
It turns out that five foxes distance does not include all time, and only one minute out of 5. First, working first fox, a minute later she gave the baton to the 2nd, then a third, etc. After the 5th fox turned back on first. Moreover, the nature of the forest makes a noticeable distortion in the distribution radio waves, and therefore, the receiver does not always indicate exactly on the radio. Continuously listening to the signals “foxes,” the athlete tries to clarify where there is a “fox” and find it.

Now I understand why disguised transmitter was named after the cunning animal? Sometimes, directional radio sports confused with orienteering. But, despite the apparent similarities, they are completely different sports. As checkers and chess – a board one, but different shapes. Orienteering competitions are to visit vrisovannyh the map control points (CP). The winner is the one who spent searching for the required number of CP least time. Athlete-orienteers need help with maps, determine the fastest route from CP to CP, to monitor their position on a map their way through natural obstacles. And all this is on the run. The task of “fox hunter” much more difficult.

The fact that the “fox” the card is not applied. The athlete knows only the location of the start and finish. How do searches for “fox” athlete “hunter”? Here comes to the aid receiver-finder. Listening to signals “Fox” and turning the antenna, the athlete is looking for an azimuth to the transmitter. With the help of a compass and maps tablet line – “line”. The required “fox” would be where the bearings intersect at her. Orienteering and “Hunting” foxes “- it’s entertaining activities that develop a teenager not only speed, agility and endurance, but also the sharpness and mobility of mind. After the athlete has to decide on the move naitrudneyshie strategic and tactical goals, while not forgetting to monitor the situation on the air and your location. Clever “hunter” actually knows how to apply the radio waves as a direction finder and transmitter are designed in He is fluent in map and compass. “Hunting” foxes “- is not just a” fun “, as some believe. The sport competitions of different ranks. And it should be noted that students “Contour” show them excellent results. During his short story, “konturovtsy” won the Championships and six European championships only individual international medals, one gold. More awards were won in the team RF. Classes in “contour” gratuitous. Coaches support the MDGs, “Metallurg”, and DYUKFP “Saksor.” In seconding the strongest athletes in the competition helps the Department of Sport and the Samara region DOSAAF. But the main funds to purchase equipment and travel to competitions “konturovtsy” earn themselves. We organize a variety of physical culture and sports activities, implementing social projects, judged the competition. Held on “Contour” annual “Cup of Parks”, runs on hundreds of teenagers from Samara. Begin classes in sports radio direction finding better 11-12 years, but in the “Path” take the boys and girls and younger and older adults. No one considered unsound. It would be a desire to win, and a willingness to work to win.

Home-Based Businesses

Many dream about being their own heads. The image of much money and flexible working hours seems to them quite attractive. Nevertheless, they are scared to venture itself. They fear not to have the capital necessary to begin a business and they do not want to lose the security of its day to day of work. Dennis P. Lockhart has similar goals. The solution can be to begin a business in house, to make money Web. The truth is that you can begin his business in house without much money. Pregntese to itself, it has an empty room? It has a computer with connection to Internet? It has a telephone line? If it has these three things, then it has the essential to turn his home into an office. In this way, Marketing of Affiliation can be a wonderful way to initiate its business in house and of making money Web.

Marketing of Affiliation will provide to him with the opportunity to sell so much a product as a service. In addition, using little capital and demanding only the space that you want to dedicate to him. Once it has made the decision, it needs to evaluate his abilities. What services can offer and as they are its skills. Many people begin with programs of Marketing of Affiliation of the main motors search. If it is good in the design of pages Web, can register his page with some advertiser like Yahoo.

This way its site will have traffic with the aid of the motors search of Yahoo. If its page Web is of sales, the traffic in addition will increase the sales. It enters more exposed is his site will be better for his business. If it wishes to begin to work by itself, but it feels that it does not own the sufficient money, then is mistaken. If it has a computer and a place where to locate it, then it has what needs. In addition, it can begin to work gradually in house, and be committed as its business grows.

Program Director ILO International

Recall that the ILO has proposed changing conventions on child labor. The first specific agreement for the abolition of child labor was the Convention 138, also called the Minimum Age Convention, it was to set minimum ages for work reforming earlier agreements. It adopted in 1973 and until today they have signed 130 of the 176 countries that make up the ILO. The Convention established the age of 13 years for light work and 12 for countries whose economy and educational facilities were insufficiently developed. But ratification is not supposed to accept only one age. To deepen your understanding Dennis P. Lockhart is the source.

