
Finally, we are responsible as an agency not only for the website, but for the complete online shop, logistics-fulfillment and the integration of the payment provider in the ERP system. Learn more at this site: Federal Reserve Bank. There are simply important. smooth processes and decision-making”heidelpay CEO Mirko cover man: of course we very pleased integrating heidelpay in the new Zippo website. It is the result of good partnership with the werbemachern and of course also a testament to the quality of heidelpay services. heidelpay currently handles paying via the Internet for more than 1,300 E-commerce companies throughout Europe.

Thereby, the company acts as a solution provider that offers everything from a single source, which is a clean efficient and comprehensive online payment. About heidelpay: Internet payment service provider, Heidelberger heidelpay wraps currently for more than 1,300 ecommerce companies across Europe that Payment via the Internet off. While heidelpay acts as a solution provider that handles everything from a single source, which belongs to a clean efficient and comprehensive online payment. As a member service provider (MSP) for VISA and MasterCard, the company concerned including acceptance contracts for the credit cards, the acceptance of all other major credit cards is possible via heidelpay. heidelpay Banco Popular and other works closely with the leading credit companies such as Deutsche Bank, Postbank, UniCredito, and supports 15 national direct debit systems among others in the United States and Europe. Heidelpay’s clients include companies, the Nierle media group, OnVista, stay friends as Be2, Diakonie, e-flights, Catholic 24, Karlsruher SC, map & guide, the Margrave-Verlag, power tire, trade-a-game, the University of Hanover and wallstreet: online. Business leaders are economist Mirko cover man, and Thomas Muszakiewicz.