Arming Militants

Those movies that are usually referred to as "boevichok" bred in the number of truly uncountable. Disputes and can not be – of course, among them there must be a masterpiece tape. But note that for the most part such generation cinema – this film, in which the incredibly weak, and sometimes none at all elementary logic. Yet the militants gathered around him a very wide audience. But even if suddenly a wonderful film is completely positive response in the audience's mind, and contains a curious and profound meaning, then there are cases when the sets and inappropriate surroundings spoil the whole effect. Typically, this is – no vices direction, but low-budget. AND particularly affected in this case, the battle scenes.

Strange, but of course that the main and primary object of weapons in the movies, action movies – is not there some super-duper boom carrying the flame, not the plasma tricky, but sword. One need only recall the "Star Wars"! True, in which swords kosmoboevikah smarter. But in the film history, not to mention the fantasy … Even in the acclaimed trilogy of Lord of the Rings battle scene in failures so huge that experts quietly gloat on this day. And if in the "Lord of" director, at least, he tried (not counting a couple of big blunders and countless minor), what really talk about the film, which clearly regretted the money. Of course, the artist is unlikely to be as waving a sword and this did not stick to it for the sake of filming battle-ax, even if he agrees, will have to pay extra for fairly hazardous! But then frankly made of cardboard swords – too too much. A scene in which fencing is really worked out and delivered, can be counted on the fingers. In most cases, the hero brandishing a huge and very a beautiful piece of iron, cut in her sword in his opponent and leaves on the single noticeable trace. The complete nonsense! During the battle, suffered the highest quality made by a sword and, in any form it had then grind again, and sometimes re-fuse to forge a new one.

Marketing Multilevel Challenges

Convert the rejection in the multilevel Marketing in its ally instead of an enemy. One of the factors which means more failures in MLM is rejection, commonly seen from the start and in the development of a multilevel, no matter many times how much success has been achieved. The danger that represents is that attacks two essential qualities: the enthusiasm and excitement in the focus of the business. Who is the missile’s rejection and how it affects? 1. Rejection of the 2 spouse. Rejection by friends and relatives.

And it is precisely the origin of rejection that has more emotional charge. To be loved, this represents a danger to advance. And like all good business, it cannot do without the positive attitude, perseverance and belief in what we do. The MLM business opportunity is so expandable that reaches everyone at some point in our lives. What makes the difference is that that time is correct to identify the business opportunity and be able to project it.

The search for partners is influenced by the receptivity of the prospectus. In the multilevel business, denying the opportunity many times just means is not the right time to enter or that the person is not voluntary at that time to a change in mentality. Mark and Rene Reid Yarnell in his book underline what your first year in Network Marketing: the battle against rejection should become a motivational force and left push x it. However it is possible to transform the attitude of people if you start changing their own. In addition to the attitude positive and motivation, is crucial for successful strategies in the process of building the network: 1. highlight qualities like financial freedom and time 2. Not anticipate to qualify to a possible prospect. 3 Focus on the search for partners who like to have what offers the MLM business: money and free time. 4 Maintain a balancing act: larger number of contacts, smaller number of rejections. 5. Create a broad interest about how income and leisure time increases from generate orders for products and services of massive sale and repetitive use. Robert Kiyosaki in her international Best Seller parent poor dad rich, highly recommended the MLM business, as an effective tool for training and change of mentality about how people think about money and go changing the mentality of employee to entrepreneur – owner of your own business. As all venture, this one features with challenges that must locate and given to the task of eradicating them or in the best cases use as a driving motivational force. In addition to this change of mentality is a result the will of each individual change process.

Internet Business Promoter

Not have knowledge of programming or positioning in search engines is not an obstacle to manage a site successful, and present in the top of the search engines. It is not necessary to lie with experts in the field, with the consequent loss of control over vital aspects of the site, in addition to the consequential costs that will need to pay. And we all know that when a site is newly started in the activity, it is difficult to give the margin for very large expenses. For this reason, every penny invested should be carefully considered. There is now a new way out of this critical situation.

