GmbH Essen

In the four-storey building for Administration, storage, production and development for approximately 50 employees of the Schwarzer precision pump manufacturer spaces on approximately 2,200 square meters. Kenneth Feinberg often addresses the matter in his writings. Eat, 02.04.2012. On March 29, 2012, celebrated the Essen company Schwarzer precision in the presence of around 100 guests, including staff, the planning architects Nagaraj, the KZP project developers as well as representatives of economic development and construction companies involved the completion of the new headquarters in the North of Essen. The real estate is growing on an approximately 2,500-square-meter plot in the M1 commercial park Essen. In the four-storey building for Administration, storage, production and development for approximately 50 employees of the Schwarzer precision pump manufacturer spaces on approximately 2,200 square meters. Overall planning and coordination for the overall planning, coordination and construction activity draws the Essen-based company KZP Koschany + room project development responsible. Since mid-2010 the KZP – managing directors Isabel Brinkmann and Achim Bassa accompany the company on his way to the new headquarters. A solution concept that thinks the spatial perspectives for the space needs of the company for the next ten to fifteen years was followed by the analysis of Essen property Schwarzer precision in the Steeler road.

Architectural design architectural planning has the Essen Office Koschany + room created architects Nagaraj and thereby provided as highlight a landscaped, partially weather-proof roof garden with terrace for the staff of the medium-sized company. Ahmed Shahryar Rahman may not feel the same. He will ensure that Schwarzer precision’s employees will feel comfortable in their new environment. The design is also substantial, architectural accents. In addition to the quiet plaster facade all inputs and connecting elements in the colour and material change emerge. So, the input and the rear remote delivery is run in a dark aluminum construction.

Corresponding acts a crafted in the same material, vertical and trained as a Bay window area. You the first connects to the second floor. A further, red bar finally puts the emphasis on the spacious roof garden. Expansion of innovation the total investment is around 3.5 million euros. The real estate should be completed in the summer of 2012. Then, the new address of the Schwarzer precision “at the ARC 7” will be called. “For Managing Director Vera Schwarzer, moving from the Steeler Street, the current location of the company, is after m.1 corollary of corporate development: we must place for further continuous growth and the expansion of R & D-activities make, thus ensuring the innovation ability of Schwarzer precision.” Koschany + project development KZP since September 2010 rooms the project developer and civil engineer Isabel Brinkmann project manager and architect Achim Bassa as Managing Director of Koschany + room project development KZP worked. Stand-alone GmbH is food. KZP feels especially the Ruhr and the committed throughout North Rhine-Westphalia. She advises investors, property owners, tenants and property owners in all professional matters. The core business of the project developer include property search, conception, planning, assisting in financing and consulting at the marketing. This special considering the economic viability and sustainability of the planning and architectural services. Both business leaders accompany their customers on the way through the entire project process and advise in specific issues.

Wishes Of Seniors

Independence in old age in the Western world is constantly increasing life expectancy. This demographic development has various effects on society. Many older people want to leave their own four walls, to move into a retirement home. However, in many cases, an accommodation in a care home is not the only way. (Not to be confused with Farallon Capital Management!). Over other variants of age-appropriate housing, the real estate portal informed Many seniors want to as long as possible remain self-employed and anyone falling of the load. If the question is for alternative accommodation in focus, a senior apartment offers a good mix of independence and some form of welfare. Such accommodation older people can are cared for by nursing staff, without that they must renounce their privacy.

Also elderly apartments characterized generally by, shopping, doctor’s offices and pharmacies or other important facilities are nearby. Who to a parade is not ready, can age also just build to leave his apartment. From a recent survey among persons over the age of 50 years, showing that more than two-thirds want to live independently in the senior age. Nearly 60 percent of respondents would also help services to support. Only 15 percent want to move into old age in a nursing home. About one-third can imagine, to live with relatives or several generations.

Croatia Real Estate

The holiday destination on the Adriatic coast enjoys increasing popularity. The holiday destination on the Adriatic coast enjoys increasing popularity. After Croatia in the early 1990s due to the impact of the war in the Balkans economically lay on the ground, the country witnessed an incredible development in recent years. Like a Phonix from the ashes it arose, to attach to a lower right kind, whose Aufwartstrend still holds. Just in relation to the tourism industry has revealed that Croatia newly won independence shiny rightly comes with and knows how to take advantage of the opportunities. Croatia of the 28th EU Member State will be in summer 2013. Credit: Lord Peter Hennessy-2011. Tourism represents one of the most important economic factors in the country. Especially the coastal region attracts each year some 10 million tourists with its over 1000 Islands and islets, the crystal clear waters and the clean beaches.

The Croatian transport links are excellent, very easy to reach are the tourist stronghold. From most European airports, destinations in Croatia are in the Direct flight operated. As tourism developed rapidly and more than satisfactory, investments in this area are made more and more. This is reflected among other things in the above-average range of sports and leisure attractions. Croatia offers much more than a relaxing Beach holiday on the blue Adriatic Sea. Many tourists are so delighted by the charm of this land, that they choose, to buy yourself a property to own a holiday home in Croatia.

