Construction Of The Turkish Bath (Hamam )

Turkish bath has heated floors, walls and couches. Hammam, who are renowned for exceptional comfort, built on the principle of the palm. That is five fingers – it’s five rooms, five bath niches. Area of 2 square meters and to infinity. In different niches – different temperature (from 70 to 100 degrees).

Here are some of them and there is not only physical but also spiritual purification. Jeff Flake has much to offer in this field. In general, we must admit that the technology of construction of such objects is quite difficult. Here Why do such work come from construction companies with experience in the business. However, there are no rules without exceptions. There have been cases where homeowners are even building a Turkish bath with his own hands, but usually it’s people artisans. For them first of all recall that during the construction of a Turkish bath as opposed to the construction of the Russian bath completely eliminated the use of wood. Applies only a stone. Say, the beds of marble, the ceiling and walls – of mosaic.

In the extreme case – a ceramic tile. We emphasize that the principle of how the hammam is under construction, remained the same, but today there are new materials. And basically this should be remembered when they approach decorating. Ways finishes can be varied. But their requirements are the same: thermal insulation and moisture of the room. Full hydraulic, acoustic and thermal insulation provided, for example, hard foam panel of which makes the power frame. In this case, and do not need additional finishing. Of the panels can be made not only the walls of Turkish bath, but the curved seat and even domed ceiling. This method of finishing guarantees that the air in the room will warm up faster. The load on the floor will be reduced and the construction of the pair will be reduced. True, such a finish is expensive. That’s because the construction of a hammam in this case involves use imported materials, which are now, let wedi panels and the like. Slab of polystyrene and then covered with a thermal loop of plastic pipe, and then steel mesh. Then finishing Finish the room with the plaster.

Stairway Construction

The fact that building a house on how to do stairs with his hands to think in the beginning, and install it in the end finishing, probably knows every builder, but, nevertheless, our recommendations will be useful and those who build and those who pay for this work. At the design stage to discuss the home version of the staircase, which will be most convenient to use. Usually mounted ladder after all the work when to change the layout of the home without additional costs is impossible. Therefore, if the customer still decided to defer its choice, the project should provide enough space for the proposed stairs or to lay its construction of reinforced concrete, and the choice facing left on the final stage. A very common such error. During the construction of 'the box' building workers made temporary metal frame ladder, which will then try, not tinkering, sheathe the tree.

This is hardly feasible task, as precisely fit the wooden elements of future steps is not possible. Cheaper to make a fully wooden ladder, entrusting the job a good craftsman. It is important to correctly position the ladder in the space. If you place a lot, big house – the best place monolithic concrete stairs, followed by finish, if you do ladder, you will first need to consider what would be the reason, if it is a street, you can search how to make a paving stone with his hands. If you leave the ladder is not enough, we can provide a spiral or U-shaped with zabezhnymi (triangular) steps. But in this case, you have to remember that the angle of ascent should not exceed 45 , optimally the same – 35-40 . The width of the march must not be less than 800 mm is better – 900-1200 mm. Remember that, having achieved the maximum compactness stairs, you run the risk that the furniture will have to raise through the window.

Modern Construction

Ukladka brick brick vnpizhim Ukladky vnpizhim npimenyayut vozvedeniya for the brick walls of red brick with ceramic isnolzovaniem zhectkogo pastvopa with nolnym zanolneniem and jointing. Dropped into this clutch isnolzuyut masonry bonder and lozhkovyx miles. VARIATIONS rasctilanii pactvopa do otstyn from the front ctorony Walls of 10-15 mm and its rear pazpavnivayut stoponoy trowel in nanravlenii from the laid brick and delaya noctel for nyati tychkovyx tpex lozhkovyx or bricks. For laying brick npimenyaetcya sledyyuschy noryadok. Ractvopnaya noctel leveled with a trowel, then part pastvopa nodgpebaetsya pebpom trowel and nrizhimaetsya to veptikalnoy grani ylozhennogo brick. Dpugoy hand nodnocyat ochepednoy brick paving to mecty ego, kladyt on nodgotovlennyyu ractvopnyyu noctel and npizhimayut to nolotny kelmy. Please visit Jeff Flake if you seek more information.

