Class Joomla JFactory

Used to construct and return objects. Detected / libraries / joomla / factory.php methods 1. global object authorization. The return type of object – JAuthorization. synopsis object JAuthorization getACL () This example received a global object authorization of $ acl = & JFactory:: getACL (); 2. reference to the global application object. The return type of object – JApplication.

synopsis object JApplication getApplication ($ client, $ attribs, $ prefix) where: $ client data type – string. The name under which the client is known of the application. For example, Joomla comes with three client applications: the site of administration and installation. By default – null. $ Attribs type of data – an array of associative array of attributes that will be taken by the application. By default – the array. $ Prefix data type – string prefix that is added to the client's behalf, to form the name of the application class. By default, – 'J'.

example The method used most often to get the reference to the global application object. In this If the method is invoked with no arguments. In this example, we get the application object to see what part of the site (the user or administrative) was launched by the code. $ App = & JFactory:: getApplication (); if ($ app-> isSite ()) echo 'Client is site'; if ($ app-> isAdmin ()) echo 'Client is administrator'; 3. reference to global object cache. The return type of object – JCache. synopsis object JCache getCache ($ group, $ handler, $ storage) where: $ group value type – a string.

Reinforced Concrete Factory

In 1956 the plant was assigned the serial number of two-point registration in Voronezh. Design capacity is calculated on an annual Issue 31 tys.kubometrov concrete. Reinforced concrete plant to increase capacity. Increasing building program called for expanding the range of products. In accordance with the need of the day the plant changed its range of products forming N 1 shop set a course for specialization in the production of hollow core flooring 6 and plates coverage. As a result of this reorientation power mold shop has grown to 3 times against the project and amounted to 94 000 cubic meters of products. Accelerating the construction pipeline put forth new challenges.

Thus, the construction industrial facilities has become a bottleneck device walls of brick. This site is kept up with the general course of the construction of the object, delaying commissioning dates. Start at the factory in 1959, shop large-gipsoprokatnyh partitions capacity of 300 thousand square meters allowed to withdraw from the agenda the issue. That's news production capacity of muscle of factory: 1960 entry of a large site for the production of beams and trusses; 1963 entry site for the production of small selhozprogonov, foundation and building blocks. In the same 1963 input santehkabin shop, where subsequently launched production of goods strictly agricultural profile. In 1964-1965 came into effect concrete plant span structures forming plant N 2. In 1968 he joined the operation range for the production of non-pressure pipes, which if necessary can produce products for the construction of teplotoass.

Factory Canteen

Cabbage lettuce handful at first – pea soup liquid-liquid, at home or peas do not seethe. It fibers of meat and three swimming potatoes. On the second – buckwheat (not dry), and pork, not greasy, no cartilage, a small but quite a portion. Apple compote. Pies ran out just in front of me. Over all about all 49 rubles 1963 penny, penny in my hand in good faith surrendered. Soup in a touching dented the plate with the inscription "Catering", bent aluminum spoon and fork, fruit compote in a faceted glass.

Trays are put on the conveyor, which goes into the wall. While eating meditating on the enchanting artwork of gypsum panels, long thought and decided that it depicts the underwater world. Although Who knows what the artist wanted to say))) on the tables instead of tracing paper napkins, cut with a knife. Plywood chairs with solid seats, obviously made immediately at the plant, and painted green. In the hallway, and three washstand Soviet hand dryer. Working! Went back satisfied stomach as kadavr.

Long squat red-brick plant pre-war buildings. The grass in the growth, and it crickets chirping. The shop operates rumbles compressor. Wooden spool of cable under a bush. At the gate totally rusty somehow with the new numbers. A security guard at the entrance shouting: "Chicken tonight?" – "No pork" – "A pie with what?" – "A pie over! " Ah! I love the factory canteen!

Working in a Factory Town

Who knew in 1954 by DOP restless and lively Valya Skurat? Who does not know and still working in their 64 Valentina? 'Sturdy' – say about her. And this is perhaps the surest opredelenie.Pravda, age, Valentina Mikhailovna do not guess. The very Skurat, one of the adorable big-eyed girls with old photographs (fourth from left in top row) and is energetic and youthful. When asked about the secret of youth, laughing, replies: "We see the factory so I steeled. All run, run. No time to grow old …

'In Olenegorsk Valentine' fate threw 'came from the Kursk region. Received the plant, and it was at this time a group of girls were sent to courses in Manganese Dnepropetrovsk region – learn otsadchits and kontsentratorschits. Trained specialists to work in a factory town .- Olenegorsk just built, the plant would rise to their feet – and we are at one with him – says Valentina. – I lived first with her sister in barracks, and then gave place in a dormitory on the street Bardina.Rabotala for enrichment. Equipment is new, a lot went wrong. Professionals on the move had 'brought to mind' designing flaws. – We povkalyvali – oh, they had to sometimes tight! Permanent obstructions – from sumps pumps with buckets, shovels slurry pumped … But always helped each other: if the tape conveyor rose – no one will leave until the fix.

