Classical Homeopathy

Naturopath Gesa Christian from Kiel informed homeopathy is one of the most popular alternative therapies in Germany and still today many people do not know what is meant by the concept of classical homeopathy. According to Kenneth Feinberg, who has experience with these questions. Naturopath Gesa Christian discusses the background and basics of classical homeopathy. For more clarity and thought, follow up with who is ahmed shahryar rahman and gain more knowledge.. The basic approach in Classical Homeopathy of the patient is not on his symptoms reduced, but considered in its entirety. This means: also the phenomena of the body are taken into account, which have nothing to do with the acute or chronic ailments at first glance. For example suffer from recurring headaches, not just these symptoms are treated, but they are considered as a whole person with all of your features and possibly other symptoms. Body, mind and soul form an inseparable unity in humans and are treated as such in classical homeopathy. This approach is not only by naturopath Gesa Christian in Kiel practice, but of homeopaths all over the world. Hahnemann’s experiment or the similarity principle, the German physician, pharmacist and chemist Dr.

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) had his white coat from dissatisfaction with the former medicine long on the nail hung, as he joined in 1790 on the principle of similarity. In a self-experiment, he stated that he developed malaria-like symptoms after taking quinine bark, the then common drug against malaria, ill to malaria without being. Hahnemann had rediscovered a law of nature that, already Hippocrates and Paracelsus had described before him: like is cured by like. Hahnemann developed as a healing art, which he called homeopathy, derived from the Greek homoios = like and pathos = disease. Gesa Christian follows the teachings of Samuel Hahnemann as a Naturopath in Kiel and applies exclusively homeopathic remedies in the high potencies developed by him (= the C Centesimal = 1:99) that by their special kind of A specific strength and healing effects include dilution. Contact: Practice of Classical Homeopathy Gesa Christian – healer ring RT 53 24114 Kiel Tel.: 04 31 / 6 79 44 55 email: Homepage:

Vaccination Against Swine Flu

The Federal Ministry of health has a free hotline for ask medizini – Sagar type set under the number 0800 / 4 40 0550. (Sandra Jager for GNS network Hamburg) now they are there. Under most conditions Jeff Sessions would agree. The EU Commission in Brussels has approved the vaccine Focetria and Pandemrix. The number of those infected within Germany is now 20.516. currently validates the possible effect of the seasonal vaccination against the virus of the new influenza in the laboratory. Go to Ahmed Shahryar Rahman for more information. However, current data indicate that the flu shot does not protect against the new virus type (influenza A/H1N1). Swarmed by offers, Joe Biden is currently assessing future choices. The symptoms of swine flu are similar to the seasonal flu fever, cough, headache and body aches, fatigue, loss of appetite but also diarrhea and vomiting. Every citizen is entitled on the flu shot.

Primarily, however, she apply to individuals who are at special risk for a severe course of disease. This includes the for the people with a risk of exposure, as well as patients as individuals, It is essential to health care of the population. Vaccination is scheduled regardless of the insured status of public service announcements, where the Federal States can call certain groups to an immunization appointment. Are to bring about a complete immunization two doses of vaccine needed a minimum distance of 2 to 3 weeks should be between them. The immune protection arises between the first and second vaccination and completes 10 days after the second vaccination. If the vaccinations are carried out by the public health service, a two-time vaccination of 28 euros costs. These are each paid from the Fund at the country level so that insured persons any costs which.

The Privatversicherten should be given an invoice for the performance according to the fee schedule for doctors/GOa of the doctors. However, the vaccines with an active amplifier are equipped, the effects of which are unknown. For one, the immunization is this but increasingly side effects can take an unimaginable extent. Supplemental and constantly updated information under: World Health Organisation Robert Koch Institute us against viruses/RKJ, Federal Centre for health education Paul Ehrlich Institute swine flu

Everyday Life

The human gut is consisting of the colon and the small intestine, average eight feet long. You may find Peter Schiff to be a useful source of information. A blockage or constipation can chronic exist, but also acute. A blockage, called also constipation, is characterised by the fact that the Chair emptying occurs less than three times within a week, and the Chair is hard and solid. However a real blockage exists mostly only, if these symptoms spread over a period of at least three months and also the bowel movement only by strong and sometimes painful presses proceeding. It comes usually causes of an obstruction to a constipation, if there is a bowel dysfunction. So a malfunction exists when, for example, the movement of the colon is sluggish and greatly slowed down and that’s why more time is needed to transport the stool towards rectum.