So far each marketing program that you could find online was destined for the English-speaking audience. It should be noted that promote a site in English is very different from doing so in Spanish. Not only how to handle the key words changes, given that the way English is structured is very different from how it is the Spanish. In the English language is much more common to find compound phrases, the order of adjectives and nouns differs in purpose, the tongue simply is structured differently than the Spanish. Consequently, the way in which users organize their searches in English differs from the Spanish. That is why it is so important, a novelty so relevant that it has come a new marketing program in Spanish, specially developed for the language of Cervantes. With this marketing program, it is possible to perform all actions necessary for the promotion of sites in Spanish, whereas each and every one of the multiple aspects related to this crucial procedure, which may well mean the difference between subsistence and the end of the business for a site.

This new program of marketing, award-winning around the world, is the Internet Business Promoter, or IBP. The IBP allows you to deal with all aspects related to the promotion of online sites, both factors insite, i.e. within what makes programming of the site, such as offsite. Offsite factors are actually complexes for who has no notion of what is promote a site on the internet. Therefore, best is to have a marketing program that takes care of all these aspects, with the efficiency that an application like this has. It is so but so full and effective that it emulates up to human behavior to not pass through spam. More don’t hesitate and get your copy of IBP. From here it is possible to download a demo to verify why this marketing program is a true icon in the history of the internet.


Who gives was cold or hot! God not that believing warm, yes believing hot, more fervoroso in the workmanship of it. 16 – Thus, because you are warm and nor you are hot nor cold, I am the point to vomit you of my mouth; Mr. wakes up brothers for voice. Therefore it this the point to vomit stops you far from it. 20-Eis that I am the door and I beat; if somebody to hear my voice and to open the door, I will enter in its house and I will cearei with it, and it, with me Brother Jesus beats in its door, does not lose time! It opens, therefore who supper with you. 21 – To the winner, to give here it is sits down to it with me in my throne, as well as also I was successful and I sat down with my father in its throne. Jesus in the flame for sits down it the side of it.

It won the devil, and us also we can is successful. 22 – Who has heard hears what the spirit says the churches. Jesus asks for so that all hear its voice, therefore that one that not to hear the voice will burn you in the fire of the hell. APOCALYPSE 04 11-You you are worthy, Gentleman and God ours, to receive the Gloria, the honor the power, because all the things you created, yes, because of your will had come to exist and had been created. Everything that we make in the house you is for Gloria, honor and the power of it, therefore it is the all powerful God, the God of the armies to who must fear. God looks true believers for the workmanship of it, if you brother are one of this you run for the house Mr., therefore it needs you. They love For the blood of Jesus.

Specific Target Audience

It is no secret that the same information (color, text, visual object, etc.), men and women perceive differently. Just the perception of this information depends on the age category of human, social status, education and etc. When designing and creating your own website you need to take into account all the above criteria. First of all, you need to understand at what audience will be designed your portal (for example: male or female, teenagers or middle-aged, wealthy or not, etc). Let's start with the universal things. According to the scientists and psychologists, there are several shades, looking at that man in general as it flows into the light hypnotic trance: the most powerful influence like yellow and red. A fairly strong attractive property is possessed and rich tone of almost all in dark colors: purple, dark blue, dark brown, bluish-black, dark green, deep dark gold, purple and mauve.

But there are differences in perception of color men and women. For example, men prefer the following colors (at first): green, blue, red, white, yellow, black, while women – blue, green, white, red, yellow, black You must distinguish between the effect of visual objects and text information on the representatives of different sexes. More men draws an image of beautiful women and different techniques. In the description of goods and services for men should be included more technical and specific characteristics. The women stopped their views on images of children and flowers. For a description of the goods and services intended female audience, do not abuse the technical terms. Women are more willing to accept terms such as – more comfortable, more practical, less costly, etc.