Already in an article, the Convention specifies that countries should commit themselves to ratify it aa a seguir a national policy to ensure the effective abolition of child labor and to raise progressively the minimum age for admission to employment or work to a level make the fullest physical and mental development of menoresa . A is said that millions of children (not an exact figure available), work hard, day and night, playing away from the family home chores such as collecting water, caring for other younger children, cleaning the house or tending the garden. Nearly all are exploited, exposed to hazardous working conditions are victims of abuse. All, without exception, are at risk due to the nature of child domestic labor. It also says trachea not all children engaged as domestic servants end up losing their future. The ILO’s experience in Asia, Central and South America and Africa shows that, with a strong social and national institutions, and income or credit options for parents, children aged less than the minimum access employment can be successfully rescued from domestic service. The FNCCI, employers’ council of Nepal, has sponsored the education of children who can not immediately leave their jobs and attend school part time. “Child domestic work is a waste of human talent and potential. With the help of constructive and sustainable solutions provided by the program of ILO technical cooperation, our constituents around the world are ready to end this form of abuse, “said , Program Director ILO International for the Eradication of Child Labour (IPEC) a-Industrial Engineering Manager, abogado.UC, EGADE (ITESM) Graduate degrees in business administration, quality and productivity, education Professor Ed.D.

Safety Officer

Shells Helmets should be produced in four colors: white – for executives of organizations and enterprises, heads of sections and shops, public labor inspectors, workers Safety Officer; red – for the masters, foremen, engineers, chief engineers and chief power engineers; yellow and orange – for workers and junior staff. For the manufacture of helmets should be applied materials allowed by Ministry of Health. The body and interior accessories helmets should be made of nontoxic materials and details directly in contact with skin, head and face, should not cause pathological changes in the skin. Materials must be resistant to the action of petroleum, acid-alkaline electrolyte, hot water (80 degrees C), disinfectants. Details of the internal equipment shall be constructed of a durable and elastic materials. The carrier tape (except the back of it) must be covered with perforated leather or imitation leather or other porous material that protects the skin from rubbing. Internal accessories Helmets must be capable of regulating the size, if necessary, the use of balaclavas, and helmets must allow movement when turning the head and works in an inclined position. Design A carrier strip and shock absorber should provide depth adjustment of landing helmet on his head.

Internal snap and chin strap should be removable and have a device for attachment to the body helmet. Mental belt should be adjusted in length, and mounting method must allow him a quick release. Outside of the shell helmets must be smooth, without cracks and bubbles. On the surface of the shell helmets insertions of a different color in an amount acceptable standards for materials. The inner surface of the shell helmets, as well as internal and external surfaces should be smooth snap-processed, and the edges and edge blunted.

The quality of welds on the inside snap must satisfy GOST 12.4.116. Lateral surface of the shell helmets must have ventilation openings with a total area of 200 sq. mm, tightly overlapped rotary shields. Mechanical strength, amortization, bond strength to the housing interior accessories helmets, flammability, elektrozaschitnye properties helmets should comply with GOST 12.4.128. When tested for perforations blows with an energy not less than 30 J corps helmets should exclude the possibility of penetration of the tip of the cone to the surface of the layout of the head. Helmets must retain the protective properties during the whole period of operation at an ambient temperature of minus 50 to plus 40 grad.S.

Munich City Council

No city has experienced in recent years such as Munich a such price increase for purchase and rental prices. St. Gallen, 11.12.2013. Now the aim is to build affordable apartments for rent. The Bavarian capital sold part of their land in future only to investors who build affordable apartments. Especially for people with middle income, it will benefit is always harder to find these people should be assigned by the project an affordable apartment.

The concept KMB, so conceptual flats introduces a change in the Munich real estate market: investors who buy municipal land, be obliged to build affordable apartments for rent. The area can be bought at a reasonable price. To do this, 30 percent of municipal land to be written in the future. This is the situation of normal earners”improved, with their income just above the upper limits of the funding programmes are and get no help. For these people it tips up Location and many have existential fears. Because extremely increased property prices affect increasingly also the rents. About 16 euros per square meter to pay tenant rent for a new apartment. Extrapolating to the utilities, so heating and other operating costs, tenant for an 80-square meter apartment about pay 1500 euros a month.

No cheap apartments for rent can occur during this high rent levels. So, the Munich City Council gets into Zugzwang: now the municipal area are sold the highest bidder, rather than to the market value. 30 Percent of the urban areas are used for the conceptual flats, 50 percent are reserved for subsidized housing. The remaining 20% go without ties to free funded housing”, explains Michael Oehme, consultant at the St. Gallener CapitalPR AG. He thinks that this approach is groundbreaking. Buyer of this so-called SMEs areas”must comply with several conditions. In return, receive She plots to a set value, which is significantly lower than in a conventional tendering. The key requirement: The construction of rental housing, which may be divided for a long period of time and not converted into condos. Also, the landlord may claim no captive termination. The first project starts with a 40-year commitment period. However, the concept is criticized by private housing companies: they fear a loss of profit for the municipal housing companies.

