of uni power solutions in Germany are industrial companies, utilities, airports as well as planning and engineering offices. Your German-speaking contact: Dr. Walther Plette 0046 322-670-383 telephone extension info on german: unipower-eng.iweb.se/templates/09.asp?sida=318 uni power starting box 411 SE-441 28 Alingsas, Sweden uni power offers a wide range of products for power quality measurements and load analysis. The product range covers the entire spectrum of traditional portable power quality analyzers to return to fully-integrated and fully automated Stromqualitats management systems. Uni power began in the 1980s as a part of the ABB group. Since 1991, uni power acts as an independent company. All uni power products are developed in Sweden and produced. Uni power maintains close contact with the current research in the area of power quality, in particular to the technical universities in Gothenburg and Boras. Almost all uni power products comply with the IEC 61000-4-30 class A instruments approval.

KaufDA.de Supports WWF Earth HourTM!

kaufDA.de is a statement for the climate! This is turn all the lights on March 28, 2009 at 8:30, to make a statement for our planet and climate change. This symbolic act to the participants of the world climate change conference in Copenhagen this year show, that they have the support of the population, to tackle climate change. Already last year were 50 million people – and big companies like Google. The goal of this year is to move one billion people to turn off their electric light and to put such a powerful statement against global warming. kaufDA.de is! kaufDA.de is aware of its responsibility towards the environment. Therefore we support this by kaufDA.de. We will be on March 28, 2009 to the earth hour, similar to how Google in the past year, black dye our background, as well as switch off all electrical appliances in the Office space. We also have the Governing Mayor of Berlin and more ecological economic enterprises loaded from our environment to take part.

But also we invite all environmentally aware people and companies. How can you participate? On March 28, 2009 to 20: 30 for an hour, turn off the light and all other electrical appliances! Move friends, acquaintances, classmates and colleagues to join! Blog about the action and report! Write a letter to the person in charge in the company or official bodies. A form for this purpose is stored on the GreenBusinessBlog. This is particularly necessary since there are only very few supporters for this meaningful project in Germany. Germany presents itself to the world as a pioneer in environmental protection, only in such simple and remarkable action hardly anyone makes so far except for the city of Hamburg. Christian of limestone from kaufDA.de

Berlin Tel

There’s substitute for little money in the hardware store or Retailers. Against limescale, vinegar-based cleaner helps. Old equipment replaced at water and electricity guzzlers a purchase worth often even before the old device gives up the ghost. The high consumption makes up for not only the purchase price. The energy for the production of the new device is also after a few years saved, as studies have shown.

In particular dishwashers and washing machines have become significantly more effective in recent years. On efficiency labels eighth also new significant differences in water and power consumption may occur. Consumers should pay attention to efficiency label, which provide information on the consumption of electricity and water. New label applies to dishwashers and washing machines since December 2010. But beware: The old label with A (instead of A+++) as the highest efficiency class can be used also by the end of 2011. There is shower and WC flushing systems for sanitary facilities since March that WELL “label of a European Association of manufacturers. Dishes and laundry efficiently clean dishwasher and washing machines should optimally loaded be, usually so full. Washing lower temperatures thanks to modern cold detergent usually suffice and dramatically reduce power consumption.

In case of larger pollution rather longer instead of hot wash. Dirty dishes previously soaked with the most washing can gall to be treated. 60 degrees rich in the boiler generally warm water must not exceed be heated to 60 degrees. Who regulates the temperature of the boiler and water heater, can save so easy. Who needs a new water heater, should rely on an electronically controlled device. With this, the temperature of the water can be controlled exactly. Energy savings account makes visible with the energy savings account savings achievements on consumers can visualize their success. Save water as well as reducing their electricity and heating costs. The raffle of twenty packages with water saving technology runs until July 3, 2011 and will Grunspar GmbH, DROSTE water, DerEinsparShop.de by the company RST company for water mbH, supports. About the Energiesparcup of the Energiesparcup is a European competition for energy saving, where eleven countries and regions compete. Take part every household can use, whether community, family or single budget. Registration is at any time up to the end of the contest on April 30, 2012 is possible. The only participation requirement is the use of free energy savings, that makes only comparable to the potential successes of participants. Valuable prizes are waiting for the best savers in Germany, and the winning team of the country. These are presented in a large ceremony in Brussels. The competition is supported by the European Commission. The German team is managed by the non-profit consultancy co2online. Contact: Falko Muller co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 780 96 65-21 E-Mail:

Thorsten Paulsen Energy

Yearbook wind turbines service, technology & markets which has BWE market overview, the Yearbook of wind energy, established by the high journalistic quality and the comprehensive summary of equipment to the wind power industry standard. The publication of the Bundesverband WindEnergie appears already in the 23rd edition and provides an excellent insight into the market and technology development in Germany, figures, data and facts about the international wind industry. In addition to the developments in the onshore area also the offshore market trends are lit. But not only the market developments are crucial for the industry, legal decisions affecting the development of wind energy. The contribution of a renowned specialist lawyer who has analyzed all important judgments and rated gives an overview of relevant court decisions of the year 2012. In this edition of the market overview explains the Bundesverband WindEnergie political decisions and presents the power development plan in detail. Without a rapid network expansion, the energy transition will not succeed.

