Brazil: Products and Services

Depending on the places for where they go, many Brazilian tourists use to advantage to make purchases of mark clothes, of products with raised technology or any another product. This action is explained by the fact of the products and services, in other countries, to be, generally, cheaper. Why it will be that this difference in the prices exists? Many aggregate factors form the reason of price increasing of what it is offered. We can detach as being main of these factors high Brazilian tax burden, that is, the high value of the charged taxes, they are federal, state or municipal. To pay more expensive could be compensated by the fact to gain more, however it is not this that we see in Brazil. Another possible compensation for the high taxes could be the return of these values in form of bigger quality in the services offered for the government to the population.

Also it is not this that we see. For the opposite, many times, citizens with financial conditions have to pay for particular schools, accord doctors and still, in certain cases, for private security. Beyond if paying as many taxes, still he has the necessity of if supplying the lack of governmental support. In countries as Denmark, Sweden and France the tax burden is raised, however, the population receives, what in exchange for paid, public services of quality. The argument of that the public expenses are raised the point to justify these valuations seems vacant if a country will be being managed well. The solution for this question will be able to appear if the interested greaters (the population) if to join and only to demand its rights. In case that contrary, the tax burden tends to grow.

Brazilian Service Social

IT PRACTISES IT OF the SOCIAL SERVICE Summary: This article has for purpose to present a reflection on the practical professional of the Social Assistant, recognizing its dimensions, with the objective to point out the instrumentalidade of the Social Service as well as its technician-operative armory. After that, they will be presented, of form sucinta, some of the main instruments of work used by the Social Assistants in the exercise of the practical professional. 1.O social service as profession In the historical trajectory of the Social Service, we can identify some chains that argue the question of its instrumentalidade, that they bring I obtain a specific conceptual body that of to this subject determined one meant. We understand for instrumentalidade the conception developed for War (2000) that, from a lukacsiana reading of the workmanship of Marx, it constructs the debate on the instrumentalidade of the Social Service, understanding it in three levels: in what it says respect to its functionality to the reformist project of the bourgeoisie; as for its operatria peculiarity (instrument-operative aspect); as a mediation that allows the ticket of the universal analyses to the singularidades of the professional intervention. Since the period where the Social Service still established its base of legitimacy in the religious sphere, passing for its professionalization and the historical moments constituted that it, the dimension technique-instrument always had a prominence place, either of the point of view of affirming deliberately the necessity of consolidation of a technician-operative instrument ' ' especfico' ' of the Social Service (we speak here in special of the North American tradition, that had fort influence on the Brazilian Service Social, over all between years 40 and 60), either in the direction to affirm the Social Service as a set of techniques and instruments in other words, a social technology. At other moments, in the direction to ahead attribute to the instrumentalidade of the Social Service a statute of subalternidade of the too much dimensions that compose the dimension historical of the profession.

Technical Service Westinghouse

In S.E.B we offer the Technical Service Westinghouse Barcelona for conditioned air. The Conditioned air is defined as the system that is used for the refrigeration of the air, and is used in the homes to refresh the surroundings. It is important to realise a periodic maintenance to the conditioned air equipment, on the part of a good Technical Service Westinghouse Barcelona specialized in technical attendance of conditioned air equipment, Since its preventive maintenance optimizes its yield. In our center on watch technical S.E.B outside offering him to maintenance and repair of its conditioned air also we also realised the facilities of the same mediantes the Technical Service Westinghouse Barcelona in another type of marks and styles. It calls to S.E.B through I number telephone: 900 100 027 so that one of our operators guides to him, we at home offer service in Barcelona and all the Province. The technical attendance of S.E.B extends towards the following electric home appliances of White Range: Refrigerators, Coolers, Refrigerators, Heaters and Pirolticos furnaces, among others. By means of our Technical Service Edesa Barcelona and the Technical Service Indesit Barcelona.

