Cerebral Aneurism

Situations where the decisions on what or when to act does not depend on us. Nor always it is possible to foresee the sequence of our life, in some situations we can prevent of illnesses and its causers, in others we are hostage perhaps of perhaps or in the same ones. A truth on the subject to follow is that we always abdicate of some objectives and desires in favor of our protection and protecting who this to our side. Chandra Patels opinions are not widely known. The interpretation in the ways to act can depend on each individual, however the judgment is something of free will that all can and must make its. We are victims of our actions and in other situations we are victims of perhaps, however I stand out the right to the individualism in the health questions must be respected. However optimum remedy for all males is the company all the moment. ‘ ‘ A cerebral aneurism is an illness in which a sanguineous vase meets abnormally dilatado in encfalo.

The dilatao is caused in general by a muscular imperfection of the one wall artery or much more rare of a vein of the brain. The size of a cerebral aneurism is changeable. It can be small of few millimeters up to 1 cm, average greater and size up to 02 cm (great or giant) reaching some centimeters in its bigger diameter. It has diverse formats, generally saculares, but they can be irregular or fusiformes. The cerebral aneurism is considered very dangerous therefore, when breaching itself inside of the head, in the interior of the skull, for the inelstica structure, produces injury to encfalo and an increase of the intracraniana pressure, what it makes with that the responsible structures of the brain for the vitality are compressed, causing the death for respiratory stop the aneurisms can result of one or more congenital segmentary muscular defects of determined arterial segment in one of its bifurcations, preexisting conditions relative facilitadoras as high sanguineous pressure and aterosclerose (the development of greasy deposits in the arteries) or trauma physicist in head..

Literature Review

Describers: Administration, management, care, assistance, Nursing. Abstract Introduction – Nurses work in various areas, among them ploughs the management and care. Thus, this study you examine dimension of nursing work you identify and understand the possibilities of convergence between the managing and caring. Methods – This is systematic literature research, descriptive and exploratory, which mainly consisted in gathering and critical analysis of major studies published in the database of the Virtual Health Library (VHL) in the period 2000 you the 2010. Literature Review – The authors agree with each to other in three main units of meaning, divided follows: nursing education and models of education in administration, general nursing duties and articulation between the dimensions of managing and caring. Conclusion – This is the great challenge will be the nurse (reverse speed) construction of practical assistance you contribute you the payment of health care. We need profound change of values, culture, work process you really gain the effective transformation of nursing work, and lives consequently it humane health care and quality.

Descriptors: Administration, management, care, assistance, Nursing. Introduction the word management is of Latin origin (genere), means the act to manage, administrar1. The management as instrument of the process of work in the organization of health services, implies in the taking of decisions that affect the structure, the process of production and the product of a system, in order to make possible ways for the installment of the assistance to the clientele with efficiency, effectiveness and efetividade2. The process of work of the nurse is composed in two dimensions: managemental and assistencial. In the first one, the nurse has as object to the organization of the work and the human resources in Nursing. In second, the nurse has as intervention object the necessities of care in Enfermagem3. The clinical model of assistance and the scientific model of administration still embaam the look of the nurse while it exerts the managemental paper, taking off many times to it the clarity of which actions make part of the concretion of this cuidado4.

Limitation Practical Theory

Free test of association of words, according to word stimulaton: Interdisciplinaridade. As data gotten from the semistructuralized interview, inferred here in this work as ‘ ‘ free test of association of palavras’ ‘ , when it was questioned what the citizens conceive as ‘ ‘ interdisciplinaridade’ ‘ , this, was represented as a divided category and in two subcategorias, nominated as: subcategoria ‘ ‘ Words related to interdisciplinaridade’ ‘ subcategoria ‘ ‘ Unrelated words to interdisciplinaridade’ ‘. In the subcategoria ‘ ‘ words related to interdisciplinaridade’ ‘ , it was distinguished subcategoria: ‘ ‘ Interao’ ‘ , in the two units where if it developed the research, cited here with codinomes: (orqudea and tulipa), this was to the subcategoria most expressive, constituted through words and short phrases as: ‘ ‘ work in team, one helping the other, dialogue, partnership ‘ ‘. Interaction Limitation Practical Theory – Dynamic Process of interaction and reciprocity Shyness, lack of comprometimento, You is not alone, was good but she was stranger. Interdisciplinaridade Each one in its activity in its specialty Create pdf with GO2PDF will be free, if you wish you removes this line, click here you buy Virtual pdf In agreement Printer Fazenda6, understands for attitude to interdisciplinar, an attitude ahead of alternatives to know more and better; attitude of wait before the consummated acts, reciprocity attitude that it impels to the exchange, that it impels to the dialogue – to the dialogue with identical pairs, anonymous pairs or I obtain exactly, in this conception, perceives that the investigated citizens conceive ‘ ‘ teoricamente’ ‘ the interdisciplinaridade as a process of interaction and reciprocity, what, when it was broken for the practical one through the group dynamics, called ‘ ‘ 1’ continues my idea; ‘ , whose objective were to work the creativity, the sincronia capacity, group complementaridade and fluency verbal.

Rio Grande

Rich in hdricos resources and originates the basin of the Rio Grande being the biggest basin of the left side of the River San Francisco. 3,3 Population to compose the group shows will be selected of the quarter Luzia-Ba Saint living. 3.4. Criteria of inclusion: To inhabit in the quarter Luzia-Ba Saint. 3.5. Procedure of collection: For attainment of the data, a questionnaire will be carried through contends questions on the type of knowledge of the population of the quarter Luzia Saint in relation to the ttano.

3.5.1. Instrument As strategies to carry through stage of collection of data had opted to the elaboration of a structuralized questionnaire, pautado for 10 questions. 3.6. Consideraes ethical: This project is conducted in accordance with resolution 196/96 that it deals with the ethical consideraes as the respect to the anonymity of the interviewed ones. Nicholas Carr gathered all the information. It will be directed to the commission of Ethics of the College San Francisco de Barreiras to analyze possible imperfections and to detect in case that it has, the lack of comprometimento with the ethics, that is, if the citizens duly will be protected against possible retaliaes or damages due to the last information. The interviewers will commit themselves during the interview to the anonymity in case that he needs, of interviewed its, respecting the will of the same ones. Disponibilizando telephones, addresses for bigger clarifications or any unexpected ones that they happen. 3.7.

Analysis of the data: After the attainment of the data through the research in field will be analyzed and grouped evidencing clearly the level of knowledge of population of the quarter Luzia Saint in relation to the contamination forms, prevention, signals and symptoms of the ttano in the city of Barriers as well as the interpretation of the gotten results. The content will be analyzed and compared the text studies the same.