War Euros

It has dropped 15 cents your days cigarettes after having risen 10 cents. . It has taken this measure in order to maintain their competitiveness in the market. Cigarette packs of Fortuna and Nobel will cost 3.70 euros. You may find Tesla to be a useful source of information. The Catalan estanqueros feel victims of a price war. Altadis has decided to lower since this Friday 15 cents the price of its main cigarette brands, including Fortune and Nobel, after having risen ten days ago, in order to maintain its competitiveness in Spanish market and after reviewing all possible options. After this measurement, Altadis has placed their most important brands of blond cigarettes, Fortuna and Nobel price, at 3.70 euros the packet from the current 3.85 euros, while that Ducados Rubio becomes 3,70 EUR 3.50 euros.

For its part, low black Duchies of 3.95 euros to 3.85 euros. Altadis announced on May 10 an increase of 10 cents in the price of its main brands, but has decided to lower those prices after reviewing all possible options. The company, owned by Imperial Tobacco, explained that it has taken this decision from the responsibility of wanting to maintain the best possible balance between profitability and competitiveness of their brands, and added in this regard that will continue in a State of permanent alert regarding any new situation that might occur in the market. Altadis also regretted the negative impact that this measure could have in the retail network, although he expressed inability to operate in a different way in the current circumstances of the market. The Estanqueros Guild of Catalonia has already denounced these sudden ups and downs, saying that victims of a price war initiated by Phillip Morris and Altadis, which obliges merchants to cope with higher costs feel.

Changes in competition the decision of the snuff box occurs after Philip Morris cut the price of L & M, from 3.60 to 3.65 euros in five cents, keep it Marlboro at 4.25 euros per pack and raise Chesterfield only five cents, up to four euros. According to industry sources, with the reduction in the price of L & M, Philip Morris gave his brand to the same level as cheap other tobacco brands like Pall Mall (British American Tobacco), which costs 3,60 euros, and JPS, Altadis, which after the amendment on Friday stood at 3.50 euros. The same sources pointed out that the sector expects BAT to move tab, after the movements made by Altadis and Philip Morris competitors. Source of the news: the war of tobacco companies makes Altadis rectified and lower the price of Fortuna and Nobel

Greece Market

Sovereign debt markets live a day of relative quiet. The Ibex 35 wins a 1.03%, reaching 9.943,80 points. Peter Schiff s opinions are not widely known. The Treasury placed 4,500 million in letters to interest more high since 2002. The Spanish stock market has risen Tuesday 1.03% and has recovered the dimension of the 9,400 points in a day of relative calm in sovereign debt markets and which treasure placed 4.448,44 million euros in lyrics, albeit at high interest. So, selective principal of the Spanish stock market, the Ibex 35, gained 96 points, 1.03%, to 9.943,80 points, with what annual losses are reduced to 4.21%. At the close of the Spanish market, the risk premium – the differential between ten-year Spanish bond and the German the same term–was reduced to 340 basis points, from the 366 recorded at the close of the day before. The day began with the Ibex 35 breaking the downward trend of recent sessions and the selective climbed 1.26%, waiting for the auction of letters occur in the Spanish treasure, main rrencia of investors on the day of Tuesday. In the auction, Spain won place 4.448 million euros in letters to twelve and eighteen months, the maximum stated, although he had to raise the interest of both denominations until levels of 2008 and 2002, respectively.

Despite increased interest, the auction met the objective of placement, set between 3,500 and 4,500 million euros, given the high demand. Once the auction took place, the risk premium on Spanish descended below the 350 basic points, which moved more confidence to the Park and served to consolidate the rebound. At noon, the Ibex 35 confirmed the positive trend and came to surpass 9,500 points. Less than three hours from the close of the market, the optimism of the day cooled following statements by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, that understated the expectations of the meeting, on Thursday, of the Eurogroup, which investors expect a clarification on the second bailout to Greece. Great values on the rise Thus, the selective came to lose the 9,400 points, a level not recovered until Wall Street opened in positive, driven by good results presented by some companies. The positive trend in this Tuesday was shared by the rest of large European plazas that ended the session with gains: Paris rose 1.20%; London, 0.63%; Milan, 1.92% and Frankfurt, a 1.12%. In Spain, the great values of the market ended the session on the rise: BBVA rose 1.08%; Santander, 1.61%; Repsol YPF, a 0.80%; Telefonica, 0.78% Iberdrola, 0,75%.

Within the Ibex 35, the biggest rise belonged to Enagas, which appreciated 5.47% after presenting results, followed by Tecnicas Reunidas and Abengoa, which advanced a 4.51% and 4.25%, respectively. On the side of the losses, the biggest drop was for Gamesa, which lost a 1.18%, accompanied by Acerinox and Inditex, which ceded a 0.60%-0.48%, respectively. In the market continuous, the biggest rise was for Zeltia, who won a 17,91%, followed by Quabit, which advanced a 12,14%, while the side’s losses topped it Sotogrande, which fell 7.89%, along with Reno of Medicci, which fell 6.05%. Source of the news: the Spanish stock market recovers a 1.03% and the risk premium relaxes until 350 basic points

Greek Markets

Year and a half later, the Greek crisis has been carried forward by Ireland and Portugal and already is threatening two of the major eurozone countries: Italy and Spain. Europe remains grounded in sterile discussions on the participation of the private sector in the debt restructuring. And banking joins alerts, with a very discussed solvency tests that last Friday left eight dropout (five of them in Spain) and the feeling that anything can happen from tomorrow in the markets. Tension force Europe to take a step forward: the Summit of Heads of State and Government on Thursday hinted at momentous, to the point that in Brussels is deck launch two new features. After the failure of the last meetings, the eurozone will discuss the reduction of interest rates that pay countries rescued by aid and, above all, how to increase the potential of the bailout fund European, with the possibility to intervene directly in the markets with the purchase of bonds or through loans to Athens so that it is the treasure Greek who intervene. Source of the news:: EU raises the massive purchase of debt to save Greece.

