Federal Association

Nature instead of chemistry. Credit: Greg Coffey-2011. Has advantages compared to the conventional cosmetics natural cosmetics? Just the cosmetics industry is a high-tech industry. New formulations are constantly developed and presented to the consumer. In some ways, cosmetics are a sure thing for the industry, she can promise much, ask for eternal youth. The progress control is rather modest. The wellness concept is a central idea of cosmetics, you want to treat yourself to something, do something good. Whether with a concentrated charge really something good happening chemistry, was then made – there are also alternatives. As there are natural cures and natural remedies, there are also natural cosmetics.

This is based on natural raw materials and avoiding additives. These cosmetic products can be purchased in various health food stores or in the online shop. Paper can be patient there for the natural cosmetics also a quality indicator: the Federal Association of German industry and trade company for medicines, reform goods, Dietary supplements and personal care products – short BDIH – gives a label for these products. The guidelines cover both the ingredients, the additives and also the environmental compatibility of the products – packaging specifically. You want to come out with little chemical additives, but without endangering the safety of the product. You must strike a balance here especially fats, without preservatives, certain raw materials are also an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Natural cosmetics should be just pro-life.

You can create a certain shelf life through careful preservation and admixture of low-risk substances. The advantage of natural cosmetics is the special impact of the substances and the recipes. Of course not needed by the way, there are natural substances that can irritate us. The common Hogweed for example is pure nature and extremely harmful for the skin. Paying attention to the tested substances that were used since time immemorial by people and were well tolerated. Honey has as Care – as well as a remedy for hard to heal wounds experienced a Renaissance in recent years. Certified natural cosmetics is tolerated in General by people who have a sensitive skin. Irritations are rare. Natural cosmetics is not as dependent on how conventional beauty. You can push the skin with chemical formulas in the short term, the effect disappears but after a short time. You will often addicted to cosmetics. This effect is rare in natural cosmetics. Sabine Munch


Creatine as a training supplement for the muscles the organic acid creatine has the responsibility to keep muscles active. This substance in the liver, the kidney, and in the pancreas is produced. About ninety percent of the total creatine in the human body located in the skeletal muscles. The substance was discovered for the first time in 1832. The researcher Eugene Chevreul could determine the acid in a meat broth and was certainly not the implications of this discovery.

Ten years later, the chemist Justus von Liebig, showed the acid in different species of mammals. The adult human body has stored creatine about 120 to 150 grams. It produced about half of the organism itself. The rest must be ingested through food. About 2 percent of creatine are excreted daily and was newly formed. The creatine may refer to the body, mainly from fresh meat and fish. Sausages and other processed products, not more than creatine serve the body in most cases Supplier.

Therefore, a creatine is to determine deficiency especially for sick and vegetarians. The consequences of an inadequate supply are the onset muscular reduction and concentration difficulties. Animal trials indicated significant restrictions in muscle and skeleton as well as strong nerves and brain damage. Also in people with genetic defects and other problems in respect of the production or processing of creatine, strong pathological errors could, as noted, for example, autism, epilepsy, a weak muscles, and other developmental disorders. The term for the inability or the body’s decreased ability to produce creatine, to store or process, as creatine deficiency syndrome “refers to. In medicine often found creatine as a therapy for muscle diseases, such as muscular dystrophy. Also in neuro muscular diseases, like the Parkinson’s syndrome, numerous experiments and research have brought already great success. A series of experiments is currently back in the United States carried out, which should prove the effectiveness of creatine again. Information can be found under

International Volleyball Federation

Volleyball – Eng. Volleyball – Hit the ball in the summer", "Flying", "floating ball" – a team sport noncontact game in which two teams at a special court being moved the ball over the net on the enemy, that he was unable to recapture. This game appeared in the U.S. in 1895 and immediately won the hearts of many. In Russia, the spread of volleyball started the master of arts, actors, because in Moscow the first volleyball appeared in yards of theaters. In 1923 the ussr the first official match between the teams top art theater workshops and public schools of cinematography.

