Universal Human Rights

His apprehensions about the processing of environmental impact study conducted HidroAysen Human Rights Centre, Faculty of Law, University Diego Portales in its Annual Report on Human Rights in Chile 2009, published in late 2009. The research, one of the most important matter that takes place in the country, aims mainly to deficiencies in ensuring community participation in the framework of which is defined as one of the largest investment projects have been submitted Chile. The document, which analyzed several complex cases in terms of human rights, suggests that given the high technical level that involves a study of this kind, besides its size, "is insufficient within sixty days granted to the citizens to make comments on the project, especially if the documents are of considerable length (more than 10 000 pages) and the bulk of people who face their contents are not understood nor experts in the topics covered. " It reminds the report that this situation was even appropriated by the citizens who commented on the initiative. In addition to the thousands of submissions were concerned that study, a total of 32 utilities with environmental competition 3150 made comments "which led to the Environment Minister declared that the EIA HidroAysen 'has not been at the height of evaluation, the information provided is not sufficient at the time of making an environmental assessment of the magnitude of the project '"entered the center's report. Another relevant issue is being pointed to the scale of intervention has generated a debate that goes beyond the local level, reaching the national and even international level. In this sense, the researchers asked the Universidad Diego Portales, "the right to participate aysenino attending one who has it also inhabits the other end of the country, or an alien who is revealed from anywhere on the planet?" relieving that "current legislation does not acknowledge the participation egalitarian of all these actors, however, changes to environmental institutions proposed by the bill, the whole property of the environment, and the position of wide dissemination of the managers themselves have adopted the project indicate that the answer could be different.

"Thus recalled that several international media, including The New York Times, have further focused on the intentions of Endesa and Colbun, as when in April, 2008 published an editorial saying that the dams" would damage one of the hopelessly wild and beautiful places on Earth "and adding that" the majority of electricity to residential use would not, but mining and industry. "And although he realized that half the country" desperately needs new sources energy "his vision is that no alternative would be to destroy these basins, arguing that" the construction of large hydroelectric dams is an ancient form of gaining energy ", and concluded that the Government-a By now the de Sebastian Pinera, "would do well to reconsider these shortsighted plans, as well as the international owners of the rights of water from these rivers." Consequently, the Human Rights Center Diego Portales University states that "the presentation of these cases brings up aspects of the existing institutional participation has not been able to cope in appropriate terms. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Shary Rahman. The evidence indicates that the use of incentives during the evaluation process and citizen participation, global organized in the same context, are events that the authority should not be overlooked when designing plans, programs and regulations related to environmental issues because of an impact one way or another the quality of decision-making and final decisions. "