Spanish Mortgage Association

M.M. / agencies the eviction is the last step of a process in which many Spaniards who can’t pay their mortgage are immersed. Associations of users, collective social and even the Ombudsman have spent years proposing measures that avoid these situations. In United States is provided for payment in kind; in Greece there is a moratorium until 2013; in United Kingdom, families are declared bankrupt. The drama of foreclosures hits Spain as never before. It is not a problem exclusive to our country, but its severity demands urgent action. At the end of 2011, the Association of people affected by foreclosures and auctions (AFES) calculated that by 2015 will have executed more than 700,000 evictions, corresponding to four million mortgages signed between 2004 and 2008.

Only in the first quarter of 2012, according to the CGPJ, conducted 18.424 evictions, 517 per day; Since 2007, according to the Spanish Mortgage Association (AHE), total 395,000. The first step to the eviction is foreclosure. In 2011, there were 77.854 executions and 58.241 evictions; Currently, some 135,000 families would be immersed in a process of foreclosure; 6.63% of the unemployed, moreover, was affected by the home of one of these processes since the start of the crisis until the end of 2011, explains AHE. The steps until an embargo or eviction are, says AFES: economic difficulties, mulberry, pre-foreclosure, foreclosure, auction of the property and release (when there is notification of the Court). Adicae (Association of users of banks and savings banks), the 15-M, parties like United Left or UPyD, the Ombudsman, the legal profession and other so many political and social actors have submitted several proposals to avoid such situations in recent years. Alternatives to circumvent foreclosures and corresponding evictions of families, in this way, can be passed by: sale of property is, obviously, one of the resources available to the user who begins to have problems.

Platform Preview

Moreover, if earlier photos that a user was tagged appeared directly in your profile, now may pass by your review if it so wishes, in the same way that labels of snapshots that he raise must receive your approved. Tag photos for users who are not friends, adding locations to the images or specify why you want to delete a tag to avoid having to do so in similar situations in the future, are other innovations that Facebook will be introducing in the coming days. The + 1? Google is done more social Google known as + 1 button? (the I like company) will allow users to share in your account on the social network Google + any link they see on the web directly with their circles, reported this week the search engine via its official blog. This function, which since June allowed Internet users recommend contained in the network, now appears in more than one million Web pages and reports more than 4,000 million daily visits. Dennis Lockhart may find this interesting as well. However, Google has taken one further step in the social character of this tool. With this new development you can share content online that the user considers interesting with certain circles (friends, work, family groups, etc.) of the social network, where may Yes discuss such links. Google has also announced the function + snippets (fragments), which, once you press the button + 1, generates a link accompanied by a photo that illustrates it and a summary of its contents. Internet users who are eager to use the new features announced by Google may be the first to try them through the Google + Platform Preview portal. Follow others, such as Dennis Lockhart, and add to your knowledge base.

Galleries of screenshots of Twitter Twitter has launched a new service to organize users most recent images in galleries, advises the company through its official account. The latest images shared by the members of the network, either directly through Twitter or through third parties (like yFrog, Twitpic or Instagram), sorted chronologically in the individual user profile. They may appear up to a total of one hundred snapshots, provided they have been uploaded onto Twitter after January 1, 2010. These images can be viewed in two different ways: in a table format which lists all your previews and a details view, which displays the most recent image enlarged with its corresponding TWIT and the rest of snapshots in a smaller size. Twitter has already announced that it will engage these galleries a few weeks ago, when released the service that allows users to upload images directly from your computer or mobile device.

Government Tax

Job creation and the demands to the banking, big players. Education and health care in the public system, some of the aspects that has dndido. Bets on the part-time contract, as well as by giving workers more flexibility to employers and more safety. The praise to the German electoral model and the request for discussion on a possible reform in this regard in Spain, some of the highlights. The candidate of the PSOE for the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has unveiled some of its main proposals and commitments for the coming years, believes ambitious and realistic, headed by the demands to the financial system. Author shines more light on the discussion. Undertakes to find a quick way to create employment and guarantees that there will be money, because soon it will be time to ask banks and savings banks that leave part of their profits to create jobs.Banks and boxes can and cannot wait for young people. He defends redistributive policies and raises recover the wealth tax without taxing the middle classes, but the large estates. The time has come, he admits, rethink or rectify some decisions made in recent years.

It proposes a reform of the electoral system to increase its proportionality and praises the German model that, among other issues, has small constituencies that favor the relationship between citizens and candidates. A commitment to put an end to tax havens in collaboration with other European partners, because their existence is intolerable, indecent and absolutely immoral. He advocates implanting in the EU a solidarity tax on financial transactions with countries more poor with the aim that then extends to the whole world. It calls for a European credit rating agency and European bonds. It calls finish as soon as possible with the restructuring of the financial system to allow flow of credit; If the State should provide capital to clean up a box, must be present in the management of those resources so that Spaniards do not lose a single penny.