
Communication is a propitious scenario to build credibility, but for that your partner created in you in important who your believes in you and in each of the words that express, since to the extent that you generate an empathic communication and assertive, occurs basically in building relationships transparent where confidence is the essential element for the construction of agreementsto build important foundations for the construction of a powerful and assertive communication process. Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. Said Albert Einsten, one of the most influential men of science and the thinking of the nineteenth century and based on this reflection do you the following questions: do you know how are your thoughts and emotions? How is your attitude when you communicate? How is your verbal communication and non-verbal communication? When you identify clearly the style you have to communicate, to that extent you become conscious of your words, your gestures and your expressions, to this extent you strengthen your character, since it has a strong and respectful attitude Napoleon Hill expressed, emotions are the sentimental part of thoughts, therefore, to have an assertive communication it is necessary to know recognize your emotions so you mastered your thoughts and therefore your words and your conversations. Keep in mind that the thoughts are seeds that you cultivate and depending on the type of seed you crops, they will multiply and be reflected in your communication, if you cultivate positive thoughts your communication will be assertive and empathetic, but if negative thoughts you cultivate your communication will be aggressive or passive, making it difficult to develop your social skills and your emotional intelligencenow that your thoughts translate into emotions and these in turn actions according to the type of mainstream thinking that you have in your head. Now I wonder how can I have an assertive communication, empathic and powerful? Decides that your dominant thoughts are positive creates a daily image of the type of communication you want Ten have confidence in you, in what you are and what you are doing when you communicate you do it in order to give and receive benefit understands your feelings and the feelings of your partner you communicate you with empathy and closeness to which you can internalize as seen in this article is crucial for that every day you to visualize at least five minutes how would you communicate? How do you want to see you? How you want to communicate? If you want to have significant changes in your communication it is necessary that you take action right now and continually work on these changes. Hugs Carolina Cadavid original Autor and source of the article

Networking Companies

Who's compliance moral norm "do not hurt the worker?" No! In networking companies payments are made according to the marketing plans in the next day after the closing of sales or consultation under the plan. Our company payments are made on Mondays, weekly, or day later! No one can say that you have decided to "cut benefits". So in what kind of business, "worker" entitled to the fruits of your labor? Come on – according to the "Fundamentals of …" – Continuing on the ground service of Christ Who identified Himself with the destitute, the Church has always defended the voiceless and powerless. Therefore, it encourages society to a just distribution of the products of labor, which the rich support the poor, healthy – the patient, able-bodied – the elderly. Tell me, where people are superior because you do not support as a network company? Interested in whether the head of an ordinary standard organization that you have received a greater salary than they do now, that you climbed the corporate ladder? After all, he, too, have children who should occupy a high position in the firm with a good salary. Remember – your knowledge and your education does not help you here! I immediately came to mind an anecdote, when the head of a large enterprise has asked his aides to find the three most promising man in the company with great potential. When in front of him brought three young guys, assistant director asked – what to do, to raise the salary, bonus issue or increase in the post? The Director replied – fired! It is a fact of life …

Las Relations

It is very common to notice when we are in the presence of a marriage or couples who are manipulating and become submissive within a relationship.It is really up to painful, because most of the time, that person is under the yoke of another, lets you offenses in public, emotional abuse, among other derogatory behaviour unworthy words.The incredible thing is to see that the victim, who does not even drop in self-esteem, has excess consideration and attentions with that being it avasalla him.He defends it against all flags. And even worse is knowing that although abused their own children, they allow it without even react.When a person stops will mistreat either words or physically, he is not valued, can not be seen, nor has self-esteem. One wonders why not come is out of the relationship? The answer is: by fears, for fear of loneliness, because he thinks that won’t find another person who wants to him, fear of threats, since he knows what would be able to a person with such characteristics, all this and much more.If that be that lives under these conditions, does not accept advice, or help and believes it takes the correct life, we can do nothing, it’s sad because these couples do not actually share a loving relationship, nor satisfactory.However in these homes no good vibrations, because even if the victim does not speak and accept the above, with the passing of the years you are converting a being embittered, in a troubled, sad person, with face of concern, you get older, and the worst is that it begins to behaves also cruel to other people. Manipulators are themselves maltratadores, most of the time hiding behind professions or social status, trying to achieve at all costs in the environment where they live. As they do not act in good faith or with love was the neighbor, have very few friends because they don’t keep them, when they get what they want from them, seek other new people and don’t care them know that already obtained a benefit.The person who manipulates his partner, almost always screams, spoken aloud, it does so to impose fear or that are Please note its presence in the House. .

