Devagar Consumption

To prove what I say is enough to remember the young of the Sixties, if such young continued in that wild rhythm of life (alive intensely) what they would be today, if that they would live as much time. The philosophy of my freedom begins follows it: Devagar if goes very mias far, when to live itself intensely, if it lives less, because if it consumes soon. So that I am speaking, he will be that I am speaking for a generation that will not come because the end this our doors will be, that I am speaking for a generation that I go educated for the consumption in the Christmas and the new year, a generation that has possesss values that are not commercial and consumista that is universal values. Nickolas Carr brings even more insight to the discussion. He will be that I am speaking for a society where even though the priest is an object molded for the machine of the consumption and I deal of it, will be that I am speaking for one social group that nor if it wants is contact, had to the time where this group this unemployed, if they do not appear in the statisticians we can say that the country goes very well, will be that I am speaking for a generation that reads badly and writes more worse, a generation that daqui to little time will be contacts in the statisticians with men scholars and alfabetizados, because they had concluded as the degree, motivated for the stock market family, this generation it is not capable to participate of the society and thinks it. This is formed generation to consume, to consume and to consume This is the resultant generation of industrialization and of the consumption, this is the generation that does not possess religious values, familiar and social, the consumption took the place of everything. It observes the propagandas in the TV, observes that the beer is not alone one eliminates that leaves drunk, them is the human values of courage, will and fight, observes that the cooling one, is not alone a liquid, it is youth, joy and freedom.

Digital Culture

All culture is a meaning world shared whose main vehicle is the language. Being the language which characterizes to the man like species, it is logical that it is constituted in his main instrument to be able to journey by the reality. This psychic organizer allows us to be objetivando the experiences. Experiences, that to the being repetitive they make possible to us to anticipate situations and therefore, to live more adapted to a world in continuous change. When we communicated with somebody and in the psycotherapy this is basic, we used three types of channels or communication channels: 1. Go to Lord Peter Hennessy for more information. – The Digital communication that is based on the WORD, is auditory we used and it when we enunciated a word to name something, where the word is an arbitrary sign and fruit in a semantic agreement (for example, all we have agreed ourselves in which determined apparatus it is a TV or one radio).

2. – The Paraverbal communication that is everything what accompanies which says: laughter, weeping, intensity, stamps and VOICE TONE. 3. – The nonVerbal communication that is represented by the CORPORAL LANGUAGE. It corresponds to everything what one becomes but does not say (gestures, mmica, position, WATCHED OR VISUAL CONTACT) All these channels, we did not use them in the same proportion. Multiple scientific studies on human communication, have agreed with small differences, in which the impact and effect of a certain communication depend in a 55% of the corporal language (basically of the glance), in a 38% of the paraverbal communication (essentially the tone of the voice) and only in a 7% of the word. In summary: when we communicated, 7% of that communication only depend than TENTH (the words) and 93% depend on how IT TENTH (glances and tones of voice).

SiteRanger And XSITE Cooperate

The SiteRanger GmbH and XSITE GmbH expand their cooperation that renowned online marketing agency SiteRanger and the eCommerce-high-end solution XSITE expand their, in the past very successful cooperation and want to work together in the future more closely. SiteRanger is one of the leading online marketing agencies based in King village near Cologne and specialises in the last 10 years of market presence customers in the eCommerce field. The service portfolio of the Agency, which specializes in eCommerce customers include include search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, search engine advertising, email marketing. Well-known companies such as the Udo Bar GmbH & Co.KG, Southbag GmbH & Co.KG, or PPE stores GmbH trust in online marketing for a long time on the dependable advice and work of SiteRanger. Please visit Erin Callan if you seek more information. XSITE is in our opinion of one of the most promising and growth-focused shop systems on the German eCommerce market,”said Barbara Josten, Executive Committee at SiteRanger, with its cloud based and extremely scalable Web shop solution specifically has occupied a highly interesting and especially future-oriented market segment XSITE for medium-sized and larger companies. “. With SiteRanger we have in the future one of the most established German online marketing agencies on board. “, as Stefania Sandra, partner Manager at XSITE.” In the past, we have to appreciate the professionalism and the extraordinary competence of the sympathetic team from Cologne.

