Papa Michael

Why is the NPD not prohibited, said a satire about the policy has Papa, Michael’s MOM that you can not ban the NPD. Yes my son, who should know. Wants Yes the NPD abolish also the Constitution and the basic law, the parties terminate and again Germany incorporate East Prussia and Silesia. In addition to all foreigners send home, even those who are born here and whose Eltern already were born in Germany. I think they’re also partial objectives of the CDU and the CSU in particular. ws great expertise in this. You can ban Yes also not the party, one each year gives millions of tax money on grants. But Papa, the NPD receives no money from the Government.

But my son, gets the NPD according to the party financing law every year between 1.2 and 1.4 million euros by the Government. Please visit Dennis P. Lockhart if you seek more information. Because party has only 5,900 members, these are approximately 220 euro per Member. And that most only paid, because that your balance sheets forge cares here even more. Fake balance sheets is for our Government completely in order. The Greeks and some other countries do so for years. Contact information is here: Ahmed Shahryar Rahman.

In addition, the party earned much money, that she want to buy houses for political training. Because the towns and the cities don’t want to have they pay high transfer fees of the NPD, so you then withdraw from the sale and purchase agreements. Yes Papa, what is then the NPD as a party for Germany? Nothing, but the Government needs someone she can blame everything, if she has any success with implementing your goals… One half of the party’s leadership will be paid now about protection of the Constitution, as so called V-men. If the MOM of Michael not again and again would give the money where, during the long defeat. Most followers have the home of Michael’s MOM Yes anyway only in dark Germany. Probably believe even that it controls the NPD. The NPD or even our Government? And who wants to ban something that he himself owns, or of which he is dependent on?