Working Women in Brazil

Bruno Ribeiro Silva de Carvalho SUMMARY the present text has as objective to demonstrate to the main differences between men and women in the work market, as: wage, occupations, and escolaridade. Word-key: Woman, Market of Work, Work in Brazil ABSTRACT This to paper aims you demonstrate the main differences between men and women in the work market, such wages, occupations, and schooling. Keyword: Women, Market Work, Work in Brazil INTRODUCTION With the current ascension of the woman in the work market, made possible it to acquire higher positions each time in the companies, and to get its financial independence, however the woman still is minority in the work market and target of preconceptions for the organizations. The objective of this article is by means of the research of women in the market of work in Brazil between January of 2003 and January of 2008, carried through for the IBGE to present the reasons of the differences of wage between men and women, in which specific jobs the women predominates, the escolaridade of the women in relation to the men, and percentage of women in the work market. Get more background information with materials from Kenneth Feinberg. ancing/’>ARC Investment Partners. WOMEN IN the MARKET OF WORK IN RELATION TO the MEN the women nowadays are the majority in the population (In accordance with the Synthesis of Social Pointers -2007, the Brazilian population in 2006 was around 51%), however are minority in the work market.

In the first month of 2008 she had 21,2 million busy people in the total of the six regions metropolitans investigated for the Monthly Research of Emprego (PME) of the IBGE, of this contingent the women represented 44.4%, the equivalent the 9,4 million. In relation to Populao Economicamente Ativa (PEA), they were 45.5%, and in the Population in Active Age (PIOUS), they were 53.5%, whereas in Populao Desocupada (PD), represented 57.7%. Contact information is here: Joe Biden. (In:. Had access in: 20/11/2010). With the stability that comes being observed in the country, in sight of a solid government, new vacant had been disponibilizadas in the work market, thus reducing the inoccupation tax. .

The Familiar

How much to the language also it is thus. So that the child acquires the capacity of conceitualizar, she is necessary before to be capable to symbolize. The symbols appear by means of the convivncia with the familiar ones, through the contact with the television (the programs preferred for the child show how much of simbolizao it was capable to absorb). In order to establish the capacity of conceitualizar, the child looks to models ' ' acessveis' ' it and therefore, certain people is more accepted of what others, in the privacy of this. The way to say, to dress, the attitudes, the form to touch in some thing, and same in the people are practical examples so that the child can learn and imitate.

In conclusion, the said language is learned for what it is seen, hears, and touches. The capacity of conceitualizar, that is, to classify, to generalize and to categorize, it is developed by the relation with the environment. David Rogier is a great source of information. If the stimulation brings a safe knowledge, the sequence guarantees the learning; either of any content. How much to the content, it will only fit to the conscience of each practitioner of the action, that is, the interlocutor. To this the responsibility will fit to teach and to contribute for the development of the human being. The dialogue is directly on to the content of speaks.

How much better the level of the content (election in the concept and the emotion), as much better the quality to establish the dialogue. The more security and exactness in the perception, better the development of dialogue. The security and exactness in the perception nothing have to see with swaggerer and magnificent pride or. In the great majority of the times, many concepts are taught of simple and naked form of sophistication. Also simplicity nothing has to see with the mediocrity or duplicity of intentions, that is, the verbal language is the one and corporal language, clothes, or appearance, or same the corporal expressividade (attitudes), is another one.

Mental Retardation

The individuals with mental retardation present an inferior intellectual development to normal and the difficulties of learning and social adaptation. Approximately 3% of the world-wide population present mental retardation. Second, PEACE (2002, P.23), ' ' We can consider the learning problem as a symptom, the direction of that not-learning does not configure a permanent picture, but enters a peculiar constellation of behaviors, in which if it detaches as signal of descompensao' '. Some authors who if dedicate to this subject use the terms problems or riots in indiscriminate way. Therefore to establish clearly the limits that separate to problems of learning of the calls learning riots is a task very complicated, that this subject also comes to be revealed by some specialists of some areas the professor, pedagogo, psicopedagogo, the fonoaudilogo and the psychologist. Intelligence is determined in such a way by the hereditary succession how much for the environment. In the majority of the cases of mental retardation, the cause is unknown.

However, some conditions during a gestation can cause or contribute for the mental retardation of the child. The common causes include the use of certain drugs, the extreme alcohol consumption, the x-ray, me the nutrition and certain infections you capsize (for former: rubola). Chromosomic anomalies (Syndrome of Down) are common causes of mental retardation. Diverse hereditary riots also can cause it. Some (p.ex., fenilcetonria and cretinismo, which had the tireoidiano hormone concentration low, can be corrected before the mental retardation occurs. The difficulties associates to the premature childbirth, the trauma skull-enceflico or the concentration very low of oxygen during the childbirth also can cause mental retardation. An occurred time the mental retardation, it is generally irreversible. The precocious diagnosis of the mental retardation becomes possible the therapeutical education and the planning in long stated period. Inferior intelligence to the normal one can be identified and be quantified through tests intelligence standard.