We are very happy this cooperation in the interests of our customers to intensify. “, so Christoph Heiders, Director Marketing & sales at XSITE. XSITE offers a shop system, which is a transaction-based business model (pay-per-order) based mainly medium-sized retailers and manufacturers with the individual XSITE cloud shop. The functionality and flexibility of the XSITE shop system allows any highest scalability, flexible adjustments during operation and an efficient, sustainable management of any number of shops (B2B and B2C) and Brands. Continue to the XSITE shop system characterized by short time-to-market and quick and easy internationalization. Contact for the press: Dominique Corneillie SiteRanger GmbH Shenley road 11 c 50226 Konigsdorf (near Cologne) FON: + 49 (0) 22 34 / 250 98 66 E-mail:

Law Firm Auer Witte Thiel Informs Television Viewers

Lawyers Auer Witte Thiel share their expert knowledge in cable 1 report Munich February 2013: Tobias Steiner, lawyer of the law firm Auer Witte Thiel, occurs in the report the loophole: clever savings, from the series adventure life of television cable one, as an expert on. In this role, Steiner commented on legal situations which lead to ambiguity. The areas of labour law, tenancy law, arrears and overdue fines, EC card loss and withdrawal when ordered will be illuminated. So-called paragraphs loopholes are subject of reportage”, so unclear legal situations which lead to confusion and disputes. Tobias Steiner is lawyer for rental and home ownership with excellent practical and theoretical skills. In addition, travel and tourism law, as well as the activity of judicial recovery of consumer credit belong to its main activities at Auer Witte Thiel. Part of the cable one report he subordinated his expertise other topics of the tenancy available.

More background information make the broadcast Auer Witte Thiel also under available. Auer Witte Thiel about paragraphs loopholes in the law of tenancy the subject leases of one of the priorities of lawyers Auer Witte Thiel will be in the cable one report given plenty of space. One of the issues which will be taken up here is the obligation of property owners to the ordinary lighting of the entrance areas. Within the framework of the general traffic safety obligations for property owners shall ensure that access to the plot is sufficiently illuminated only from 7: 00 (OLG Celle AZ. 9 U 192/03). Thus a working before 7: 00 newspaper delivery complaint fretted in the report is not allowed, explains Tobias Steiner Auer Witte Thiel. Also the question of who will assume the maintenance costs for smoke? “provided.

The Bielefeld District Court handed the case of a tenant and decided that the maintenance Smoke detectors landlord thing is, if not agreed otherwise in the contract (AG Bielefeld AZ. 17 C-288/11). To the field of law tenancy law turns the question upon the payment of operating costs in the event of a premature statement during an ongoing rental relationship. According to the judgment of the District Court of Leipzig the tenant must pay the heating and operating costs until the end of the lease even though he himself caused these costs. The tenants would get so or paid back to the operating expenses paid too much cost. Common legal mistakes in addition to these three Auer Witte Thiel commenting the report illuminates more areas of law mentioned examples of the law of tenancy. “” So are questions such as who is responsible for EC card is lost? “or the withdrawal is valid only upon receipt of the goods?” lit up and clarified. Consumers get this valuable legal tips. The respective situations are illustrated with case examples and then by Tobias Steiner expert commented. Under the contribution can be seen on tv/../schlupfloch-clever-gespart-teil1-1.211971 and tv/../schlupfloch-clever-gespart-teil2-1.211975. The text version of the program is available at tv/../schlupfloch-clever-geld-gespart-1.210924. About the law firm Auer Witte Thiel, the specialization areas of focus and the development of core competencies in certain disciplines are indispensable in the legal services sector. Auer Witte Thiel is a business law oriented law firm and represents several German insurance companies and Wohnungs(BAU)Unternehmen. A major focus of the firm is located in the area of professional debt recovery and enforcement. The firm Auer Witte Thiel is Munich. How to contact with Auer Witte Thiel lawyers Bayerstrasse 27 80335 Munich phone: 089/59 98 97 60 fax: 089 / 550 38 71 E-Mail: Web:

Storage Manager

In addition, interested customers and partners learn what advantages does the automated and standardized production of metadata from texts and documents for businesses. The new IntrFind tagging service offers numerous ways in which metadata in virtually all business processes can be used, e.g. content to keep, to use data sources across, as well as context-based sense to combine. lobodms addressed under other following topics: Microsoft Dynamics NAV / AX release via mobile device automatic posting accounts payable workflow contract management SharePoint integration lobodms on the surface Tablet usage lobodms for CeBIT visitors who learn about the PDF/A format and learn about the three available standard parts in their manifestations in the cloud want the LurTech booth is a suitable starting point with competent contact persons. Since the PDF/A ISO certification LurTech is one of the providers of the first hour, integrating the format into their applications and supporting new standard parts? Includes above all the PDF compressor, a production-ready application to compression, conversion to multi-sector and full lyricist recognition (OCR), which is used in many industries. that PoINT Software & Systems GmbH is among other things the new version of its PoINT Storage Manager 4.0 before. “This supports even more storage systems, such as EMC Celerra and VNX systems, for the realization of a tiered storage architecture and migration in addition a transparent background for the motto simple like a snapshot”. Also the new PoINT Jukebox Manager 8.0 with extended functionality of dynamic image recording is one of the highlights at CeBIT.