With respect to the technical attendance in electric home appliances of White Range dedicated to the cleaning of the home: Washing machines, Dryers, Dishwashers, Dishwashers and dryers can repair by means of our Technical Service Edesa Barcelona and the Technical Service Indesit Barcelona, and many marks more. I trusted our center S.E.B of technical attendance, with an ample experience in good condition Technician Westinghouse Barcelona, Technical Service Edesa Barcelona, Technical Service Indesit Barcelona and many other marks more. Our technicians make use of the tools more sophisticated than there is in the market, realising a work meticulous and specialized in each one of the adjustments to secure better results. In addition S.E.B counts on Movable units equipped the necessary thing yet to realise the repairs to at home realise services in the Province of Barcelona and Barcelona. They contact with our operators S.E.B will send to him a specialist in White Range, in tel 900 100 027, they will offer Technical Service Westinghouse Barcelona, Technical Service Edesa Barcelona, Technical Service him Indesit Barcelona and in many marks more.

Digital Magazines

On 2007 it founds the digital magazine, Veu (the voice of the forced ones to be silent), Magazine of general scope that in very few numbers reached acceptance levels which they exceeded all the expectations. It also realises in this year, under the directives of the teachers, Joan Antoni Alapont and Rafael Meli a course of initiation to the Valencian poetry, being this point that initiated its poetry creation in Valencian besides its traditional poetry in Castilian. Of its poetries in Valencian we will emphasize, Homenage to the Mare de Deu dels Dolors, (Tribute to the Painful one), poetry with which I appear in scopes of the Valencian poets. On 2008 it founds the digital magazine, Punts Suspensius. , Magazine of letters in Valencian language, abierta later to the poetry and to other languages and for which the fiction personage creates, Net, (the uncle of careto). Also in this year, he is co-organizer of, I Encounter of New Technologies in Valencian Language, for which it designs the announcing poster and it participates like rapporteur, with the communication; Llenguavalencianasi. com: The thematic Web on the Valencian language. In February of 2009 it participates in the factories of prosa of, the AELLVA, reading his story, the fable of Gaspar and the king.

Also in 2009 in the month of June it presents/displays before the world-wide community of poets, it rhymes Jotab, it rhymes cradle in a closed structure of eleven endecaslabos verses of consonant rhyme. More information on the Jotab rhyme, in this same Web, and the page Web of the creative poet of the rhyme. Juan-benito. com/jotabe. htm. During the 2009 it realises three conferences. The 30 of April, in Castelln, under the title, the dumb Valencia (To repopulate is to return to colonise). The 21 of May, in Valencia, under title, 2. 000 Years of Valencian language. The 29 of June, in Manises, low Poet, novelist, contributor, lecturer

Social Networks

The social networks, in the last years have become an excellent method to publicitar and to generate traffic towards the pages Web. Most popular they are Twitter, Facebook and Myspace. The advantages to use the social networks with promotional aims are that they constitute a space where, by means of the recommendation of the people, you can reach a great amount of users without needing concerted efforts. The key to prevail in the promotion in the social networks consists of providing the users contained who are sufficiently interesting as why these people become your followers, follow your advice and recommend your products. To finally promote products by means of the shipment of emails, another one of the strategies to promote products in the affiliation marketing, consists of creating a page Web with a subscription form that allows you to create a data base of people to whom later him you can make promotions by means of the simple one sent of emails. In order to be able to do this you must contract a service of autorespondedor that is the one that stored in a data base all the list to you of post office of people who register themselves to your page. The advantage of the autorespondedor is that you only must load emails that you have been going to later send a single time and the shipment of these emails for of automatic way.

This is the best option to promote products, as much to the short term as to the long term, and also it is the form easiest to make money in Internet. These strategies of product promotion and services, are very used by the affiliates. Nevertheless, every day new and creative methods arise destined to promote products and to increase the possibilities of sales. If you want to learn you complete promotion strategies I recommend the following page to you affiliate connection. There you would find a training program that guided to you step by step with the last and more effective strategies of promotion to make money with the marketing of affiliates.

