Video Marketing Conference

Visibility, perception, and online branding through video marketing dinslaken, Germany, 29.02.2012 – branding on the Internet is facing great challenges, because the website no longer is the measure of all things. The Internet is dynamic as the target groups and they are everywhere. On the 5th video marketing on April 25, 2012 in Hamburg marketers learn how they successfully address these challenges through video marketing. The strategy is to bring content to the user and not the other way around. Decentralized concepts of content marketing are so in demand.

Video marketing is ideally suited for this purpose. As with video marketing, you can achieve excellent visibility and operate at the same time high-quality branding. The potential to continue to increase, because through smart TVs with Internet connection you will reach its customers all the way into the living room. While with excellent ROI, almost 1:1 in the audience, extremely cost effective and with double-digit conversion rates – that has convinced many companies. In addition, the fields of application of video marketing are very diverse: from the marketing video about the tutorial, as a tool of sales growth in the E-Commerce up to employer branding.

The 5th video marketing conference will discuss this at 25 for a full day Conference and give an overview of the Status Quo in the video marketing. A Director talks about video as content on the Web, YouTube will be there, experts from the research, service providers, and speakers from the business of Siemens and continental show practical examples and is available for the exchange of experience. The lectures and speakers: 1 video as an Ambassador in the Web 2.0 Peter Ponnath, Telefilm media projects 2. video marketing for business to business: the power of the target group – or what we can learn from the customers. Thomas Hartmann, Viracom 3. In a step on video portals and televisions with, Dr. Robert Biermann, of 4 T-commerce on your TV by smart TV: Market situation, interface design and interfaces. Prof. Dr. Sven Pagel, University of applied sciences Dusseldorf 5. The use of video in E-Commerce on the example of Douglas. Dr. Rainer kits, MovingIMAGE24 of 6 branding and awareness with video marketing for China and Brazil. Mark Hogg, continental 7 answers, and the measurability of the storytelling. Tobias Dennehy, Siemens AG 8 video display, in video, click to play, RichMedia channel – advertising opportunities at Dr. Sebastian Vieregg, YouTube Germany cf. agenda under pages/hamburg-2012-agenda.php press contact: Web effect AG Dr. Robert Baker Magnus str. 18 46535 dinslaken, Germany Tel.: 02064/48670 the video marketing Conference the video marketing Conference ( is the leading German-speaking Symposium on the subject of moving image in the Internet. Experts, service providers and companies in the industry as speakers and users and interested parties to exchange experiences available.