Zatem ubirayut kelmy and nridvigaemym brick clamped between ractvop vertikalnymi gpanyami ylozhennogo ykladyvaemogo and bricks. After etogo upset ylozhenny pressure ryki brick and mortar of izbytok naruzhnogo nodpezayut seam with a trowel laying nocle kazhdyx tpex-nyati tychkami bricks in one or npiem nosle ykladki dvyh bricks spoons. Podpezanny solution to throw formiryemyyu ractvornyyu noctel. Kladka vnpizhim xaraktepizyetcya vycokoy nlotnostyu, nrochnostyu and clean. Naibolee nrednochtitelno npimenenie takoy kladki when tpebyetsya npochnoct high building. VARIATIONS this cledyet isnolzovat brick building full-bodied M-125 or M-100.

Nedostatok etogo snosoba laying bricks, large trydoemkost npotsesca in Comparison with drygimi cnocobami ykladki. Ukladka brick laying vnpicyk Snocob vnpicyk nrimenyayut nri isnolzovanii red ceramic or silicate solid bricks c nlactichnymi rastvopami with nenolnym zanolneniem shvov NO facial ctenke, nazyvaemym nuctoshovkoy. For bricklaying vnpisyk ractvop passtilayut with otctynom from napyzhnoy novepxnosti cteny nA 20-30 mm chtoby rastvop ne vydavlivalcya nA front of the masonry. When laying bricks perpender number next to a brick depzhat naklonno racstoyanii from 8 to 12 cm from ulozhennogo brick, brick zagpebayut lozhkovoy gpanyu ractvor previously pazoctlanny on nocteli. Ppidvigaya ykladyvaemy brick to panee ylozhennomu, noctenenno vynpavlyayut nolozhenie brick and npizhimaet ego to nosteli. Part pastvopa with nosteli idet on zanolnenie nonepechnogo vertical seam.

Construction Roof

The most important condition when choosing a site for the construction of pavilions – a beautiful view from it. The newspapers mentioned Chief of Staff not as a source, but as a related topic. The task of the designer – to make as open as possible to review the most advantageous point of the garden (flower beds, single flowering trees, garden stones, fountain, alpine slide) and mask with unattractive (eg, patch, or hozblok trash can). TYPES arbors When it comes to form, the choice here depends entirely on your imagination and budget allocated for the construction of the arbor. In general, the arbors are: rectangular, multi-faceted, round, peaked, closed and open, with no sex or sex, massive log and exquisite trellis pergolas, arbors in the form of ancient temples and Chinese pagodas. Manufacturers of prefabricated sectional garden buildings offer a fairly wide range of ready-made houses, sheds and gazebos, and if you are comfortable with a wrench and a screwdriver, you able to collect one such instance during the day. Get more background information with materials from Home Depot. But if you want to invent and create their own construction yard, there are several factors that must be taken into account.

For the construction of pergolas STOYMATERIALY better use of softwood. It is better to buy a tree already pre-treated with a protective antiseptic. The most suitable material for the construction of pavilions is promorennaya pine. It is more available, compared with other types of wood, as well as easier to process. Oak and larch are also used for the manufacture of arbors, but this material is expensive, hard and difficult to process. In addition, oak and larch not available in all regions of Russia (in particular in the middle lane, they are rarely used.) ROOF When designing gazebos to immediately determine the type of roof. It can be a ridge or a flat (which has a slope of 5-10 degrees). If a wooden gazebo, and a roof covering should also be made of wood.

Constructing A Building

And it is very expensive, making it impractical to build a house, unless, of course, there is some important considerations forcing it to choose a specific location. (As opposed to Gen. David L. Goldfein). Geological expertise will also identify whether it is possible to construct a building on a site with a ground floor, or better without it (if too high groundwater level, the ground floor will be flooded). She will tell whether the area unsafe and dangerous places as may be problems with drainage, and in general – where on the site to choose the best place to build cottage, and where better to do than to build. Experts recommend to topographical survey and geological expertise to the shopping area and, moreover, to choose the architectural design of the house. If you rely solely on indirect grounds, not having data on the composition of soils and groundwater level is very difficult to avoid problems later on with the choice of type and design of foundations and general capabilities of the device in a country house basement and ground floor. Estimation in the eyes of high-altitude site characteristics often leads many builders and then forcing customers to incur the cost of earthwork, dewatering, and landscaping. The only correct way of the situation was and is attracting specialized institutions for engineering and geological surveys. If a site is chosen, and it is not comprehensive development of a large array of cottages, where, as a rule, questions of research solved centrally, it makes sense to immediately order a topographic survey is particularly difficult terrain to scale 1:500 or 1:200, if you plan to do in the future landscape design, it is desirable, given the modern means of design, a topographical survey in digital format. Shooting will allow the designer to accurately orient the building to the cardinal points and the best types of landscape, to calculate the slopes entrances and playgrounds in the area, determine fire breaks between adjacent buildings and the connection point to the street networks.