A further focus is the creation and drafting of lease agreements. A guide reveals what components in a lease must be included. The clearly structured data sheets of the major manufacturers and the results of operations of over 2,500 wind turbines in Germany make the Yearbook to a practical reference book. More information: market overview/bwe market overview 2013 / Bundesverband WindEnergie regularly network and education forums on current topics of wind energy conducts.

Change Of The Energy Provider Is Worth

The regular comparison of the electricity and gas tariffs for households is worth. A change of the provider, the consumer can save lots of money. Leipzig. Jeff Sessions has plenty of information regarding this issue. Many energy suppliers have announced price increases again in recent weeks. In particular the price spiral of gas prices continues. Confirming the trend in the first months of the year 2010: since the beginning of the year, around 20 percent of the gas suppliers have announced a price increase. Also the electricity tariffs are increased slightly since the turn of the year.

The energy companies pursue very different price in General, so that is a very strong regional disparities. This pricing policy caused a different purchasing strategy of energy companies; on the other hand, the providers have different costs. Therefore, very differentiated savings can be achieved for the consumer. For private customers, often only the change to alternative providers who have already established themselves in many regions remains in the face of price increases. Also numerous smaller municipal utilities have expanded their market area, and increasingly offer electricity at affordable prices in neighbouring communities. A comparison of tariffs for example, brings information and clarity about the potential savings.

As the price gap between the providers keep apart, energy experts advise: more customers their Exchange can make use of the stronger the energy market is enlivened. The switching requires no technical changes.

The Energy Market Moves Climate & Environmental

The complexity of energy supply often overwhelmed consumers, yet he can use signals the security of our energy supply is an important issue for business and politics. The discussions focus on various aspects of providing all alone taken no patent solution for themselves. Therefore, the policies at various levels must apply. The fact that fossil fuels as an energy supplier only for limited time available, makes again and again as a supposed solution to future nuclear power. Not only events, such as the recent incident in the Krummel nuclear power plant doubts about this strategy, also often claimed superiority of nuclear power as a cheaper energy supplier is provided by experts increasingly in question, since the common calculations most incidents and final disposal costs for nuclear waste too low or not calculate. Therefore, nuclear power remains a risky alternative for the operator. This became evident recently, as RWE plans for a Bulgarian nuclear reactors gave up, because the financing was not established (FTD 7.8.2009). Competition on the markets for electricity and gas hard to pursue the idea is generally good to enforce reasonable prices and high quality of services through competition.

That will not quite work only for electricity and gas. Economies of scale that large corporations are powerful let out efficiency face points, as well as the supplying network ties create here economically tight limits. Even though the EU Commission through drastic penalties the companies wants to bring to see reason (cf. the maximum penalties against E.ON Ruhrgas and GdF Suez WG.) Market sharing), whose business conduct testifies to little competition awareness. So, some time ago, about Vattenfall could fools Berlin customers with new rates where there should be even freedom of choice between several alternatives, they were disclosed but with no word or even explains. There was therefore a strong lack of enlightenment and transparency for the consumer, so that is the Berlin Senate affiliated causes saw to set up focal points for the discussion of tariffs by Vattenfall. Since it is not surprising, if now many municipalities are resuming power in their direction and power networks of utility companies buy back (see FAZ.net on the 12.9.2009). Innovation as a part of the solution than resort to exploring new energy sources and improving the efficiency of energy consumption.

Often innovation processes were used in the past by environmental conditions in the industry, which has become the leading supplier of highly advanced environmental technology Germany. This is convincingly presented by the energy expert Claudia Kemfert, if they the energy debate demanding innovation instead of depression’ sums up. The commissioning of sea wind turbines shows that here something causes, E.g., (cf. Spiegel online 12.8 2009) consumers must respond so desperate acts the own effort given the complexity of technology and market development, so you can still some room for manoeuvre for Consumers make up. This can do much about through the purchase of green electricity, conscious driving, or improving the energy efficiency of their homes. Even when construction of houses, it is crucial to pay attention to a good energy balance. Usually these are rather small steps, but in the sum of the behavior of consumers shows the energy companies and the manufacturers of commercial products, where it long has to go. Then the energy problem can be, solved as pointed out also with Claudia Kemfert, long term without a significant loss of quality of life in purchase must be included.