Better Image

Many skilled artists of the ligue tell their students that their physical appearance is totally insignificant. They claim that, regardless of the form of see, he can seduce beautiful women. Unfortunately, that is not entirely true. In reality, the physical appearance if you import. There are many other important factors, of course, such as body language, lines opening, etc. But if you’re physically unattractive, the majority of women will reject even before they can say a Word.

Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do right now, at home, which will significantly improve your appearance. These strategies are just the tip of the iceberg, but I can assure you that will improve your chances to seduce beautiful women systematically. For starters, most of the men are struggling with fashion. By nature, women are exceedingly observer, and tend to remember what a man usa. Wear nice clothes and start to improve your first impression.

No need to spend a fortune, you only have to maintain a coherent fashion clothing style. Your clothes should always be clean and wrinkle free. You will also want to make sure you fit. Very few women are sexy too tight or loose-fitting clothes, trust me. If you are overweight, you are very skinny, or short stature, or poorly provided, you should be aware of what you use. Certain articles will help hide your flaws, while others make it even more obvious. Dress with shirt and pants of similar colour, for example, will help hide the excess weight and can also make you look like the most high. Your hairstyle is something that women will realize and can also damage or make good a first impression. In general terms a hairstyle that is a little more fashionable will attract more attention, but be careful not to overdo. In addition, stay away from the hair gel, because the bright and moist appearance makes that turns off the appeal of most women.

Buy Perfume Online

There are people who think that a good perfume is the essence of the soul, a stamp which shows and has a link with the personality traits, in the same manner in the field how female marculino. Such is the importance that acquires the perfume for the senses, that fosters us the memories and in some cases feelings of acceptance for those who wear it. It is not easy to know perfume ideal for each person, since the selection is due to whoever uses it, its aroma is shared with nearby people. You can buy a good diversity of offers of perfumes, and multiple types and kinds of good perfumes, and perhaps one of the most practical election will be perfumes online, as in, perfumes online designed to give you great amount of colonies, perfumes and cosmetics online shop. Perfumes for woman or man perfumes, they can be found is the online store of colonies to buy to be loved, looking for the detail that recalls the most sensational aromas.

In you have the option of buying perfumes from the best brands at affordable prices, perfumes 24 hours in your House, with that advantage that gives you to make your purchase online. Choose the perfume that you like, there is a great diversity of brands and prices. If you are an avant-garde or adventurous man or perhaps a woman you sticamacaro sensuality and provocative, that perfume you want awaits you in Request your perfumes for man or woman, Cologne or even festivals or dawn cosmetic, perfume 24 hours you have just access the page and see that you know that your scent is special. For all kinds of people, with security have you that fits your style and budget. Remember that although by perfume tastes change, the substance and the circumstances by which we employ them, at the end they are basically equal, feel good in our interior and transfer not only our aroma, also our personality. Do not hesitate, you don’t have a better alternative than having everything in your own home, without desplamientos, with a simple click.

Football Club Barcelona

If you’re inclined to use the Internet, then you’ll love a portal of betting in which raw material quality and simplicity. The network of networks has become an indispensable tool to day of today; While only a few had connection initially, today the majority of Spaniards have Internet at home, so we should take advantage also in the betting. The world of Como te imaginaras, constitutes an important virtual betting platform where you can find all the bets that you want easily. There is nothing like viewing a moment everything you have to the fingertips. For example, now that is going to celebrate the match between the Football Club Barcelona and L Hospitalet, is the ideal time make a bet and try your luck. However, in you will find much more than football betting, because there are so many categories that have not forgotten anything. It relies on the quality and performance of Betfair Betfair betting virtual platform is one of the most established not only in our country, but also worldwide. For this reason, it is important to know that you do not run any risk in the betting. Betfair is based on a maximum quality, so its users are always safe as far as betting is concerned. In fact, its functioning is impeccable, and good example of this is that the number of users increases every day.

