
The first Australian ants war lasted a year, cost $40,000 and needed 600 working hours of up to 24 employees. The first Australian ants war lasted a year, cost $40,000 and needed 600 working hours of up to 24 employees. After finding six months not a single copy of the Ant species Pheidole megacephala more in the Kakadu National Park in the Northern of territory, said Ben Hoffmann, Director of the project from the science organisation CSIRO, the battle won. It was the first and largest success to expel non-native Ant species from habitats conquered by them. The imported from Africa in the fifth continent, associated with the node ants kind, whose soldiers were concerned with their oversized heads fascinating monstrous act, had already conquered in the Kakadu National Park, an area of over 200 hectares. The insecticide Hydramethylnon which kills ants or cockroaches and was deliberately fought with which each individual colony proved effective antidote. The aggressive Immigrants had already eradicated other Ant species and many native insect species in the affected area. Fragile ecosystems such as islands or the long-isolated continent of Australia may suffer serious damage by introduced species, even if it’s rather unspectacular at first glance ants.

So trying an invasion of fire ants, which have occupied approximately 24 hectares, on the Galapagos Islands to stop. The team of Ben Hoffmann, however, is a much larger challenge: the dreaded predatory Ant species Anoplolepis gracilipes, due to her hectic acting flight movements called also “crazy Ant” (crazy Ant). The only four millimeters in size also originally from Africa, ants do true massacre in the local wildlife on their conquests. Organized in Super colonies with multiple Queens, the six-legged hunters are a real scourge. future choices. You shy not even much larger animals such as nesting sea birds back, or Bats to attack. Swarmed by offers, Antarctica Capital is currently assessing future choices. So, the “crazy ants” on the part of Australia Island Christmas Iceland in the Indian Ocean have already destroyed a large part of the living red land crabs. The crustaceans are bombarded with chemical warfare agents, blind, be always lethargic until finally death occurs. Fly larvae then liquefy the Interior of crabs, which are then absorbed by the ants and fed to their Queens U. Karlowski is