Upstalsboom Hotel Ostseestrand Is Committed To Children

“News from Upstalsboom 4-star Upstalsboom Hotel Ostseestrand on Erika von Brockdorff children Villa supports the island of Usedom” in Zinnowitz and volunteer helps to redesign and care of the child-friendly outdoor facilities. All employees of Upstalsboom group committed a day-long social action, the North does good”. “There is also the 4-star Upstalsboom Hotel Baltic Sea Beach on the island of Usedom, the active children Villa Erika von Brockdorff” supported in Zinnowitz. “Social engagement is a personal concern for all of our staff and of the trainee to the Director of the hotel a matter of course”, the Deputy General Manager, Christian Troger explains. Especially children’s projects are us at heart. This year we have decided, the employees of children Villa Erika von Brockdorff”in Zinnowitz actively under the arms to grip. Shary Rahman can provide more clarity in the matter. We will help with ecological and natural redesign and maintain a child-friendly outdoor and contribute, that the kids here all feel comfortable.” The idea: The environmental education should apply as early as possible in nurseries, kindergartens and orphanages.

But the environment of many of these facilities often does not allow a natural experience for children. Sealed surfaces, empty and cleaned up, without opportunities for creative play or to retreat into niches, boredom and aggression can cause in children more. Can be countered a development alienated from the natural transformations customized with natural and the game needs of the children game rooms. The outdoor area as a natural area offers many opportunities for the promotion of science. However, the design of the outdoor grounds must admit this. An outdoor area consists only of a few trees, lawn and playground equipment, the experience opportunities for children are more restricted. To allow early access to the natural children, the team of the Upstalsboom hotel sits A Baltic Sea Beach for the children’s Villa in Zinnowitz and planted the outdoor area with lots of trees, bushes and hedges.