The World

Because unable to symbolize, to assume the representation of the external thing, the world, this seems to present itself as element that replaces it to create a verbal body that folds itself: the poem. It is in the poetry of Vallejo writing embodies what exists to be erected in intimate homeland, the place of the non-waivable. And from the rispidez who opposed the language, the author, that demiurge, built despite the word, because his writing is not flowing or unfolds as a harmonic corpus, but from a deliberate resistance filming forms, beyond the mechanism of language, it subverts it, in what could be interpreted as a necessary, uncontainable rupture, no longer with the formal scaffolding, but with what exists. Then, the word is installed in the text as a corrosive, alien body; Perhaps the same symbolic investment world. This process of substitution and establishment of a new order may not represent but a search which must culminate in the construction of a coherent with its own system structure; We will then try to approach us, touching at least the sense of it, the possible reason that sustain it as a unit that expresses, that communicates. And I think, then, that this true expressive collapse, that is, the inclusion of neologisms, deliberate displacement of syntax, of the regulations, the introduction of colloquial elements, and up to the use of the playful element, among other resources, represent a formal shield pointing to the silence, to a symbolic silencing that, paradoxically, refers to the reality. And is the voice of the world that seems to be replaced to make it explode, then another voice, which is hidden under a veil of pain, of self-absorption: such land will hear in your silence / how we are collecting all / rental of the world where you leave us / and the value of the endless bread. / (1).

Service Payment

Service payment with credit card provided by some companies before, but it had significant limitations. For example, it was impossible to pay the Visa Electron or Maestro. But now you can make a payment almost any credit card. To do this, many taxis are special POS-terminals. Payment by this method as reliable and safe as a conventional terminal. As proof of payment, the passenger receives check.

If he had installed on a mobile phone service sms-notification, it also receives an instant message on the amount of operations carried out on the map. Thanks to the training of drivers and increase the number of taxis equipped with payment terminals, more companies may offer this payment method. It has long been acting ability to call a taxi via the Internet, but in the mode of payment on-line – still one of the comfortable innovation in passenger transport. We accept almost all types of plastic cards. Some companies offer to transfer money via WebMoney system or Yandex. A significant advantage of this method is that the transaction is instantaneous.

When making payment via the Internet offers individual discount system. With these features disappear problem exchanging large bills, find the date, as well as currency exchange, if ordered by a foreign citizen taxi to the airport. But some companies have gone further. Opportunity to conclude a loan – as long as the last of the innovations. The contract for this service is both legal, and with individuals. For legal persons terms of processing the loan negotiated individually. For individuals – the passenger, who presented the passport, on the site are requested to complete the contract. Credit is given to an individual on a short term basis. Taxi companies offering these services have a significant competitive advantage in the market and have a wider customer base.


Scares you the idea of changing jobs during the crisis?The majority of people will tell you that you’re crazy, to wait for better times. Yes, may be more difficult than before to find a job right now. However, if you let that stop you and don’t do anything, then surely you will not find it. On the other hand, as most of people think that it is impossible to even try, so you’ll have more opportunities. I personally know several people who had to look for a job during the crisis, and despite the fear and negative comments of people, got it.

Among other things, ignoring all the pessimists. So don’t let anyone tell you what you can or you can’t get. Don’t let your beliefs are yours and devises a plan that will help you to get a new job. Here are some strategies that will help you: 1. be realistic and patient. Many people want results here and now.

Change of job requires time, so prepare yourself mentally for it. 2 Defines what you want. This step It is very important. If you want to find a job that you meet in the long term, you have to be very clear about what you want.What type of job? Where? What techniques or skills you use in your work? How are your fellow workers?The more specific you are, and have more information about your preferences, the better your chances of finding something with which you are satisfied. Once you have it clear, write a short paragraph that summarizes what you’re looking for. So when someone asks you will have prepared answer. You see the difference between I am looking for a position of Director of marketing in a newly formed company that allows me to develop my skills and I don’t know, something marketing? 3 Make sure that it is what you really want.

Snack Export Company

The manufacturer starts to invest in either a distributor money, or drop him a margin to increase his earnings. Outputs from a distributor here only two: either to start work on the production of the goods, or – to reorganize in a pure logistics company. Access to foreign markets: advantages for the distributor and manufacturer of Snack Export Company, having started sometime in Dnepropetrovsk, now provides distribution not only in Ukraine but also in many other countries in Eastern Europe and CIS. We are working sell their snacks and pass the standards of our Ukrainian distribution of high quality in Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Transnistria, Bulgaria, Romania, on the order of some other countries. Access to foreign markets – a big plus to the producer, because always leads to a diversification of business, ie to the fact that business is becoming more secure. For example, in Ukraine, introduced a new law regulating the segment of the snack market in which we operate.

AND This law essentially harassing our business, or impede the sale of certain snack foods. Manufacturer quietly turns this part of the business here, but at the same time successfully continues to sell snacks on the market Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova, in Eastern Europe. Access to foreign markets significantly increases the viability of the company, and the quality of snack products and standards of Ukrainian distribution are high enough and able to withstand any competition with the distribution and production in any of the CIS countries. Under the high standards of quality, we mean paying attention not only for numerically represented, but also on the representation quality: the presence of standard snacks, a certain number of SKU in each location.