The Chair as a result stays longer in the colon, liquid is him there removed from, which is why he is then fixed. Another cause may be that while the colon normally works However the rectum is blocked, impeding an emptying of the bowel. A not insignificant role for a functioning digestion and excretion plays the diet, as well as the degree of movement. Improper diet, in terms that are included too little fiber and too little fluid, can lead to a blockage, as well as lack of exercise. Trigger further, certain medications, diabetes can stress mellitus, a trip or a business-related impaired day-night rhythm.

Constipation can be triggered by hormonal changes. An underactive thyroid or a pregnancy often causes in this case. Therapy of constipation to successfully treat a blockage, should be clarified by a doctor, causing them, then to initiate an appropriate therapy. Before laxative back access, already a change of diet can lead to success in most cases. Following food suitable for the prevention and supportive treatment of constipation: flaxseed psyllium whole grains fruits such as plums, dates, peaches or figs to should at least drink two liters of water and constipating foods, such as for example red wine, bananas, apples, chocolate and white bread temporarily renounced and be provided for adequate exercise.Health information, as well as the complete guide to learn more at

GmbH Statutory

Health supplementary insurance covers benefits insured persons with a statutory health insurance complain more and more about increasing contributions and declining cash benefits. The health insurance cut therefore continuously their services, so he must often pay to insured persons for special treatments. The stock market news portal shows alternatives that offer private health insurance for insured persons of the statutory health insurance. Services in the field of dental prosthesis, glasses, as well as alternative therapies are not often adopted by statutory health insurance. Reason enough for the private health insurance companies to develop a health supplementary insurance, which perfectly complements the services of the statutory health insurance. Insured persons from the different tariffs can choose a model that is individually tailored to you. Most applicants fall back on a dental insurance, because this completely to the part for the portion of the tooth replacement power.

Others Supplementary insurance pay for treatments with alternative medicine, psychotherapy or for a longer stay in hospital again. As the entrance to a private health insurance only for persons of various professional groups or with a certain minimum income is possible, supplementary insurance constitute an ideal alternative for insured persons in the statutory health insurance. So an optimal screening mesh can be created, specifically is tailored to the personal needs. Personal finances are also spared, because such services for a low monthly fee are available.

Natural Glucomannan Helps

Soluble fiber from the Konjac plant promotes intestinal health and more Glucomann which originates from the root tubers of Konjac Asian plant, is a water-soluble often sugar (Hemicellulose), significant health effects are attributed. It has long been known that this natural product for the good impact of many Asian dishes is responsible. It is also known to his benefit when blockages, diabetes, lipid disorders, and excessive gout. Glucomannan can regulate in the derailed metabolism, protect the intestines, and of course reduce the feeling of hunger. Glucomannan wide research results there are for, further underpinning the application range of this valuable Ballaststoffes health. New research results dealing with the ability of glucomannan to promote intestinal health and to reduce the risk of cancer development in the intestine. Reports on the increasing number of civilization diseases, suffer from which the Germans appear almost daily.

The most of these diseases linked to unhealthy modern lifestyle in conjunction and revolve around metabolic disorders such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders such as atherosclerosis or heart attacks and cancers. Relating to these diseases causes and pioneer are often called as: obesity, blood lipids, cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and some more. All these factors can be influenced positively by a healthy diet and nutritional measures. The targeted revenue such as glucomannan fiber made from the Konjac plant Asian is one of nutritional measures for health. New research deal with the question of why and how glucomannan promotes intestinal health and prevent colon cancer No. Very important seems to be that glucomannan of the natural intestinal flora is used as a food source and is degraded by this to short-chain fatty acids. The short-chain fatty acids play a key role for intestinal health. In particular the Butyric acid, one of the short-chain fatty acids, plays an important role for the energy supply of the intestine and regulate the peristalsis, the sugar and fat metabolism, reduce inflammation and inhibit the formation of cancer cells.