If we talk about age groups, there also exist some differences in the perception of colors and objects. So, according to psychologists, the audience of 15 to 22 years is well perceived bright colors, while both are the same color ottalknut older people. When creating a site, calculated for a younger audience, it is advisable to use animation and musical inserts. For visitors older desirable to use static images. And finally I want to say that every major firm to create sites, you will definitely develop the design, taking into account the involvement of target audience

Jean Piaget

Word-Key: Psicomotricidade. Psicomotora education. Learning. INTRODUCTION the study on ' ' the contribution of the psicomotricidade for the learning in a group of 1 year of education fundamental' ' one becomes excellent, therefore, it demystifies the conception that considers the excellent psicomotricidade only in the infantile education. To the scientific point of view, one is about a qualitative research, that he searchs to articulate what the authors say who approach thematic and the data collected during the field research, presenting since way, a new to look at and new knowledge on the subject in question, being pointed ways so that other research is developed in the area. The knowledge concerning the thematic one is presented as basic for the professor whom it intends to teach to its pupils considering its development globally. This study it presents two main topics: the first one, ' ' understanding psicomotricidade' ' , it presents the definition and the contribution for the studies psicomotores of authors Henry Wallon, Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. As, it reflects on ' ' what the nervous system has to see with the psicomotricidade? ' ' ' ' abilities psicomotoras' '.

To understand what it is the psicomotricidade it was used as main references: Mello (2002), Oliveira (2000) and Fonseca (2005). The studies on ' ' developing the psicomotora education in escola' ' that it searchs to explicitar the nervous system, the psicomotoras abilities and the ludicidade was based in the following authors: Relvas (2005), Almeida (2003), Mello (2002), Son (2001), Oliveira (2000) and Of Meur (1991). The worked metodolgicos procedures had been: field research and the bibliographical research. The techniques of collection of used data had been the participant comment and the questionnaire. For the analysis of the collected data, it was used technique of analysis of the speech. The participant citizens had been the 30 pupils and the observed teacher of the group during the field research.

The Life

In the philosophical and properly theoretical scope, the consequences and the impacts of this conflict between the tradition (that it estimates an only direction for the events of the world) and the modernity (that it discovers the possibility of other directions for the world) are incrivelmente enormous, that of certain form moved to all the great thinkers of the modern period, and therefore impossible to be part of the quarrel. Here it fits only to mention as modernity, ' ' It was of comparao' ' , as 3 called it Nietzsche, it placed for the knowledge the fact of that the direction of the universe and the causes of the world and its events in the time, are cultural products and not something existing by itself. The world and the universe and, are clearly, history and the existence human being, they are, in itself, meaningless. But the men, situated in its cultural communities, are capable to infundir a direction to the world and its events. Here it is the premise and presupposition of all the scientific thought of Weber.

Here it is, also, the ontolgico aspect of the problem opened for the direction concept. The absence of an essential direction for the life took to the described existencial terror with as much vehemence for Nietzsche in its texts on the Niilismo 4. On the other hand, in the limits of this proper understanding, of this properly modern conclusion, a possibility confided that seemed to be able, the much sacrifice, ' ' compreender' ' thus to compensate the impacts of a niilista existence and a disenchanted culture. Such possibility clearly was perceived by Weber, and says respect to the capacity of all the men of, in way to the chaos and perpetual contingency, to endow the world and its proper action in it with a direction and meaning. It can be understood that all the procedure that accumulates of stocks the works of Weber loads obtains a presupposition basic on the human being: for it, the man is the animal that necessarily he interprets.


They exist in the Internet a great variety of sites that offer distances of tarot free. Often consultations arrive to us from the readers if this tarot free is as effective as the one of payment. The question, in our opinion, badly is focused. It does not matter if it is of payment or tarot free. The important thing is who realises the distance. Thus, the fundamental thing in these questions is to fall to a site that wakes up the major to us of the confidences, that we know that is endorsed by tarotistas of reputation, and by not improvised whose unique merit is to have armed a site of Internet. Dew, Meli and Carmen are the tarotistas of Tarot Friend. They are professional of reputation, looked for in all the continent by politicians and encumbrados industralists, who only trust them they help so that them with subjects of extreme importance, that sometimes they decide the luck of thousands of people.

Dew, Carmen and Meli are the professionals who endorse to Tarot Friend, and consequently, all the readings that can be obtained from this site, those of tarot free even are of first level. Having clarified this, he is advisable to have property in possession which is the reach of the distances of tarot free. Generally, its utility is destined to questions of short-range, for precise subjects, or specific situations that we must cross in the life. For example, a typical case of use of the distances of tarot free of Tarot Friend could be in case of having a labor interview, or an important meeting. The tarot free can orient to us about what it is and so we will be in this circumstance.

