Land Transactions

Documents confirming the rights to land plots vary depending on the time of the acquisition of land. If they are purchased before January 31, 1998, the rights to land plots certify the following documents: – Certificate of right to land shares, and in its absence – an excerpt from the decisions of local government – state documents: the right to property; inheritable possession for life, unlimited (permanent) use land – proof of ownership of land – contract on alienation of land, a court, a certificate of inheritance. All these documents are legally valid, and change them with new ones not necessary. Re-register the land rights needed only for the performance with any transactions. For more specific information, check out Peter Schiff. If the land acquired after that date, you have to go through the procedure of state registration. When all Documents on the ownership of land are ready, please contact the company for geodetic surveying land.

After determining the boundaries necessary territorrii, surveyors are surveying business. It must be transfer to the Land Committee, and then in cadastral chamber for the entry of land in the Uniform State Land Cadastre and assigning inventory numbers. As a result of inventory on hand will be the site plan (Extract from the cadastre) in triplicate. By the way, the sale of land transactions can commit in writing (sale, donation), or certify the notary. For their conduct your own land have to be put on the cadastre. After receiving all these documents for the transaction for the disposal of land rights is necessary to collect the paper: – a certificate from tax inspection the absence of arrears of land tax – an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights of the absence of restrictions and encumbrances (for notarization of the transaction). After signing the contract package documents for land rent to be registered FRS.

Save Money

You are planning to move to a more spacious apartment? To get a new car? Buy home theater? Even if you do not have enough money for a lump sum payment for your purchase, you can take the credit. For past few years in this area have been great changes. You may find that Peter Asaro can contribute to your knowledge. Now get credit, you can quickly and conveniently. But, nevertheless, the natural desire of any person is the desire to save money. Indeed, why pay superfluous? A careful study of the conditions of the loan – a pledge that you will be able to choose the best set of proposals which are now full of credit markets. By itself, the payment of interest can be a difficult burden for your budget. But there may be other costs.

First, almost every loan requires insurance. The Bank is trying to at least partially protect themselves against the possibility of losing your money if you or purchased on credit assets in an accident. Insurance costs may eventually develop into vbolshuyu amount. Second, banks often use hidden commissions. What is it? You are invited to a tempting low percentage, but you'll have to pay, for example, opening an account. And payment by hidden commissions can be quite significant amounts, so that all your attempts to save a low percentage is not crowned success.

Save on the interest rate will help you as much information about income, you may submit to the bank. Here, the dependence is very prosta.Predostavili income statement in the free form – get credit for sure, but percentage will also be high. Provided help in form of the Bank, showing all income – no problem get credit, and yes even the interest will be lower. Also pay attention to how you will pay interest. Annuity payment assumes that the loan amount plus interest divided by the number of months and you pay the loan in equal installments. Differentiated payment assumes that interest rates are on the remaining amount loan, so payments are gradually reduced. It is important to know the rules of early repayment of loans, because here too there are options. In one case, even for early repayment you will have to pay all of the light percent for the entire period. In another case, the bank allowed to repay the loan immediately and does not charge interest for the remaining term of the loan. Taking a car loan, keep in mind: You will have to pay for insurance for your new vehicle funds. In addition, many banks must make out accident insurance. Cash loans are less commonly associated with the various hidden fees. Serious problem here may be fees use of the account. Often, especially when banks offer credit cards, this issue was not paying attention. And then suddenly one learns that owes the bank some serious money. Also, consumer credit usually involves accident insurance. Credit for Property in virtue of its duration is associated with a variety of hidden fees and many insurances. Here you will have to pay for life insurance accident, insurance against loss of property rights and so on mortgage payment differential is much more profitable than the annuity.

Fundamentals Of Futures Markets

Futures markets can be characterized as a continuous auction, in which, in the process of competitive bidding, the process of pricing the assets of various commodities and financial instruments – agricultural products, metals, oil and petroleum products, foreign currencies, bonds, stock indexes, etc. Trafficking occurs in futures contracts and options on futures contracts. Contemporary futures markets are characterized by rapid growth, diversification and constant innovation. Extensions and changes of futures contracts, improvements in the institutional and regulatory structure of the industry, as well as the use of latest technology make futures markets more attractive for investors and cause a very rapid development of this economic sector. With many billion annual volume of futures trading, the number of transactions increased by 30% in 2003 year. The total dollar turnover of futures contracts traded to date in the U.S., several times the dollar turnover of shares on all stock exchanges in the United States. High liquidity reliability and ease of trade, greater leverage, diversification and the opportunity to create a huge amount of investment systems and strategies are the distinguishing characteristics of futures markets and possible reasons for their popularity. Futures contracts are standardized and traded on stock exchanges in a centralized manner and under strict regulatory oversight. The organizational system of futures markets in which clearing organizations act as a comparison of each purchase and sale, on the principle of "buyer to every seller and seller to every buyer, increases liquidity and provides a mechanism to ensure payment of all profits and collect all the damages on a daily basis.