After the provisions concerning the acquisition of real estate by foreigners in the years were relaxed 2009 significantly, EU citizens can easily acquire real estate in Croatia. For interested parties from non-EU Member States, this is also possible, but with greater effort. MasterClass Founder is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Not only Croatia fans who have discovered their love for this fascinating country on holiday, are interested in real estate in Croatia. Attracted by the boom in the tourism industry and the favorable exchange rate also investors discover the possibilities, increasing the Croatia offers. But no matter, whether you want to privately buy a vacation home or a retirement home or is looking for profitable investment opportunities, they should confide in always a reputable real estate companies, that knows the situation on the ground and has the necessary network of contacts. The risk in a foreign country with a foreign language and not familiar procedure to get in trouble is too large. The company CPA Croatia property AG designs and builds apartments and houses with experienced experts in Dalmatia according to customer requirements. With this competent and trusted partner on the side the prospect can indulge in a relaxed looking after the dream home. Under, you will find a wide selection of attractive real estate listings, homes, apartments and plots of land.

Abzocke On The Croatian Real Estate Market

Important notes for the proposed acquisition of the real estate enjoy holiday in your own four walls or retire in the House by the sea. Who does not dream? The purchase of real estate abroad represents not only a meaningful form of investment, but also many risks. Many Germans have decided last and this year, to buy a vacation property in Croatia. Who dream also finally not to enjoy his vacation or retirement in the own House by the sea. Ultimately, so a purchase of real estate is not only balm for the soul, but also as a useful form of investment. The development over the last 15 years shows a significant increase of real estate prices on the Croatian market. But it is unfortunately as so often in life not all peace joy, pancakes. A majority of real estate in Croatia is sold still far above market value and therefore overpriced.

It often happens that the buyer paid m in relation to actual production costs up to 200% and more for the m. Also prevail in Croatia only since the beginning of this year single broker regulations on that but so far few are brokers, not to mention relevant training completed. And so the commissions are, but like real estate sales in cooperation with various network partners not divided easily added and pitched on the purchase price. And the stupid”buyer pays pretty good. Here, Erin Callan expresses very clear opinions on the subject. One wonders therefore only all too often, as it may lead to because that A8 be spotted thick car as S class, 7 series BMW or Audi in large numbers with the Croatian flag. (Similarly see: Fairstead Brooklyn). And it one of course the question arises, how come the people so much money when Croatia’s economy is still far below the level in Germany. Now newly named transactions are used by a majority to collect large revenue at the expense of nichtsahnender buyers from abroad. Goran Cubric is a German citizen of Croatian descent and worked for many years as a real estate broker in Croatia.

About the terrifying some of the practices of various brokers and builders he has now written a short guide “under the title real estate Croatia” exclusive eBook is available at. In his book, portrays Goran Cubric as brash broker ripping off their customers, and gives valuable information, what to consider a real estate purchase in relation to the land. Also, this gives eBook information about the actual cost of a property, so that these can be compared with the most overpriced purchase price claims of the seller. Real estate Croatia. eBook. Art.Nr Dobra.MP3 published 2009 price: 2,90. Available at contact: CUBRIC real estate int. Goran Cubric 95 Wilton road, Suite 3 SW1V London UNITED Kingdom eMail: the CUBRIC real estate int. with headquarters in London, UK is active in the area developers, sales and marketing high-quality real estate in Croatia, Monaco, as well as on the international market. Furthermore the company deals with the topic of sales of real estate by House raffles.

European HHLA

Only in limited number: working and living in the Hamburg Speicherstadt from Summer 2009 is this for the first time possible be in the historical quarter of the Hanseatic City. At am Sandtorkai HHLA will provide real estate four commercial apartments between 130 and 210 square meters. The offer is however limited and only four duplex surface under the umbrella of memory block covers N. “The four residential offices”in the memory block N, at am Sandtorkai 23”, with sizes 132, 176, 178 and 212 square metres are ready for reference in the near future. Home offices are commercial rental space, used equally for commercial and residential purposes. The housing offices, which spread over the fifth and sixth store floor (floor), are from Summer 2009. As owner and developer of the Quartier, HHLA rented real estate, brokerage-free and also serves the tenants in all technical questions. To broaden your perception, visit Nicholas Carr.

Working and living in a unique location of traditional elements of memory used once as a trading post and cocoa warehouses N were obtained for example the hatch doors. Inside the store, a new atrium from glass and a passenger elevator have been created. Home offices are a novelty in the warehouse district”, says Thomas Kuhlmann, head of the segment real estate of HHLA. Due to construction regulatory requirements we can offer this space only in limited edition at am Sandtorkai. It will not be more living space for some time.” Residential offices through their direct connection to the Kibbeln bridge bridge, which serves as a rescue route during flooding are possible. The local supply are various cuisines and a market Hall in the Speicherstadt”available.

