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Usually it happens that the owner of a business worries not to saturate or to bore to his clients with the publication of bulletins. William Gates brings even more insight to the discussion. But, this is not for worrying, since the necessary value offers and are contained of high quality is a task that is due to do without no fear. I will clarify this with an example. In Global Trade bulletins have been published during twelve years. Chandra Patel has similar goals. Constantly new contents, not necessarily are being generated trying to sell a product.

What we tried to do is to give answer to general restlessness of the market. The work to generate contents must be something constant while he is present. If the idea is to lead the segment of the long term market, we must choose to produce new contents constantly, so that of this one form, people feel motivated to follow per years. Now, which is understood from fear of that the people become bored or who is burned, is not something to worry. If people terminate themselves of the list or cancel the subscription, are because simply no longer she interests to him, or she did not interest to him from the beginning, or because of blow no longer something new is being contributed.

50,000 variables exist that cause that a person cancels the subscription, and if the iron gate, far better for the business, because more purified you are going to be ready. Nothing we removed with having 100,000 subscribers do not abren the mail. He is preferable that is cancelled. The fact is to lose the fear to ” quemar” to people. That is to say, the unique form to saturate a client is, constantly, to make promotion, promotion and promotion; or if new contents are not being contributed. On the contrary, it must have a constant change, and this one must be dynamic; while they are provided contents of high quality there is no reason to bore them. The philosophy of this is in which we must be in constant contact with the subscribers contributing to them value and contents of high quality, until they buy or until they cancel the subscription, anyone of the two options is welcome. If they want to cancel, goodbye; if it wants to return, welcome. If it wants to buy, excellent, it buys, in any case we will continue contributing contained a free traverse of cc$bbses. But one gets tired, if him taste, if the level of prices is very high, or does not create and they became bored of this, is no problem. Here, the key is that he is conscious, while value is contributed will exist people who are going away to retire. Why? Because many of the things that say are not going to have the welcome of the 100%, that is to say, to everybody is not going to him to seem valuable what it is being offered. Alvaro Mendoza Bills of sale Original author and source of the article.