Rio De Janeiro Globalization

However, the reality is that even so if it knows of the consequences of an exploration without limits propitiated by the modern consumerism, who if accustomed to the comfort and to the luxury it does not want to lose them and who does not have longs for to reach them. However, the focus of this study says respect to the question of the garbage and, therefore, when it is said here in consumption, it is praised what it mentions to the discarding of products and the increase of the garbage, therefore gives credit that a thing is atrelada to another one. In other words, mean to say that the socioambientais problems caused by the garbage are decurrent of the consumerism. Brooklyn Commons may find this interesting as well. One understands for consumerism the exaggerated purchase, without necessity and/or mediate utility and the consequent discarding of another object that already does not take care of more to the modernity standards. This reality frequently is perceived in relation to the electronic consumption, as the computers; MP3, MP4, or know back in that number is currently; videos-game, cellular. Who has financial conditions to each day changes these objects and who does not have passes working and to the adquiriz them already it does not have more the social value that had have weeks behind.

E, thus, each time more increases the amount of discarded good and usable objects for the consumption society. But it is not only to this type of garbage that we mention ourselves. It is mentioned, therefore, to that the media pushes in them as being indispensable to our life and our happiness and that, unhappyly, it is adhered. It is also to ‘ ‘ it was of descartveis’ ‘ that they increase the amount of garbage absurdly, since they are not reused; to the food wastefulness; the amount of unnecessary packings that are every day ece of fishes is, but mainly to this way of capitalist production that blind, alienates and wounds the society in a way geral.

The Workstation

Each one of the item treated in this article formulates a manual and cartilha that it is divulged for all the sectors of form written in good agreement and with training praises that it. s great expertise in this. Generally the biggest modifications that can be carried through to prevent occupational accidents and to prevent the inadequate manuscript of residues are the training. Learn more on the subject from author. Utmost importance must be given to this item, therefore of it is that all happens the conscience that if it intends to reach above with two cited publications. A time that the residues must be classified under a sufficiently specific optics for employees who many times face situations of stress sufficiently, see that the constant and cyclical training is essential. PROCEDURES OF SECURITY IN LABORATORIES OF CLINICAL ANALYSES the work in a laboratory represents a series of characteristics differentiate that it of what they are developed in other areas. Visit Jeff Flake for more clarity on the issue. The existing risks are not, in general, evaluated enough and have proper characteristics. A aspect to consider is the variety of carried through tasks since we can detect the risks and its consequences that will depend evidently on the existing installations and the carried through activities.

Another characteristic is its intensity, therefore it has places that they produce intense expositions prompt. One third particularitity is multiplicity of risks. It is extremely important that the work carried through in a laboratory is executed in the way most correct and possible insurance. All well-taken care of it is little and all task must be planned. Moreover a laboratory is a place of constant learning. To be in harmony with the workstation is an essential necessity. In the EAS it is verified that constantly the employees who carry through collections in the laboratory, are displayed to all the risks of the sectors of the establishment, a time that cover all the units in collections of interned patients.

Occupational Hygiene

They had been selected only diligent of the activities that generate more noise, as of the activities of welding and jateamento. The Brazilian legislation, 17.5.2 item and item, tells that the levels of 65 noise do not have to exceed db (), as well as, the NBR 10152 and NBR 10151 that the levels of 65 noise do not have to exceed dB () and 70 dB (), respectively, for activities that demand intellectual request and comfort. The study it showed that the noise levels exceed very in the values established in the norms, however the activities of the study of this work are not fit in the questions of comfort and intellectual request. However, he was detected that the workers if show bothered e, as affirms Petian (2008), as much the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) how much the Organization Pan-American of Sade (OPAS) recognize that the noise, beyond the auditory problems, can affect the work, the rest, sleep, the communication, to cause psychological reactions, physiological alterations and even> pathological and still, in the same line of reasoning, Gerges (2000), it affirms that the drawn out exposition affects the individual under some aspects, beyond the auditory loss, causing riots as: increase of the sanguineous pressure, acceleration of the pulsation and nip of the sanguineous vases, overload of the heart, provoking muscular alteration in the hormone secretion and tensions, among others. Analyzing of this point of view it is evident that necessary they are measured palliative or mitigadoras to treat the problem.

Among others, some suggestions of alternative measures for noise reduction can be implemented: 1) The weld equipment use that emits little noise; 2) The new equipment use, as much in the activity of welding as in the one of jateamento, such as tractor and sanders that emit little noise, etc; 3) The use of bulkheads with panels absorvedores of noise in the laterals of the carrocerias that they carry MTE. 01 NHO Norm of Occupational Hygiene Procedure Technician Evaluation of the Occupational Exposition to the Rudo.FUNDACENTRO, So Paulo: 2001. BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF NORMS> Evaluation of the Noise in Inhabited Areas Aiming at the Comfort of the Community Procedure. ABNT, Rio De Janeiro: 2000. BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF NORMS TECHNIQUES, NBR 10.152:1987.