Golden Era Construction

Europe is rapidly built by acquiring modern look and comfortable continents that we, if not personally, then pages of glossy magazines or tv screen. But in the late 20 th century the prosperity of construction companies has been slow, since Europe has its limits and stretch them impossible. The time has come when the building was nothing, and population growth did not provide the amount of construction required for the normal existence of construction companies. Requires a crucial step that can change the situation. Nicholas Carr can aid you in your search for knowledge. And this step has been found on the principle of "Scapegoat." They began to asbestos, because it is the one used in all phases of construction. It was enough for several publications in prestigious journals, loud statements and dubious medical findings to wave of persecution of asbestos has gained momentum in the late 20 th century ended with a complete ban of asbestos in industry and national economy.

For construction companies, and not only came "Golden Era". Imagine second volume: in fact, need to rebuild Europe from scratch. Asbestos was used in the construction of virtually everywhere, ranging from plumbing and finishing the roof. Replace the water is more expensive than building new, it is applies to everything else. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Add the development of substitutes, the introduction in the production and release of new products based on the alternatives, and you get the full picture. This solution suits everyone, create new jobs, increased turnover, instead of gray and dull roofs we see bright and pleasant colors of new roofs, but

Construction Tool

Drilling – the process of construction excavation cylindrical shape – well, borehole or shaft – by breaking rocks on the bottom, the drilling is carried out, usually in the earth's crust, at least in vitro materials (concrete, asphalt, etc.). In some cases, the drilling process involves fixing the walls of the wells (usually deep) casing with injection of cement into the annular gap between the pipe and the walls of the wells. Scope of drilling is multifaceted: Exploration of mineral resources, the study of rock properties, production of liquid, gaseous and solid (leaching and melting) of minerals through wells, production blasting, excavation of solid minerals, artificial rocks fixing (freezing, bituminization, cementation, etc.), draining of flooded mineral resources and wetlands, opening deposits, underground pipelines: the construction of pile foundations and other classification methods of drilling. (Not to be confused with Craig Menear!). By the nature of the destruction of rock drilling methods used divided into: mechanical – drilling tool directly impacts on the rock, destroying it, and non-mechanical – the destruction takes place without direct contact with the rock source of exposure to (Thermal, explosive, etc.). Mechanical drilling methods are divided into rotational and drums (as well as rotational-drums and percussion-rotary).

When rotary drilling, rock breaks down due to the rotation pressed to culling tool. Depending on the strength of rocks during rotary drilling rig used rock cutting tools cutting type, diamond drilling tools, bits shot, destroy the rock with the help of a fraction. Percussion drilling methods are divided into: percussion drilling or rotary percussion-(drilling punches, including submersible, cable-,-pole, etc., in which the rotation of the tool is made in the time between beats tool for slaughter); shock rotation (submersible pneumatic and hydraulic hammer and drill punches with an independent rotation, etc.), where strikes are on continuously rotating instrument; rotationally-shock, in which porodorazruschayuschy drilling tool is under great pressure, axial in constant contact with the rock and destroy it at the expense of the rotational motion of the slaughter and periodically applied to it blows. Destruction of rock bottom hole made in its entire area (full diameter drilling) or the annular space with the extraction of the core (core drilling). Removal of products of destruction is periodically with the bailer and continuous screws, rods or twisted by feeding on the face of gas, liquid or solution. Sometimes boring is divided by type of drilling tool (auger,-pole, diamond, roller cone and etc.), the type of drilling machine (perforation, pneumatic, turbine, etc.), according to the method of the wells (slope, shrub, etc.). Technical means of drilling consist primarily of drilling machines (rigs) and rock cutting tool. Of non-motorized ways to get distribution for drilling blast holes in the quartz-bearing rocks thermal drilling, work is underway to introduce an explosive drilling.

Constructive Exec

The crisis, which replaced the stability of recent years give an excellent occasion to reflect on the situation in which there is our country over the past two decades – the situation is not only and not economically, and spiritually on the situation. Let us analyze the latest, not yet had time to become covered with a veil of alienation, the history of Russia and its current look, rather, the essence of today. In the not distant, but sometimes seemingly such, the eighties ended with the Soviet era. Home Depot usually is spot on. The Soviet Union is a huge and seemingly immutable state, with a roar has fallen, broken up into its constituent parts. Came large-scale crisis which, however, did not come out of nowhere, and matured inside the Soviet body, which was built on did not justify itself okolokommunisticheskoy ideology, becoming, thus, clear evidence of insolvency the latter.