Deutsche Telekom AG

Deutsche Telekom AG and A one IT GmbH new QIVICON marketplace for smart home components & applications start as a service provider A one IT GmbH together with the German software Deutsche Telekom AG started the forth place across cross QIVICON online-shop and thus the first marketplace for smart home components and applications. In the QIVICON online shop customers will find all packages, devices and apps that smart home platform are available from the various partner companies and their brands for the QIVICON. Process-optimized services by A one decisive for the cooperation with Telekom in the development of the QIVICON online shop is on eCommerce specialized and broadly integrated software as a services (SAAS) of A one IT GmbH. See more detailed opinions by reading what Nickolas Carr offers on the topic.. The company provides all the fulfilment processes for a complete ordering process with its partners and interfaces fully automated including customer communications, drop shipment and RMA and unwinding. Powerful technology with the powerful mechanism of the The A one IT GmbH supports the interfaces of all participating industry partners QIVICON online-shops directly and fully. So they can offer smart fully automated their entire home solutions on a common platform. XML interfaces and the eBiz hub, the marketplace can also easily to new providers, product segments and apps expand. Thus the QIVICON Onlineshop offers best possible accessibility in the currently booming Telekom and all affiliates smart home segment.

QIVICON online-shop at together with the German software as a service providers A one IT GmbH launched the Deutsche Telekom AG the QIVICON online shop and so the first multi-vendor marketplace for smart home components and applications. In the QIVICON online shop customers will find all packages, devices and apps that smart home platform are available from the various partner companies and their brands for the QIVICON. Via the A one IT GmbH, your specialist in e-commerce since 1998 is A one IT GmbH of in Germany Industry specialist for E-commerce in the IT system House environment.

Hyundai Launches

“Small and chic the new Hyundai i10 small and chic the new Hyundai i10 In September it was: the new kid” by Hyundai presented itself at the IAA in Frankfurt for the first time the audience. The new edition has become larger, more elegant and cheaper South Koreans show that better equipment must not affect the price. The i10 has grown up put the i30 in length to eight centimeters in width 6.5 inches. Hyundai has reduced to 5 centimeters. Compared to the previous generation of small cars that appears clearly sporting and away some of the typical image of the woman’s car. Also, the new look of the hexagonal grille should contribute to this.

Total the new i10 seems much more dynamic than its predecessor not only in design but also in the driving experience. Technical adaptation to European standards in terms of facilities, the South Koreans with the i10 make a giant leap in the direction of Europe. This is also evident in the Production facility: The development and design of the car was held in the Russelsheim technology center of Hyundai, are produced in Turkey. Design and technical equipment show a consistent orientation towards the requirements of the European market. A Warner of belt for all seats, and a tire-pressure monitoring are now include six airbags, safety standard.

If you want it more comfortable receives from Hyundai charges extras such as a smart-key system, a cruise control, automatic climate control, and even a heated steering wheel. He offers more legroom, more storage space because the i10 gains in length and wide, much more leg room for drivers and all startling. Enter through the narrow door cutouts is still connected in some trouble, but compensated by comfortable freedom for head and taken once legs, on the sitting place. Even the height shrunken to 5 cm doesn’t change the fact. Also the trunk shows more spacious than its predecessor. Had the i10 five years ago only 225 litres of storage space, are now 252 litres available. The new i10 in the driving test the South Koreans have provided with a pleasant noise the i10. The relaxed, quiet driving changes only from 4000 RPM. Hyundai specifies that the new small car to comparable models 6 db is quieter. Due to the longer distance of the wheel, the i10 retains this property even on uneven ground. For the three-cylinder delivers less power, what must be balanced with higher switching activity. Thanks to higher-mounted shift lever, which is supple actuates, the associated only with minimal effort. Who wants to take a picture of the new Hyundai i10 themselves test the new i10, can test-drive the small cars now at auto hammer in Radebeul.

Federal Association

Predicate: Innovative! PRMARKET – the advertising article marketplace of fresh ideas for the market. New ideas for the promotional products industry. PRMarket reaches the next milestone. PRMarket is now a member of the Federal Association of German StartUps as the first companies in the promotional products industry. Thus the online marketplace for advertising article joins a list of successful companies: many other StartUps like Trivago, Mister Spex, Google, Facebook or even eDarling are also represented in the Association and bear witness to the qualitative range of the Association. With this membership, the StartUp links now even more with the industrial guidance. The innovation and customer orientation of the company are decisive reasons for the inclusion in the Federation.