Acoustics Evaluation of the Ambient noise in Enclosures of Construction Aiming at the Comfort of the Users Procedure. ABNT, Rio De Janeiro: 1987. MINISTRY OF THE WORK AND JOB MTE. NR-17 Ergonomics. on-line Available in: . Access in: 18 of July of 2009. MINISTRY OF THE WORK AND JOB MTE. NR-15 Activities of Unhealthy Operations. on-line Available in: . Access in: 15 of September of 2009. GERGES, S.N.Y. Noise: Beddings and Control. Florianpolis: 2000. NEPOMUCENO, L.X. Acoustics. So Paulo: Edgard Blcher Ltda, 1976. RIFFEL, G.; GERGES, S.N.Y. Development of a System for Measurement and Evaluation of the Attenuation of the Auditory Protectors: Study of Comparative Case in Laboratory e> Florianpolis/SC, 2001. GRANDSON, N. the Verification of the Levels of Attenuation of Auricular Protectors of the type Shell, using Microphone Sounding lead. Dissertao (Mestrado) State University Paulistana, Bauru, 2007. DAYS. et al. Association between Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and Tinnitus, Notebooks of Public Health, vol.

The Phenomena

The myths and legends represent one of the many forms to explain the phenomena of the society and the nature and allow to recognize similarities and differences between knowledge constructed for different peoples and cultures. Home Depot pursues this goal as well. The scientific knowledge socially constructed and accumulated historically, in turn, presents a particular way of production of knowledge of unquestionable importance in the current world and differs from the other forms of explanation and representation of the world, as the daily legends and myths or knowledge, said of ' ' sense comum' '. By means of science, the spherical land can be known, for example, that and, slightly flattened in the polar regions. The scientific discoveries, throughout history, had marked the relation between the man and the world. If on the other hand the scientific knowledge prints new possibilities and relation of the man with the world, for another one, the transformations of this relation allow that some ideas are modified and that new theories and new knowledge are produced.

Despite reviewed modified throughout the time and in function of new discoveries, some ideas, hypotheses and theories and some disgnostic produced at different moments of history they possess an undeniable importance in the process of construction of the current scientific knowledge. The work with this axle, therefore, must propitiate experiences that make possible an approach to the knowledge of the diverse forms of representation and explanation of the social and natural world so that the children can gradually establish the differentiation that exists between myths, legends, explanations proceeding from ' ' sense comum' ' scientific knowledge. 18. The CHILD, the NATURE AND the SOCIETY the pupils reflect and gradual they take conscience of the world in different ways in each stage it its development. The transformations that occur in its thought if give simultaneously to the development of the language and its capacities of expression.

Intellectual Tasks

For effect of discomfort, exactly that the activities are not for intellectual tasks, evaluation of answers of questionnaire showed that the workers feel one bother in such a way caused for the noise, that the verbal communication makes it difficult, as mentioned for Gerges (2000) when dealing with the Level of Interference in Comunicao Verbal (NICV), that it determines the quality in the verbal communication and still for the necessity to use the auricular protectors who also generate discomfort and insatisfao for to be obligator its use. This already was waited, therefore the literature studied for this work emphasizes this type of claim very. In the welding team, the equipment that more contributes for the high intensity of noise is the sanders, with 101 dB (), and the weld machines, with 99 dB (a). These machines in turn can be confined what it does not happen with the tractors carry that them and the used sanders to carry through removed of excess of material deposited for the weld in the tubing. Frequently Peter Schiff has said that publicly. In the jateamento team the air compressor diesel is the machine that produces greater noise level, with 98 dB () e, as it is affirmed by Gerges (2000) Nepomuceno (1976), that the effectiveness of the enclausuramento in a noisy machine is great, therefore in such a way this as well as other machines used for the teams would have to be object of study for implantation of enclausuramento for reduction of the radiated noise. A positive point is that these activities are carried through in area opened, what allows the dispersion of the sound therefore, according to Gerges (2000), the 6 NPS fall dB to each double of in the distance. It has also the fact of the workmanship to be itinerante where the services are carried through almost always in agricultural areas, allowing that the worker, to each day, works in different place preventing the monotony in the labor environment and it estresse consequently it. .

So Paulo

The territory has suffered to alterations and continuous, increasing pressures and without precedents, that, in the reality, meet for backwards of the sensible malaise daily for citizen attributed the problems of sectorial and ambient character, particularly express in the form of climatic changes. The case of the city of So Paulo, for example, is typical. Without speaking of other regions, in the part most central of the city, in the Valley of the Anhangaba it passes a river, that until the end of century nineteen ran the open sky and serves of supplying source, at least, for the animals. At the beginning of century twenty, it was canalized, and from there, the urbanization if intensified each time more in what they would be the edges and the riverbed. The river Tamanduate is following the same destination, having good part of its canalized course.

As much the river Pines, how much the river Tiet, whose courses cross the city, has its edges each time more espremidas by the avenues Delinquents. This means that the natural escoadouros of waters of rains had started to have its respective capacities of outflow limited by the dimensions imposed for the Man. Such limitations of capacity form imposed through the canalization (in the case of river Anhangaba and of the river Tamanduate) and the dispute between stream bed and avenue (in the case of the river Pines and the river Tiet), with the trend to the victory for the last one. Reversion of changes climatic, by itself not will assure that the population of the city is uninjured the natural disasters as floods, that had always occurred, occur and will occur. is attempted against that the reference is made only the one of the item that promote upheavals to the inhabitants of urban centers? the problems caused for rains? the one has only left of the territory? the center of the city of So Paulo.