It can to say us, for example, if there is danger with some personage who can be presented/displayed to us, of who is better to distrust, or, on the contrary, everything will ask of mouths. A clear example of this last outcome is when in the distance of tarot free it leaves the Enamored ones, arcane a very positive one that can mean to us that the tests will be passed, that we will find in ours to happen that it complements to us, that will be a balance, and that we will be inspired. The tarot free serves to us in cases thus. Another very common situation is to ask to us how that day will go in the work, or if we will pass that examination that waits to us, or how it will go to us with the person that just we knew. For these cases, the tarot free is the ideal, in the same way that in the morning almost all the human beings consult with the weather forecast, to know what must be put, or if it will rain. The tarot free acts the same as. If every day you read the weather forecast, and never you finish including/understanding how it is that meteorology works, in last case, why nontests with a distance of tarot free? You will be surprised.

The Process

In this dark world the human reality is the physical body. In the outside of the cavern the human reality is the soul. While each of us is identified, it is clear itself and to the others like physical bodies, while all our effort and eagerness go solely directed towards which we considered material, we will live in the dark, taking by real what it is not, unconscious of our situation and deceived by the shades of objects that others transport and that they will form our world.The liberation and ascent towards the light, constitutes the process of waking up of brings back to consciousness. It is the internal transit from a reality to another one, of the state of unconsciousness at levels more conscious than they allow to see the difference him between real and the unreal thing. The steep way that leads towards the outside of the cavern is the way of the self-knowledge and of the development of it brings back to consciousness until getting to create the capacity to directly watch the Sun that stops Plato symbolizes the source of all Light and Knowledge. One of the most interesting points of the story of Plato is how it begins, before initiating the allegory writes: compares with the following scene the state in which, with respect to the education or to the lack of her, is our nature. But,of what education it speaks Plato? One does not talk about to which today we understand by so. In old Greece it was distinguished between education, that were the integral development of the soul and inner waking up, and instruction, that it had like unique objective to provide knowledge adapted for the exercise of a profession u office. As easily it is possible to be verified at our time does not exist an education system rather but and in the best one of the cases of instruction.

Popayan El Liberal

In the city the two factions were plotting their hatred and enlisted their layers of silk and swords. Romeo was about to tiptoe through the darkness and the faint glow of the moon. Julieta collection in his room hours weaving between love and fear of capsize. Could you get your boy tonight to balarle their tender among the vine? His heart was embarrassed and did rise from his chair to look into the shadows, out there, for her love. The trumpets announcing their presence, message came to him by the strings of sixteen violins, flute sounded like the wind. On the other hand reached a harsh rumor swirling troops with swords and horns that whistled. The bassoon red raised his voice and did presage the meeting and confrontation of families in fray. The excitement reached a climax when pounding the drum and cymbals.

Romeo was coming to the mansion in a roundabout way, for love is not impossible at the time of supreme danger and difficulties. Juliet can not resist anymore and goes forward to meet challenging life and family. Take a spirituous liquor hidden in his bosom that deliver their fears and eventually join in the eternal bitter kiss with Romeo. seems to accompany the orchestra with strings, winds and raucous percussion lovers in their cruel way. In the end the bitterness has taken effect in the two lovers and silent instruments gently to avoid waking from sleep. Moved the public at the Beethoven Hall clapped three times the artists who gave life to these scenes of love. Leopoldo de Quevedo y Monroy.

Colombian writer. Lawyer, Universidad Libre de Cali and MA in Higher Education, Universidad del Valle. He has published Confessions of a priest married, 1999, the sacred and profane poems Verses 2005, Daly Life in Re-verse, 2006, On the horns of the short time-trials-2008. Several of his writings have been published in El Tiempo of Bogota, The West of Cali, Popayan El Liberal and international magazines such as untimely UNAM in Mexico City, Letralia of Venezuela, Portal of Humanism of the Cervantes Institute in Madrid and Whirlpools Lima, Peru. Invited to a The Time Poesiaa , Book Fair in Bogota (2005 and 2009), XI International Book Fair Pacific, Museum of Decorative Arts in Ciego de avila, Cuba, 2005, First Book Fair, Ink and Paper , Palmyra, 2007 International Meeting of Writers. Chiquinquira. 2008.