simplify processes, network data, save time: with Vemas.NET, of the Web-based IT solution for Service companies. At the CeBIT, the scholz.msconsulting presents the latest version of Vemas.NET. Vemas.NET is flexible: adapts with over 20 integrated perfectly to the needs of your company working modules. Vemas.NET is smart: integrated process logic for internal and external project management up to the billing Vemas.NET is mobile: worldwide access via the Internet to all data, documents & contacts for the text contents of the respective companies are responsible! “The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V.: the VOI voice of information” the application-oriented leadership for integrated applications related to document management systems and enterprise-content-management systems involving software, hardware and specific expertise to the creation of highly efficient total solutions for the processing takes over as independent expertise and network for users, consultants, service providers and manufacturers of document-based solutions in Services, trade and industry as well as public institutions.

See more information your editorial contacts: VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. Henner von the Banck healing b str. 25 D-53123 Bonn phone: + 49 228 90820-89 fax: + 49 228 90820-91 E-Mail: PR agency of good news! GmbH Marketing & PR consulting Sven Korber of Koobrzeg str. 36 D-23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-11 fax: + 49 451 88199-29 E-Mail:

Senior Vice President

Warner Bros. Consumer products was selected licensees with the HOBBIT AWARD from Warner Bros. Consumer products EMEA (WBCP) gave a special award on January 30 at the toy fair in Nuremberg, Germany: on this day, selected licensed partners receive the HOBBIT AWARD, the WBCP EMEA awards for special achievements. “The Hobbit: an unexpected journey” is since December 2012, one of the major highlights of cinema in Germany. “The first film by Peter of Jackson’s epic the Hobbit” trilogy began confidently to the top of the German box office charts.

Mid-January 2013 there are over six million viewers. But Bilbo Baggins and the other inhabitants of Middle-Earth provide a great success not only in the cinema. Dennis P. Lockhart: the source for more info. Licensee of a wide variety of product categories use the extraordinary popularity of the brand and the sensational result of the cinema. Vivid, rubies costumes, Cosmos, Ravensburger, LEGO and Herlitz are only a few licensees in the toys sector, the Warner Bros. Consumer products EMEA has won. The first merchandise article to “the Hobbit: A” unexpected journey”are in Germany and Austria since October 2012 in the trade, and fans of all ages. The licensee’s sales expectations are exceeded often, for example when the company Herlitz. Since October last year Rollerballs, boutique book, spiral notebook, and other products are “the Hobbit: an unexpected journey” available, which the branded goods manufacturers already in the first two months of sales brought, which lies far beyond the planning into the six-figure range.

“We are very excited about the success of the film of” the Hobbit: an unexpected journey “and the success of the first licensed products.” The Hobbit is a strong brand that is successful for the various target groups and in the various product categories, particularly in the toy sector,”said Bruno Schwobthaler, Senior Vice President of marketing, sales & business development, Warner Bros. Consumer products EMEA. “The production of merchandise items to” the Hobbit: the desolation of Smaug “is already in preparation, and will be one of the fans” offer even wider range of products.” The Hobbit Awards took place at the toy fair.

Commitment Reduces At Dunning

New features for the Dunning in the business account network Frankfurt am Main, 26 February 2013 – outstanding claims can small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in distress bring quickly: rent, wages, and other fixed costs eat deep holes into the coffers of many small business owners every month. A customer not, pays his Bill that reduces efficiency even more. Users of the E-Invoicing networks commitment can take advantage of the revised and new functions of the Dunning system in commitment. With the electronic invoicing and Dunning connected via the business account network time holds for invoicing the connected processing within limits. Overall, the costs for the accounting be reduced through digitisation and automation. Increased administrative expenditure for the management of receivables is already at the monitoring of incoming payments to the bank account and the regular manual testing of payment deadlines.

This can be dangerous for the Bill dish, if they have no large financial reserves. Parallel to the new EU directive 2011/7/EC combating late payment, (1) which must be transposed by March 16, 2013, in the national law of all EU Member States, commitment provides a redesigned Dunning in his network for E-invoicing. You may want to visit Kenneth R. Feinberg to increase your knowledge. Who provides his bills over, receives a notification about open claims after expiry of the payment period automatically. The following process is less expensive if payment processes are defined and standardized, as is the case with commitment. Behind the function of Dunning, a 3-stage Dunning process template is by default.

