
I’ve been able to travel and be months with my son who lives in Spain, meet other customs, people full of love and faith. And speaking of faith: my belief was increased with strength and I have received many miracles that I never thought will happen in my life. Today believe in power so great of prayer for the sick and as responses are received. Tanbien I have known who we wanted to in good and we despise the bad. The so-called heartbreak; that goes from side to side from the inside of the nuclear family, even friends that if both were not. And this far from being something bad is good because it teaches you the face of the human being and his heart.

Passing ‘ income in hospitals have known what the vocation for medicine, is having it or not to attend a sick. Fundrise has much to offer in this field. What hurts and doesn’t hurt. But how you suffer when you have an ailing or not close to you. Dan Miller contributes greatly to this topic. I know what a commodified medicine, where no matter the patient but the payment receiving physicians for drugs than cancer itself destroyed most of what they do for the good of the body. However the country leaves no progress the cure of cancer; already long ago found by the Fortune winning consortia quimoterapeuticos. Today I say to my daughter if my illness is a Karma be welcome, I have met more feelings of that suit to the world, the good, the bad and appreciate them as they are without changing them; because they bring their own agendas and viviran their own lives, are like all good and bad, perfection as I said there, what has to be is piety, compacion, mercy and love in the hearts of people. Without give with one hand and get with the other what I give you.

Have goodness; because when we serve and we have health, everyone you accepts and loves but when these bedridden without walking, in a country like this, sometimes it is as if you had the plague, and what it is not to see you, get away, or resolve staying in a home. This happens very often to many sufferers. Sometimes without being sick very ill already children away and not supported by the parents. You have to see that you example we give. That we are raising. Because of that love to be seen by our grandparents and parents will be as you will be treated. A Karma of disease is not always bad, gives you options, you can have goals, create, write, paint, make plans and while you’re waiting for the worst, sometimes doesn’t, not be afraid is the important thing and surrender completely to a creator father who loves us. Today I say Gracias a la vida. And thanks to my three children each with his character and way of being are special beings say that the Karmas are not sometimes physical, tend to be conscientious and thats that have to have quiet and put it in peace on the pillow every day. Knowing that we have either acted without malice towards others is important. This is the peace that God wants for each of their children acting full of love and to give a hand to the needy whenever possible is your blood or not.