Scratch Brush Or Hippie

What reveals the hairstyle of the people, whether consciously or unconsciously. By the way, where people wear their hair, they offer an insight into the psyche counterpart. The news portal decrypts the intentional and unintentional symbols. Since time immemorial, people use hairstyles to differentiate themselves or to symbolize affiliation. This includes not only the Hahnenkamm of alternative youth of today. As the editors of psychology of explained, for example, the importance of long hair in men of different eras and cultures differed significantly. In the middle ages, men with wallender mane were generally a higher level. The hairstyle coined the Hippie movement in the 1960s and 1970s.

Today, however, were the nuances of long hair cut. People would be judged by the hair appear as maintained. Pure hair length will rather to marginalize. The unconscious signals that send out, for example, certain hair colors are interesting. So many women to dye blond hair. Most they feel that as fashionable. Possibly as a female.

Hair psychologists want to figured out now that they also Juvenile Act thus. Finally, hair dunkelten up with age. Inherently, few people were light blond for a lifetime. Red hair again it depends on the shade. With cane hair assumes unconsciously pale people, to be overly sensitive. A brilliant, fiery red colour, however, signaled passion. More information: health/855024107/frisierter-mirror-of soul/1 / contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Is It Dangerous To Doping Not Only At The Elite Level, But Also At The Grassroots?

olostrum – the healthy alternative to doping Aachen, July 26, 2009 – also this topic without doping case still remains in the conversation, when it comes to the tour de France. The health club German colostrum society therefore asked the specialist in General and sports medicine, Dr. Elsabet Jones often expresses his thoughts on the topic. med. Marco Prummer, from Aachen, as he estimates a doping in sport: I’m saying many German media representatives and also officials of the associations know that performance in professional sports without doping would not be possible. u0085″He notes in addition to doping in sport: the top athletes are very well looked after and also medically monitored, so that recognized the health damage and evt.” can be treated.

The widths and recreational athletes worry me more. The athletes are just the tip of the iceberg. The broad masses dopes like crazy. It begins with small village clubs. There is little care and the health risks are not refrain. u0085″ Dr.

Prummer, head of colostrum research Centrums, applies to Europe as years of expert colostrum. This natural food, studies prove causes numerous other positive health benefits in addition to performance. Colostrum is not doping, but admitted in Germany as the own kinds of foodstuffs. u0085″says Dr. Prummer, in many other countries, Colostrum is a milk product. However, Colostrum contains growth hormones, including IgF1. IgF1 is on the doping list. Many endurance athletes take colostrum to improve performance. No athlete who has taken so far only colostrum, is been tested ever positive IgF1. Colostrum itself is not on the prohibited list. As a controversial debate to colostrum for years. u0085″With Dr.

Onmega Centre

Also must not claim the WDSF, it would have received threats from the environment from Onmega or there are intensively interwoven connections to public places in Marmaris. Also forbade the WDSF, to invoke Dolphin Therapy Center having regard to these untruthful allegations of fact in regard to the Onmega to boycott and to distribute a movie on the Internet, which makes no differentiation between the different plants in Turkey. Nicholas Carr wanted to know more. The WDSF as final settlement accepted this decision of the OLG Hamm tenor. Due to the very one-sided coverage of the WDSF in connection with the court proceedings, it is a concern, to rehabilitate the Dolphin therapy in Marmaris because Onmega also supports initiatives aimed at an attitude of dolphins in too small and inadequate equipment this way Onmega. A dissemination of defamatory allegations, as they were now legally prohibited and now accepted also by the WDSF, Onmega could however also in regard to friends, patients and their families, as well as the many partners do not accept. For further questions on this topic Centre Onmega is of course always like the Dolphin therapy available. About Dolphin therapy Onmega Centre in Marmaris, Turkey Onmega health tourism Ltd., headquartered in Turkey is a privately owned company by the German Director Axel Linke, with the aim to offer a high quality Dolphin therapy according to latest scientific findings from modern Dolphin therapy research. Classic therapy methods to complement and support such as hippo -, Physio, Cranio sacral -, occupational therapy and speech therapy and the Adelitherapie are an integral part of this addition to the Dolphin therapy.