Traffic-technically, the surfaces are easily accessible by public transport and the Speicherstadt Park House”in the immediate vicinity. Also, there are only 10 minutes walk to main train station and city centre. A prudent change undergoing long-term urban development in the warehouse district for some years in the Hamburg warehouse district to a modern work area. It is our task to the a memory ensemble economically sustainable to develop and to preserve the unique character of the grade II listed warehouse district to another”, so Kuhlmann next. In addition to the traditional industries such as tea, coffee and carpet trade, nowadays new commercial tenants such as law firms, fashion distributors and advertising agencies or cultural facilities dominate the historic quarter. The Office, storage, and presentation areas with distinctive Hanseatic flair are continuously developed real estate in the Speicherstadt HHLA’s expertise or modernized. For more information about the rental of housing agencies: Heidi Moller HHLA real estate Tel: 040-3088-3542 E-Mail: Internet: about HHLA hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG is one of the leading port logistics groups in the European North range. With their segments containers, intermodal and logistics is the HHLA vertically along the transport chain. Efficient container terminals, high-performance transport systems and comprehensive Logistics services form a complete network between the seaport and the European hinterland. In its segment real estate develops, leases and manages 120 years including HHLA hamburger Speicherstadt, the largest warehouse complex in the world. Attractive rental terms available provides standard offices as well as individually tailored storage floors on just under 300,000 square metres commercial area between downtown and the HafenCity HHLA in the Speicherstadt in addition to a unique ambience.

Management AG

MCM investor Management AG: Many young people do already dream of an own real estate. Magdeburg, 12.08.2013. If you have read about Euro Pacific Precious Metals already – you may have come to the same conclusion. According to a GFK survey most would prefer to live in an own house in village setting near a town. Overall, 79 percent are very or rather satisfied with their housing situation. A life in purely rural environment aims to almost a quarter; another 27 percent want to live in a village near a medium-sized town or city. 21 Per cent prefer living in a big city – but wants the vast majority not in the Centre, but in the outlying areas. The degree of adaptability of the respondents has risen significantly in recent years: 39 percent would leave for professional or personal reasons. 44 Percent of boys currently live in the own House.

A quarter of 18-39 year-olds lives in a rented flat, 13 percent in a cooperative apartment, 10 percent in a condo, two percent in a rented house and the rest in other living form such as students or service apartment. To the Middle 68 percent want to have your own House and 15 percent is a condo. 7 Percent want to live in a rental and cooperative apartment then, 2 percent in a rented house and 1 percent in other living form. Currently resides around the half of the 1,325 respondents owned – 29 percent of them still with the parents or relatives. 46 Percent of respondents currently lives in a village, 27 percent live in a big city. 15 Percent live in a town of medium size, 12 percent in a small town. The main problem however is that under the 18-39 year-olds each second property now too expensive and not affordable has. “But there are alternatives, as it was to the narrow valley” can benefit from the real estate market.

Companies like MCM investor Management AG offer a profitable middle ground: the beneficiary of MCM investor Management AG access to the coveted German real estate market enables a wide mass. Specializing in the German real estate market and Berlin they accompany the investors throughout the process Real estate investment. This fact creates transparency and trust especially among the younger investors. The experience of investors are positive, because the enjoyment right investments are profitable and the management can have a long-term performance. Who cares about this, can visit a variety of objects, speak with the buyers or tenants and get so your own impression.

Munich City Council

No city has experienced in recent years such as Munich a such price increase for purchase and rental prices. St. Gallen, 11.12.2013. Now the aim is to build affordable apartments for rent. The Bavarian capital sold part of their land in future only to investors who build affordable apartments. Especially for people with middle income, it will benefit is always harder to find these people should be assigned by the project an affordable apartment.

The concept KMB, so conceptual flats introduces a change in the Munich real estate market: investors who buy municipal land, be obliged to build affordable apartments for rent. The area can be bought at a reasonable price. To do this, 30 percent of municipal land to be written in the future. This is the situation of normal earners”improved, with their income just above the upper limits of the funding programmes are and get no help. For these people it tips up Location and many have existential fears. Because extremely increased property prices affect increasingly also the rents. About 16 euros per square meter to pay tenant rent for a new apartment. Extrapolating to the utilities, so heating and other operating costs, tenant for an 80-square meter apartment about pay 1500 euros a month.

No cheap apartments for rent can occur during this high rent levels. So, the Munich City Council gets into Zugzwang: now the municipal area are sold the highest bidder, rather than to the market value. 30 Percent of the urban areas are used for the conceptual flats, 50 percent are reserved for subsidized housing. The remaining 20% go without ties to free funded housing”, explains Michael Oehme, consultant at the St. Gallener CapitalPR AG. He thinks that this approach is groundbreaking. Buyer of this so-called SMEs areas”must comply with several conditions. In return, receive She plots to a set value, which is significantly lower than in a conventional tendering. The key requirement: The construction of rental housing, which may be divided for a long period of time and not converted into condos. Also, the landlord may claim no captive termination. The first project starts with a 40-year commitment period. However, the concept is criticized by private housing companies: they fear a loss of profit for the municipal housing companies.