In 1925 the Soviet Union were developed and approved the first official competition rules on volleyball. Since then, competition for the sport held in Russia is constantly and everywhere. Since 1964, the volleyball is an Olympic sport. Virtually all competitions Soviet and later Russian teams (male and female) took top places: Tokyo (1964), Mexico (1968), Munich (1972), Montreal (1976), Moscow (1980), Seoul (1988), Sydney ( 2000.), Athens (2004), Beijing (2008). An international body of volleyball as a sport – fivb – "The International Volleyball Federation was formed in 1947 in France. It unites 220 national volleyball federations.

fivb headquarters in Switzerland, in Lausanne. The Federation is developing rules to volleyball, is responsible for organizing international competitions, said balls for the world competitions in volleyball. Past few years, the official tournament balls, steel balls are approved by the fivb Japanese company mikasa. Volleyball is a spherical structure, consisting usually of a rubber inner chamber enclosed in a coating of natural or synthetic leather. In all official competitions game is the ball circumference of 65-67 inches and weighing 260-280 grams. Balls mikasa usually tricolor: a combination of bright yellow, blue and white colors allow athletes to more clearly trace the trajectory of the ball. It should be noted that this manufacturer produces volleyballs for various purposes: training for the classical and beach volleyball. Connect with other leaders such as Farallon Capital Management here. Balls mikasa is available in different price ranges, so that every fan of this game can afford to exercise with a really high quality and "thoughtful" in all respects of the ball. mikasa releases balls for different levels of play: training – for example, banners mikasa MGV5ATTR – to practice hitting, weighted mikasa MGV500 – for strength training, classical training balls mikasa MV250 (recommended for training in sports schools and clubs), mikasa MVP-2001, mikasa MVA330 (T); Amateur – mikasa MGV260, mikasa MVP5S (the best indicators of longevity in this price category); Match – mikasa MVA310 (T); Professional – mikasa MVA300. Balls are also distinguished on the glued and stitched. Beach volleyball most preferably crosslinked using balls, because they are less susceptible to deformation when wet. Currently, the quality of glued and stitched balls mikasa so high that the method of their connection does not matter. And of course, for a truly professional and beautiful game should be mindful of proper pumping the ball. It should not be too soft, not to reduce the rebound the ball, and too hard to not beat the hands of athletes. Ideal to pump the ball allow specialized electronic manometers (MIKASA AG-500). Beautiful game! Tasha Interest

South African President Nelson Mandela

Just after the ominous apartheid and coming to power, South African President Nelson Mandela joined his former tormentors in the multiracial country that began to build. It says in the film Invictus, Clint Eastwood: I’m not interested in the past but the future. So instead of a vengeful bloodbath laid the foundation for the takeoff of a country that seemed impossible. are, in short, the plot of the Eastwood film. The story: how he managed the national rugby team, composed of white, were accepted as belonging to the once marginalized and repressed black majority.

Such a metaphor of harmony came just 15 years ago. And no one has claimed the retrospective punishment for the crimes of apartheid. Here, however, I just read a vitriolic article in the newspaper of largest circulation in Spain, demanding the punishment of crimes of the Franco regime, ie, events that occurred 70 years ago. However, the most grotesque of the matter is no open wounds licked it, however, other countries which prefer to spite fraternity have already forgotten. By the same author: Euro Pacific Precious Metals. No.

The worst thing is that here, too, was false, what is the step advocated by Mandela, the politician most important late twentieth century. Here was a political amnesty in 1977 were released in which people with horrible crimes of ETA murderers, for example, some of whom immediately turned to crime. But that was the price of forgetting, forgiveness and reconciliation. Continue at this point requiring unilateral vindications, is a most egregious blunder and injustice. a Enrique Arias Vega (Bilbao) is a Spanish journalist and economist. Graduated from the University of Stanford, has been writing almost forty years. His articles have appeared in most of the Spanish newspapers in the Italian magazine “Terzo Mondo” and in the newspaper “News of the World” in New York. Among other charges, has been director of “El Periodico” Barcelona, “The Forward” Salamanca, and the release of “ABC” in Valencia and CEO of Grupo Zeta publications and adviser to several media companies. In recent years, he has alternated his contributions to newspapers, radio and television to literature, having won several awards in both tasks, including national gastronomic journalism “a lvaro Cunqueiro” (2004), the Short Novel “Ategua” (2005) and social journalism of Valencia, “Living” (2006). His recent books are a compilation of newspaper articles, “Spain and other impertinence” (2009) and one short story, “Nothing is what it seems” (2008).