Rental Apartments Without Intermediaries

How to rent an apartment in Moscow is An issue that worries many visitors and guests. The very first task faced by people trying to rent a suitable accommodation, due to the fact where, in fact, go to: go the agency to hire a private professional or view ads in the newspaper or online. Before deciding this, ask yourself the question, and, most importantly, answer it as honestly: “Why do people go to the agency?” Then, to rid themselves of the need to pick the most housing. But that is exactly what is your goal! So why trust such an important matter to others, and even pay for it? In addition, you will be offered only to choose what to take surely, you also become a hostage to the professionalism or lack of such an employee of the particular firm. Mike Madden: the source for more info. It is much better and more reliable – it is rent by owner. In Moscow, to solve this problem, and not at all difficult. Fortunately, offerings on the market weight! It should abide by some rules and recommendations of specialists, as well as rental apartments in Moscow, as in any other city, is associated with some risk.

If you see that the apartment littered with rubbish and not very different usable for small objects, the landlord, for sure, I decided to use it as a warehouse for “unnecessary”, but also to make, passing an apartment for rent. Do not allow this to his attitude and clearly let them know that the furnishings – it’s not broken through the old sofa, and a completely different concept. But an apartment with bare walls is not worth renting. Moreover, the presence of cheap wallpaper on the walls – this is not repaired, Keep this in mind. Although there is valid is another option. If you are a jack of all trades, but no money, then we can agree to carry out repairs in the rent.

This is also practiced. Apartments for rent by owner in Moscow – is, above all, building relationships with the owner of real estate. But do not let the landlord to control your every move. If he is visited by you for almost every day, constantly ringing and voices his suspicions What about your integrity, you better change the place of residence. To rent an apartment in Moscow, many seek. But not all are suitable for this issue seriously and with due regard to the tenant. For many – it is not business, but simply a chance earn slightly. Try to deal only with those who are truly interested in your favorable opinion of his work. Only in this case you will be guaranteed a decent service and security at the conclusion of lease without intermediaries.

Moscow National Bank

The bread remained staple of Russian exports. From its implementation depended on the state of economic conditions. With the successful implementation of the grain in Europe is declining deficit free loan capital, enlivened by turnover and credit. In this regard, the State Bank turns its attention to the creation of the state system of elevators. This system would help to minimize grain loss during transportation, which in Russia have been particularly palpable.

In the framework of state regulation of grain Campaign State Bank since 1910 began to build a network of silos and grain elevators. The State Bank has also contributed to the creation of the country's system of institutions small loan lending co-operatives, farmers and artisans. With his financial support and assistance throughout the country were established credit unions. Since 1904 the establishment of small loans have been placed under full control State Bank. Specially created Office of the small loan has been providing them with financial, consulting, audit and other assistance. Cooperatives received loans through a savings and loan and credit unions, and through lending to the State Bank was created in 1912, Moscow National Bank. The name of SY Witte connected another bright page in the history of the State Bank? monetary reform of 1895? 1897's. From memory of Sergei Yul'evich, it has been done with the personal approval of the Emperor Nicholas II, in spite of the negative opinion of the majority of senators. SY Witte recalled that the reform was fast and naturally without too much upheavals in society.

Apartments In Hurghada

International public company Sea View Realty offers you to buy an apartment in Hurghada. Apartments in Hurghada are inexpensive and accessible way to purchase a house in the developed and popular resort, where all conditions for a perfect holiday. In Hurghada, the Red Sea coast, an apartment can be bought in several times cheaper than "hruschobu" in Moscow or the Moscow region. Analysis of house prices shows that the apartment in Hurghada, acceptable for a foreigner costs about the same as in the district town of Belgorod and Kursk region. The proposals set of companies published in the internet, shows the different prices – from 9 thousand dollars and above.

Necessary know that for 9-10 thousand could buy a one bedroom apartment in an urban housing stock far from the sea, such as: Mubarak Mubarak-2 and 5, ie in areas where the majority of Egyptians live, and mixed families. Currently, most information placed on the websites of companies that sell real estate, outdated, and some companies no longer exist. The most often bought by foreigners apartment in such areas of Hurghada, as Hadaba, Sakkala, Dahar. Apartments in Hurghada very actively offered on both the primary and the secondary market. It is sold with the house trim, and often with furniture. However, the primary market apartments in Hurghada is also frequently performed with the finish – and often even better quality. The range of prices for apartments in Hurghada is quite wide: there are proposals in the area of $ 400 per square meter, but is widely represented and more expensive real estate – $ 1000 per square meter.


Bank of guilt in this situation is not the only, perhaps, that would be worth noting is the lack of service statements by mail, by which a borrower may control the level of its debt and to monitor the effectiveness of various options for repayment. Error number 5 Consent to service and imposed as a result of costs imposed How did the credit card becomes clear if you just jump around on a treaty that was signed Artem. In the contract he agreed that the bank at any time at will may issue him a credit card with a limit of 7,600 rubles, and that the bank will have the right to direct debit (ie, without asking the customer) in cash from his card to pay loans and commissions in case of delay of repayment. The press has repeatedly massaged information about how the right thing with the cards that you let the bank in addition to loans, that the cost of registration card is debited, regardless of whether the customer has activated it or not, and whether he had received it at all. But the map could be sent by mail, not even a registered letter, because an envelope with a card and activation codes could someone open (if the mailbox is broken), and can deliver by courier during business hours, when usually all at work. But the commission for card issuance and maintenance of accounts the bank has already written off, and then, if the client still gets a card and activates it, begins more interesting story – the increased interest for using the card (from 20 to 70 per year!) and other unreasonable costs.