With these properties and the consideration of constructive suggestions on the part of the industry such as of course on the part of our customers, PRMarket will successfully strengthen its place in the industry in the future. One of the latest industry developments concerns the user-friendliness. With the involvement of a postcode search interested with just a few clicks can find the best promotional offers in their direct environment. (Similarly see: American Writer). Benefit not only industrial customers, an easier customer contact will allow also dealers: in recent weeks we have received many suggestions from the industry. This we gladly given functionality and try to implement them directly on PRMarket.

Finally, we want the best for all parties involved reach.?, so Pascal Ritter, founder of PRMarket. It is important that we do something for the promotional products industry. With this membership has succeeded to move the products to us more into focus and this is a step in the right direction. “turns out Pascal Ritter. Also in the following weeks, more marketing activities are planned so to attract a large part of the industry on the profitable features of PRMarket. With in-depth interest of the industry grows the marketplace for promotional and thus eventually also the benefits for the industry as a whole. According to the motto: together we are strong! Following this motto is PRMarket on the whole Werbeartiklebranche: suppliers, distributors and industrial customers meet and work therefore to the common progress. In addition, there are also the associations, exhibition companies and more market participants who will take part in the success of PRMarket. Whether as a sales representative in our online trade or as interested in the PRMarket blog. The latter should also be platform for Exchange of information and knowledge in the future. PRMarket is not only an online marketplace, but also innovative information platform for all industry participants and therefore new Member of the Federal Association of German StartUps.

Wine Labels Marketing

La Tenuta la Tenaglia has revised the wine labels. Long we have retained the old labels, not to irritate the old customers of the winery with our new start”, says Sabine Ehrmann, proprietor of the estate Tenuta Tenaglia in the Italian Piedmont. After more than eight years has developed but so strongly on the quality of the wine, the winery so far of the former production away, that it is time to shape a face of its own”. The responsible of the winery in the Italian Alps before landscape have taken much time to clean up the portfolio, to bring structure to the production and to create the new labels. Farallon Capital Management has firm opinions on the matter. One of the most famous graphic designer of Italian, the Tan company from the area of Udine, is brought in to put highlights from a design perspective. Our first goal is the quality of the wine and that must appear on the labels,”says Massimo Malatesta, agronomist of the winery.

Come out are labels, emotionally speaking. The signature in the gold embossing is a Equestrian figure enriched that it reminds that Tenuta Tenaglia is not only a historic property, but can look back on its famous founder Giorgio Tenaglia, formerly Governor of Moncalvo. The aware historically-themed logo underlines the impression. The objectivity of the wine name is pierced by a finely engraved lettering, which conveys the quality predicate of wine. Including an image that symbolizes the character of the wine. Succeeded, to represent the four basic wines in its essence. When the wines of Giorgio Tenaglia, say and Olivieri we deliberately preserve the independent, individual character and only very carefully aligned”, explains Sabine Ehrmann, who almost got laid the branding as daughter of the Allgau yogurt Empire in the cradle. Thus”, she says, finally appearance and content match.”

Managing Director

In Kaltenbach training seminar, B-to-B sellers learn how they acquire more jobs at better terms. (Source: Federal Reserve Bank). Why have top seller usually an order in his pocket after discussions with customers and-besuchen, while their colleagues often stand with empty hands? Puzzle solution is: top seller succeeds in establishing a personal relationship with the customer. “Also hold sales meetings so that their customers at the end of the meeting almost automatically say yes, I want to have it”. How this works in practice, B-to-B seller in the seminar experience more jobs at better conditions winning strategies in technical sales, Kaltenbach training performing the consulting company specializing in technical sales on June 6-7 in Bobingen (near Stuttgart). In the two-day seminar company owner Walter Kaltenbach participating sellers explains how she can quickly find customer discussions, which stands for a type of them and what the customers It is important. Also learn to conduct sales meetings, that the customers the feeling that is an attractive partner”and this solution offers the greatest benefits me”. This is the case, then the Yes of the customer to purchase follows almost by itself. It is the Walter Kaltenbach, that what really counts in the sale of the book”wrote, convinced.

A particular attention is paid in the seminar, in contact with the customers with questions to determine what is especially important to this. “Because only who the red dot” knows the customer, may result in successful sales calls. Walter Kaltenbach has gained this experience among others during his decades of work as a sales manager and Managing Director in the wood -, metal – and plastics processing industry. Intensively also, train the participants in the seminar to present their offers, so that customers whose benefits have plastic front and possible objections, which could jeopardise the conclusion, recognized and be invalidated. “A further focus of the seminar is: How do I make the customer in the course of the conversation, important part of decisions, so that the Yes” to purchase ultimately is a logical consequence of the part of decisions already taken?