Platform Preview

Moreover, if earlier photos that a user was tagged appeared directly in your profile, now may pass by your review if it so wishes, in the same way that labels of snapshots that he raise must receive your approved. Tag photos for users who are not friends, adding locations to the images or specify why you want to delete a tag to avoid having to do so in similar situations in the future, are other innovations that Facebook will be introducing in the coming days. The + 1? Google is done more social Google known as + 1 button? (the I like company) will allow users to share in your account on the social network Google + any link they see on the web directly with their circles, reported this week the search engine via its official blog. This function, which since June allowed Internet users recommend contained in the network, now appears in more than one million Web pages and reports more than 4,000 million daily visits. Dennis Lockhart may find this interesting as well. However, Google has taken one further step in the social character of this tool. With this new development you can share content online that the user considers interesting with certain circles (friends, work, family groups, etc.) of the social network, where may Yes discuss such links. Google has also announced the function + snippets (fragments), which, once you press the button + 1, generates a link accompanied by a photo that illustrates it and a summary of its contents. Internet users who are eager to use the new features announced by Google may be the first to try them through the Google + Platform Preview portal. Follow others, such as Dennis Lockhart, and add to your knowledge base.

Galleries of screenshots of Twitter Twitter has launched a new service to organize users most recent images in galleries, advises the company through its official account. The latest images shared by the members of the network, either directly through Twitter or through third parties (like yFrog, Twitpic or Instagram), sorted chronologically in the individual user profile. They may appear up to a total of one hundred snapshots, provided they have been uploaded onto Twitter after January 1, 2010. These images can be viewed in two different ways: in a table format which lists all your previews and a details view, which displays the most recent image enlarged with its corresponding TWIT and the rest of snapshots in a smaller size. Twitter has already announced that it will engage these galleries a few weeks ago, when released the service that allows users to upload images directly from your computer or mobile device.


It turns out that five foxes distance does not include all time, and only one minute out of 5. First, working first fox, a minute later she gave the baton to the 2nd, then a third, etc. After the 5th fox turned back on first. Moreover, the nature of the forest makes a noticeable distortion in the distribution radio waves, and therefore, the receiver does not always indicate exactly on the radio. Continuously listening to the signals “foxes,” the athlete tries to clarify where there is a “fox” and find it.

Now I understand why disguised transmitter was named after the cunning animal? Sometimes, directional radio sports confused with orienteering. But, despite the apparent similarities, they are completely different sports. As checkers and chess – a board one, but different shapes. Orienteering competitions are to visit vrisovannyh the map control points (CP). The winner is the one who spent searching for the required number of CP least time. Athlete-orienteers need help with maps, determine the fastest route from CP to CP, to monitor their position on a map their way through natural obstacles. And all this is on the run. The task of “fox hunter” much more difficult.

The fact that the “fox” the card is not applied. The athlete knows only the location of the start and finish. How do searches for “fox” athlete “hunter”? Here comes to the aid receiver-finder. Listening to signals “Fox” and turning the antenna, the athlete is looking for an azimuth to the transmitter. With the help of a compass and maps tablet line – “line”. The required “fox” would be where the bearings intersect at her. Orienteering and “Hunting” foxes “- it’s entertaining activities that develop a teenager not only speed, agility and endurance, but also the sharpness and mobility of mind. After the athlete has to decide on the move naitrudneyshie strategic and tactical goals, while not forgetting to monitor the situation on the air and your location. Clever “hunter” actually knows how to apply the radio waves as a direction finder and transmitter are designed in He is fluent in map and compass. “Hunting” foxes “- is not just a” fun “, as some believe. The sport competitions of different ranks. And it should be noted that students “Contour” show them excellent results. During his short story, “konturovtsy” won the Championships and six European championships only individual international medals, one gold. More awards were won in the team RF. Classes in “contour” gratuitous. Coaches support the MDGs, “Metallurg”, and DYUKFP “Saksor.” In seconding the strongest athletes in the competition helps the Department of Sport and the Samara region DOSAAF. But the main funds to purchase equipment and travel to competitions “konturovtsy” earn themselves. We organize a variety of physical culture and sports activities, implementing social projects, judged the competition. Held on “Contour” annual “Cup of Parks”, runs on hundreds of teenagers from Samara. Begin classes in sports radio direction finding better 11-12 years, but in the “Path” take the boys and girls and younger and older adults. No one considered unsound. It would be a desire to win, and a willingness to work to win.