… Shower was not. Dirty, wet – and go on paths on foot to the house. Overalls – huge, not in size – zaindeveyut, rustling in the wind. And – strangely enough – we have not caught cold: by arriving in the evening, leaning odezhu to the stove, the steam from her and knocks. Sometimes, now get together with friends, with whom misery and joy shared in half – Nina Semenova Valentina Kotlova, Lydia Mironov think about the past and wonder: how could overcome everything? .. And much, much remember with a smile, a special kind of time! Training of those years and remained in me, apparently forever – never sit down to dinner, always eat standing up – so as not to miss anything. Have run a lot. Units impressive, the distance between them are large. Sometimes, 12 hours shifts and not prisyadesh – afraid to miss Dam or a stop … If in 1954 the 58th was difficult due to the fact that all new neobkatannoe, but now another problem at the factory – all decayed I present: repairing the lat, and yet the old is old … – Oh, and do not know whether the wait for better days – notes Skurat cheerful, and her large eyes grustneyut. Much was lacking in her life, not spoiled by prosperity and happiness, and that's what has always been a slide – so it works. During all the years sorokapyati … FIFTY YEARS of Mount DEER

CMS Information

If you find out about the origin of this word and its meaning, it immediately becomes clear what bearing the word "satellite" is to promote websites. Satellite (from English. – Bodyguard, companion) – in the field of promotion of sites is usually small (sometimes there are rather large satellites) site that has a strong thematic focus of the thematic information. On the first couple of satellites used for support and promotion of the main sites: Enhance TIC and PR, increased the number of inbound links to your site, redirecting traffic to the main site, etc. It is also possible the option to create a separate network of small sites that can be used not only for the benefit of a basic resource, but also, for example, to speed up the indexing of new sites. Also, if non-zero terms grid, several satellites can quickly pick up the new site performance of PR and TIC.

But recently, with the advent of special exchanges, selling links, site promotion using satellites gradually fades into the background – as web design does not take much time and began to request less knowledge (the existence of different ready-made CMS), often has been the use of satellites as a source of income. On the quality of the satellites can be divided into several categories: 1. Satellites are filled with unique information, with completely unique design and is located on second level domain. Development of sites this category is a significant amount of time, but it is safe to be calm, that the site does not fall under the ban search engines and bring maximum return. Externally, the satellite will be fully consistent with the independent place that can not fail to bring traffic to the site being promoted. 2.

Satellites based on rewriting the content. Rewriting is unique only to search engines, so if you have already read this kind of information on another site, then it is likely that the user would be disappointed in how the site will not come on He never again. Satellites of this type are fairly stable to ban search engines and are suitable for pumping the main site. 3. Satellites to copy-paste (fully copied information from another site). The advantages of such satellites can be attributed only save time when creating, but the cons far more: the site can not even get into the search engine index, which, naturally, will mean nothing done job. 4. Splogi (samonapolnyaemye sites). C occurrence of separate CMS, designed for blogging and creating special plug-ins for parsing content from other sites as satellites were created splogi. Costs beyond the minimum time (much faster than manual kopipasta), plus a splog in the future will be filled with information on their own – is, of course, all very good. But here, as in the above category of satellites, there is a chance to be a huge departure from the site indexing by search engines. Of course, if you give serious consideration to the case, you should create a satellite belonging to the first or second category. And then, in any case, the result will be much greater than in the third and fourth version. Even when you create the satellites do not forget about the "purity of the Internet", which every day is getting worse and worse.

Earning Money

In an interesting world we live. Before then, a couple of centuries ago a man to survive, had to build a house, till the soil, hewing enemies with swords. Still have not lived long time – 40-50 on the strength. What now? You must be able, then only one thing to do: here is a plate or eksele be there to chat with people well. That's all.

The rest buy, if you do it well At least. Only here you always want to go on and do nothing at all but only receive income and tan belly up somewhere in Monte Carlo. So I got into SEO. I decided to make a website with original content on a free service and receive from him a pretty penny. Here's what happened: the calculator. The website calculators.

Can download calculator. You can simply use a web browser. Everything was done with the expectation that someone will need it. After installation, my PPC calculators began to bring me a coin. At the moment, piled about 5 rubles! Because to get through to the consumer (nick) is difficult, I tried different methods of promotion. 1.Spam – is bad. Even feel sorry for people who get spammed guestbook. At first it seemed that the method works, then realized that there are better methods of promotion. 2. Registration in catalogs. Free chased the site in directories in test mode on Result: after update Yandex 9 matches in 6 sites in the calculator. Do not know, maybe a paid registration more effective? 3. Added calculator and ratings rambler top100 Result: there were indexed pages in a Rambler. In this free methods of promotion are over – wait for the results.