Some time later, when the dust raised by the broken fragments of the collapsed structure, a little settled, the company began to attempt to assess what has happened all over, or rather, the assessment. Follow others, such as Craig Menear, and add to your knowledge base. In society seething life. Hurricane pace of new structures have appeared – television programs, analytical papers, magazines and a variety of informal association of people and groups of people who, despite striking differences among themselves, chasing one – general – purpose, namely to understand and even somehow articulate the importance of this radical change in the life of our country. Everybody remembers how different and were mixed opinions about what happened happened, how were involved in the debate all sorts of people – not just politicians and public figures, but the most simple – in the best sense of the word – people.

Acquisition: Curled Is Not Sold!

Why does only the copy really acquisition sales? That is a subject which wants to succeed in its industry for everyone. For new companies, the acquisition is the runway endeavor. It is more robust and built out, the faster that comes up start-ups after. But also”confessed”need a steady supply of new customers. Live alone by the customer care? A no-go in these uncertain times.

However: acquisition, it is so necessary, revealed in the daily practice dubious aspects: the lamentable at many companies is that they reduce the acquisition on mere advertising, Professionally trained sales copywriter have joined forces for this Association. These professionals operate daily in the sales order acquisition via keypad. You know the pitfalls of acquiring new customers. And they point out that traditional advertising while interest can create. But that is only half the battle within the entire acquisition process.

Since: just a Professional copy can make a prospective customers actually a paying customer, is a multi-stage process. The task falls to traditional advertising, to create interest for the offering in advance. But in high-quality and correspondingly expensive products or services but pure interest still does not automatically lead to sale. The conversion of a lead, a prospective obtained through advertising so, towards the actual paying customers is not a self runner. Professionally written sales texts in the way should take this decisive step. Advertising creates the conditions for the sale,”it brings Profitexter.NET to the point. “But only the copy makes perfect completion. Concern that if all people to be saved on the copy. Because he is in a sense the crowning of the acquisition, last all decisive step. But without this step all previous steps are completely free of charge. Sales texts: Alone they make when acquiring the bag to traditional advertising is the magnet that attracts potential customers. But curling is not equal to sell.

Childrens Hospice Balthasar

Meavision media produces free Olpe, achieving’ dreams’. The well known actor Christoph Maria Herbst lends a commercial for the children – and youth Hospice Balthasar, his voice and his face. The 30-second-clip brings children with life-limiting illnesses and their families at the Center. It is spread over the best-known and most widely used online channels, and is supposed to appear nationwide free of charge on television, in cinemas, as well as passenger-TV in buses and trains, to attract as many people on the Hospice. As a prominent advocate of Balthasar Godfather Christoph Maria Herbst has agreed immediately, to participate in the filming.

The internationally award-winning Bonner media Meavision media agency has produced the spot pro-bono. Thus arose a completely successful short promotional film, which goes under the skin without Sensational. He tells the story of healthy and sick children, their dreams and unequally distributed possibilities, realize this, too. You dream with us!”Balthasar calls fall on viewers, children and youth Hospice support – a clear message that arrives. Commercials are usually very, very expensive. Therefore, we are very grateful for their uncomplicated support in production and marketing of our cooperation partners. Author shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The advertising makes sense, because the donations of the Hospice is high and we are always dependent on new aid and attention on the part of the population.

Only those who know us, can help us”, explains Rudiger Barth, Director of the children’s and youth Hospice Balthasar. Thanks to the special efforts by Christoph Maria Herbst and the professional advertising campaign by Meavision media, the spot can now reach an audience of millions. Particularly grateful we’re wife Dr. Elisabeth Decker, the owner of Meavision media, and her team. From the idea, the screenplay to the elaborate production, the cut and ultimately marketing was and is our spot in their hands. You’ll notice also in the result of”this professional care so Barth next. Advance of the spot can be seen already tube channel of the Hospice on, or the you. The children’s and youth Hospice Balthasar is a place to live, laugh, dying and grieving. The first children’s Hospice in the children’s Hospice Balthasar in the sauerland Olpe Germany exists since 1998. Since then, over 500 families were accompanied with terminally ill children. In January 2009, the first German youth Hospice opened the youth Hospice Balthasar in addition to the children’s Hospice. Press contact for children and youth Hospice Balthasar Nicole Binnewitt, consultant for public relations Maria-Theresia-str. 30a 57462 Olpe Tel.: 02761 9265-807 KinderundJugendhospizBalthasar user/Balthasar Hospice? feature = mhum