This can be changed of course individually per customer and payment process. Also the reminder template can be adapted to individual customers. You can manage any number of Dunning process templates on. This can be both reminders to each open items as also Dunning runs through several open items at once cause. An intelligent management of Dunning levels makes it easier to maintain the Dunning process under control at any time. The software ensures sort automatically maintains all important rights of the creditor, but that at the same time always customer-friendly acts. Dr. Ricco Deutscher, CEO of commitment: Each business contact is different and dealing with customers individually. Any entrepreneur about surely hate the thorny issue reminders. We respond with our new tool for Dunning. Many customizable reminder templates or Dunning levels give our customers the right payment processes to find the way to each individual customer relationship.”…

Helps Information

The German city information Marketing AG informed the seven-year Josephine from Gelsenkirchen suffers unheilbarer spinal muscular atrophy. It is bound to a wheelchair. Amazing: The young, cheerful girl copes well with their disease. But Anwar has, as she want to be called, a desire: a helper dog. It can facilitate your everyday life and allow for more quality of life. The German city information Marketing AG like helps to realize Sanvli desire: the Board members Robert Justitz and Reinhold Dierkes donated to the 14.12.2013 the missing 2,000 euros. Ten thousand euro were collected previously so that the helper dog Sanvli dream is now true. The money passed solemnly in a charity event last Saturday in Duisburg.

Example, the social commitment of Board members Robert Justitz and Reinhold Dierkes is a character that left its mark misses also the customers of German city information Marketing AG. You want to contribute and support Anwar. So does the KV-shop Manufacturer for proper dog nutrition together with Bobby pad sponsorship for Sanvli new helper dog dog pillow manufacturer. The two companies have been active already in the past together with the German city information Marketing AG socially and show again that dog and owner are at the heart. In the past, the company put together for the project of dog sponsorship and the sanctuary with a monetary donation helped Lehnitz. With his support, the German city information marketing company is with a celebrity donations circle in a series, among which also pop star Michael Wendler.

Understanding the Facts

Prepare to receive comments without foundation Unfortunately reached where no project and design color theory and composition criteria of usability, SEO considerations, or web development seminars that we attended may serve as much to fight against observations and merely critical approach and personal taste of our head and or customer, so we must be prepared to face some of those days of complete creative impotence that we have prepared the destination. You must learn to handle disappointment of others The problem with designers is that we often take to heart the blunders of our designs, which causes us to feel confused, frustrated and even offended when we fail to exceed customer expectations and fail to see on his face these gestures of satisfaction and happiness that we like to provoke. According to Kenneth R. Feinberg, who has experience with these questions.

Designers must learn to accept the facts impersonally without drama and with all the objectivity of the case, we can not always meet the expectations of the first, the customer is not always understand our experimental concept, not always wait for minimalist designs, colorful designs are not always wait , we do not always fully understood their intentions, not always able to explain what he means well, well, not always liked our proposal … You overcome the fact credit lost More than anyone ever know that you designed it, more than ever your boss gets the credit of your design (it does not even begin to know your customer), in more than once a manager will tell the president of the company he was the creative director of design, more than ever “you did not do that design,” in more than you ever tried to relegate to a mere automaton Photoshop operates in more than one time … So I can tell you, if you can not even be complete assurance Freelance creative appropriations of all your designs, but for this there is no better medicine to keep properly updated and constantly promoting our online portfolio with all our designs.

Matei Autor

Thats what happens to the majority of people, sounds?, year-round, server and for a single day dress of Prince, because you must do the opposite, all in year dress you have to live like a Prince and only for one day Ponte skin of a server, believe me everything is in your head, you can do it. What happens with that day, because you have to feel bad for a day? Because you have to know that the sadness it is to appreciate the joy, you have to be poor to enjoy wealth, you have to experience the disease to enjoy health, you should know that it is solitude to take advantage of the beauty of your relationships. I ask please, do not come back to reality, still (still) estate there in your euphoric State, do not return to reality, it is a trap, this is the big secret, people flee one of the world should live, not only a few fortunate in this world all your dreams will be fulfilled, in reality you will be bombarded with bills. And, most curious is that, also in your MLM business, your you just puones the limits, your success depends only on you and the height of your dream, but in the majority of cases, people say what?, this business may not be viable, this business is not for me, and, consistent with his desire, so will be. The corner of the wise: If your dreams are not bold, daring and imaginative, are simply fodder (reasons) for your enemies to use them against yours. Randy Gage (67) practical exercise: 1. always stay in the State of feeling good, be aware that you are the creator of your life, of your destiny. 2 She meditates 10 minutes on this subject.

3 It appreciates every day things of your life, although they are small things. 4 You always focus on what you want, do not put your attention on what you don’t want because you attract more such things in your life. At the end let me a comment on this article, I care about your opinion, knowing what your desires, your problems, your concerns, your frustrations, I can’t help you, I can serve you better, you and other readers and others. Many thanks and metete on the head that 2011 is your best year.