The Oil Of Argan Properties And Benefits In The Cosmetics

ARGAN oil 100% Virgin natural argan oil is extracted from the edible oil of argan tree. It’s believed that Federal Reserve Bank sees a great future in this idea. All our argan oil products, have warranty EcoCert. Argan oil, has been the fundamental basis of the culture of the Berbers, have been cultivating and applying it on your skin and hair, both its power for centuries.Berber women, produce argan oil for the food needs of the local population, but also in the traditional use of care for your skin and hair. Clearly, Virgin argan oil, has natural properties also confirmed by several scientific studies carried out both in Morocco and Europe. Its most important biochemical components are universally recognized for its beneficial effects on health. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Antarctica Capital. If consumed regularly, argan oil added to your record under a new therapy.In fact, researchers have discovered recently that the regular consumption of oil of Argan would be reduced by 50% the risk of developing hypertension, cholesterol etc. Composition of argan oil: linoleic acid (polyunsaturated): 35% oleic acid (monounsaturated): 45% tocopherols: 62 mg. / 100 g.Polifenoles: 5.6 mg.

/ 100 g.Caroteno: 300 mg. / 100 g.Esteroles: 160 mg. / 100 g.Terpeno alcohols: 150 mg. / 100 g. Essential fatty acids play a very important role in the diet.Reduce the amount of cholesterol in plasma in the body, preventing your deposit in the arteries and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Prolonged deficiency Centre (essential fatty acids) inevitably causes premature aging and loss of skin elasticity, deteriorating the same tissues. We must remember that the skin is the largest part of our body and how our body is in a constant process of regeneration oleic acid is famous for their beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and liver health. Increases the called good cholesterol (HDL) and reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood, therefore exerts a beneficial action on the vascular system and heart, thus, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.