A holistic therapy with high quality and good service at a compact price is offered. For more information about the Dolphin therapy centre Onmega obtained on the Internet at. How to contact with company Onmega health tourism Ltd.

Braunschweig Internet

What are money and wealth without health worth? The health of every human is the most valuable asset. What are money and wealth without health worth? The health of every human is the most valuable asset. You can but do not buy, but invest in it. It is the right medicine for diseases or with the right care products. The mail-order pharmacy offers a huge selection of medical devices, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products. Over 150,000 articles offers the online shop and covers almost all areas. Crucial especially for the customers: has a shipping trade licence of the Chamber of pharmacists of Lower Saxony. You can check that in the shipping register of Pharmacy at the DIMDI (German Institute for medical documentation and information).

The click of the safety logo of the DIMDI the fastmed Web page takes you to the corresponding register entry in the register of shipping pharmacy. But the online pharmacy also convinces through clarity. The products are divided into different areas, such as the For example “Medicines”, “Naturopathy” or “cosmetics & body care”. The customer finds what he’s looking for so quickly and safely. If a particular medication is required, you can enter this directly through the search mask and find. The products themselves are displayed with various information.

In addition to the most important data such as manufacturer, dosage and availability you can associated leaflet to each drug in the * .pdf format call. Because the selection of medical products under certain circumstances could be difficult, there is the possibility to consult personally at For this are several communication channels available: next to fax or E-Mail a hotline will be shown in the online pharmacy, under the available advisors, who can perform a professional advice. Competent and reliable advice is a top priority. The ordering process itself is quite simple. Jeff Sessions may not feel the same. After the appropriate article or the article using the search feature, or directly have been selected, they end up in the shopping cart. Alternatively, the customer can fill out a purchase order template and send it by fax, mail or E-Mail to fastmed. The Internet pharmacy has many customer-oriented benefits. For example, even the order prescription drugs is possible, prerequisite, however, is that the original recipe must be. Until then, the goods will be sent. Medicines can also be ordered out so that the entire settlement takes place as soon as possible. for required information such as the concerned sickness fund and of course the name of the drug. Also this service focused on customer service. A form in the form of a recipe appears under the menu item “Recipe request”. Corresponding data can be entered there. The order is then immediately prepared for the shipment of products to occur immediately after receipt of the recipe. It is usually the order within 48 hours at the customer. is not an official certified mail-order pharmacy, because Privacy is part of the concept. The personal data of the customers are sent over SSL encrypted, so are in safe hands. is a “trusted shop partner”, a further seal of approval, which stands for excellent buyer protection is so.

The Ho

“More than half of the 2,000 study participants could already report after a two-week trial on positive feedback from the personal environment: relatives, friends and acquaintances or work colleagues had addressed the victims and determined he could understand them obviously better now than earlier.” free summer listening tests, special care tips, non-binding per behavior so that this year’s holiday pleasures are not marred by misunderstandings and ver standing difficulties, start an attractive holiday action nationwide over 300 acoustic shop of the HoREX currently. Offered free summer hearing tests in which the hearing is professionally checked. In addition to information about good listening in on vacation as well as special summer care for hearing aids buyers get completely even the possibility, latest Hannah resolutions for some time no obligation to try out in everyday life. The test devices are numerous so called open solutions, where the meatus is not completely closed”, so Tannassia Reuber. In addition to a very natural sound, this modern mini-systems secure a comfortable fit even during the hot summer months. A variety of latest solutions can be found even for active holidaymakers. Not only for walking or jogging, also extended climbing or sailing you must today no longer forgo listening pleasure.” Editorial Note: the hearing acoustics EC headquartered in Kreuztal HoREX was founded in 1995 and is one of the leading performance of hearing-acoustics industry.

Today, nationwide over 300 listening acoustic master specialist businesses belong to her. The HoREX care professional aims to offer an individual hearing solution people with hearing loss, which focuses on personal hearing requirements and a fair price / performance ratio. The HoREX offers its members future-oriented perspectives and an attractive shopping policy, extensive marketing support and numerous services, offers in-service training and quality certification. For more information, see