Water Filters

You are not satisfied with the quality of water that flows from your tap? As a result, you have to buy bottled water is not always of good quality? Then offer to buy water filters 'NEROX', which permanently solve your problems. Their main distinguishing feature is that these water filters are based on a laminated track membrane, which is the main filter environmentally net in the filters element. This membrane, developed by NPP 'Simpex' fully preserves the quality of regular track membranes, but surpasses it in strength properties is 15-20 times. Furthermore, it purifies the water from a variety of contaminants, dirt, bacteria, and as bringing a taste of purified water to the taste of spring. At the same time in the water will remain necessary for our body minerals. This is because household water filters 'NEROX' have a high degree of purity with full clarity of results, as well as the presence of an indirect warning systems on pollution filter element (capacity reduction filter).

As for the filter, it is not requires replacement cartridges (only need to periodically flush), and its performance can be enhanced by coupling filter elements provided. Water filters for 'NEROX' come not only in settlements of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, subjected to radioactive contamination, but also effectively used in various regions of the world. So drink clean water and good luck with filters to clean water 'NEROX'! The range of enterprise "Simpex" broad and diverse, which will pick up a filter for your individual wishes. It can be filter jugs that do not require connection to water supply and are always ready to application. They are generally compact, easy to maintain, are rich in color and original design. Also to your list of filters nozzle on the faucet or freestanding table filters designed for purification of tap water to the state of drinking water. Another convenient and elegant solution are water filters that are installed under the sink with a separate tap (Reverse-osmosis system). There are also other sediment filters designed to remove water from mechanical particles, sand, sediment, rust, and colloidal substances.

Log Sawing Machines

Professional machines for sawing logs are divided into three types: frame sawmill, sawmill and circular band sawmill. Any frame sawmill – this is quite a massive professional equipment for cutting timber. The sawmill is designed for longitudinal sawing logs and boards of different types of wood for lumber. Sawing logs by reciprocating saw frame with reinforced on It put (set) saw guides. Frame sawmills are mainly used on large stationary sawmills.

When working sawmill logs sawn disk several disks. The disk can be located in different levels. The functionality of the disk sawmill to saw logs allow you to accurately size. Band sawmill – sawing equipment with the best quality / price ratio, which allows you to create an effective and, above all profitable enterprise for timber cutting. In contrast to the frame sawing machines Band saw bench allows you to save the processed material. Sawing is performed in horizontal position, moving the carriage along the border with the saw still located processed logs.

The purpose of the band sawmill is sawing logs on the board, the board required thickness. On Band sawmill cutting logs can be vertical and horizontal. They apply generally to carpentry and on farms. Cutting tool for band sawing machines is Band Saw 40 mm, which is driven by an electric motor. Band sawmill their small kerf or a high yield of timber cut on the board, reaching up to 70%. Other benefits band sawmill is cutting the operational setting for each specific board, the possibility of cutting large diameter logs, as well as the cleanliness of a surface cut.

Media General Research

Editors must make a decision on acceptance or rejection of materials in the publication solely on the basis of their relevance, originality, clarity and relevance of the research topic towards the magazine. 2. It should be particularly positive attitude to studies that challenged articles previously published in this journal. 3. You can not reject research materials, which yielded negative results. 4.

All original articles must pass a preliminary independent review, and should take all possible systematic errors due to coincidence or a conflict of interest. 5. When working with any materials submitted to the journal should respect confidentiality. 6. If the published article found serious flaws, editors must as soon as possible to publish corrections and bring the matter to the attention of readers in an appropriate explanation. 9.

The relationship with the means Media General media, including newspapers, magazines, television, radio and Internet news agencies have shown a growing interest in research in the field of medicine. Journalists can attend a variety of scientific meetings at which speakers are the preliminary results of their work, in connection with which the media often appear premature reports of ongoing studies. Practical steps 1. The authors, which asked for an explanation or interview representatives of the media should give a weighted description of his work, pointing out where the facts end and begin assumptions. 2. It is desirable to simultaneously publish research reports in peer-reviewed journal and the media. This practice usually indicates that you have received enough evidence able to dispel doubts about the most informed and critical readers.

The Fast Track

Personalization visitors and advanced features. Based on the data of the Applicant Portal to offer special opportunities for special guests. For example: 30. Just for you. After you enter information about your university, the page is painted in the colors of the flag of the university and includes your student anthem. If you enter any information (experience, company name) are particularly relevant to companies now, you can immediately receive an email, call or other personal message directly on the site in a window of duty recruiter. 31. The Fast Track.

Candidates for the priority positions are "green corridor" in the passage of the selection process. For example, you immediately given a choice of date and time of the interview the pop-up calendar. You may also be requested to immediately contact the recruiter or allow him to communicate with you … If it turns out that you're working in a "target" of the company, ie the most desired "donor", you can offer to meet, regardless of whether there is now a similar vacancy. Would be a good man, and work there … "special" applicants may be asked to confidentially track their progress review nominations for the special password-protected page.

32. Designer "Work-dreams." Superkandidatam service is available, Build your dream job. From a set of suggested menus and functions of the site visitor selects the optimal configuration for a duty, the schedule, working conditions and pay, career options, etc. Even if you have a company right now there is no work, you are giving to understand that you can create such opportunities for him …