Dental Tourism In Mallorca

More and more Germans fly to Mallorca for major dental procedures. Why is this so? Mallorca is the German favourite island. Every year, over 3 million German tourists visit the Balearic Island. Among them are increasingly travelers who come not just for the holidays to Majorca. Due to the high density of German dentists, dental tourism is increasing.

The reason: Much cheaper prices than in Germany. Background to the medical tourism in Germany, who needs dentures, not rarely faces a considerable financial impact on equity, because statistically assume insurance typically only 50 – 60% of the costs. The rest must be paid out of Pocket not only for low-paid workers that can represent a problem that at worst causes that the affected persons with visually unsightly rows of teeth through the life must go. Exactly why more and more patients undergo their number treatments not at home, but abroad, specifically in Mallorca. Quite a few German doctors which have settled here and like to take over the treatment of health tourists”. Statements made by doctors and patients alike confirm that both parties benefit. The dentists will appreciate not only the warm weather, but also the fact that they can determine their prices in Mallorca yourself.

For patients, this means that they can save up to 35% at many German doctors on the island in a dental treatment. In some cases, even a savings of up to 50% is conceivable. A Crown costs, for example, about 300 euro in Germany up to EUR 500 are payable. Saved money, doctor and patient agree that can then directly financed the next vacation. Is the quality not on the track? What is cheap, that’s no good”is a known Sprichweise. This also applies to tooth replacements from Mallorca?