Government Felipe Gonzlez

Felipe Gonzlez will share scene with Takings Go’mez and Stubborn Borja. Majadahonda, 18 of February 2011 the ex- president of the Government Felipe Gonzlez will share scene the next Friday with the Secretary General of the PSM, Takings Go’mez, in the act of presentation of the socialist candidate to the mayorship of Majadahonda (Madrid), Stubborn Borja, according to has informed the PSOE into this locality. MADRID, (15 EUROPE PRESS) the ex- president of the Government Felipe Gonzlez will share scene the next Friday with the Secretary General of the PSM, Takings Go’mez, in the act of presentation of the socialist candidate to the mayorship of Majadahonda (Madrid), Stubborn Borja, according to has informed the PSOE into this locality. The official presentation of the candidacy ” Borja2011″ it will be in the House of the Culture from Majadahonda to 19,30, right to the same hour to which the critical sector of the PSM has summoned an act in Madrid, in soothes of the UGT, indeed the same site that Go’mez chose autumn the past to make official his candidacy to the primary ones. Thus, this Friday will be the first occasion in which Gonzlez and the Go’mez will share protagonism from the primary ones, in which the ex- president stayed neutral and it supported publicly neither to the Secretary General of the PSM nor to his rival to be candidate to the Presidency of the Community of Madrid, Jimnez Trinidad, today minister of Outer Subjects.


It discovers supplies of incredible furniture in Rebajas of AKASA the Reductions of the furniture in AKASA from the 2 of January of 2011 allow you, like every year, to accede to the best supplies, with discounts from 25% to 50% of its habitual price. If visits our stores you will very find descatalogados articles or outside season to a price below its price. In addition we have a specific and permanent section to Outlet de Muebles in all the stores. One is articles with some type of tare or that by commercial reasons interests to eliminate. For it we offer aggressive discounts that can even arrive until 70%.

Here, as in articles of Reductions, the delivery is immediate, and even if you decide llevrtelo you yourself we would apply a discount to you additional by bearings. But this is not everything. In order to give to majors facilities to our clients, AKASA offers to their clients special plans of financing with and without interests. The product stars of these Rebajas is the financing of half of the amount in 12 months and the other half as it gives the desire you. Our company inaugurates a new center in Alcala de Henares (in the commercial polygon concretely the Booklets, you leave. 34 of the Ctra.

Barcelona). In spite of the crisis, we are of the few chains of furniture that we grow, which is an unequivocal signal of confidence towards the mark and our products and services. Like in all our inaugurations, there will be a special launching with prices of inauguration. It is useful! Inauguration only is one! It runs, Rebajas of AKASA will be only effective until run out existence. You can consult our supplies of furniture reduced in the special pamphlet of Akasa Movable, that you will be able descargarte in our Web comfortably. Rebajas AKASA lives. We hoped to you.

Email Marketing

We can say that all the professionals of direct marketing and companies specialized in the marketing of results will continue using the email tool mass media marketing like their main one, in the future not very distant. According to a Study email Marketing Forecast 2009 of Forrester, one stipulates that for year 2014 approximately, 150 million people or will use the electronic mail more regularly. Of equal way, more than 50 million people they will also use different services of mail and mail of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Use of email personal and of companies will continue growing much and email marketing that is based on the previous permission with something of retention (by a group of messages which they are attractive for the clients or by subscription from newsletters of great interest for the reader), he will be without doubts the flaming winner. Between the different forms from email marketing that in the future will participate in the substantial market they will be: the information services by mail, the messages of retention and newsletters with its sponsored announcements. In 2014, the investment in the email tool marketing will surpass 2 billions of dollars, and all the marketers innovating you will be worried to take the best practices as far as the customized and segmented communications, the managements of the data bases and the managements of reputation of the sender who guarantees the more efficient and lifted rates of delivery.

He is truly surprising that nowadays, several companies follow without using the immense one to be able which the email marketing offers, or uses that it bad. It is thought that the return of the investment of the email marketing will increase until a 300% for year 2014, in comparison with the numbers seen until today. This means that if, for example, an investment of 10 Euros in diverse systems of email marketing produces a gain of 75 Euros, in the year the 2014 gains could exceed the 200 Euros. A greeting.

Payment Processings

Problems with the navigator: Sometimes, the field of request of 3D Secure is in the part inferior of the screen and the client does not see it. Consequently, the rate of abandonment is greater. Little intuitive protocol of use: The navigating Web connects with unknown names of dominion and can cause to an additional delay and failures. Complicated process: Frequently, a password is demanded and they forget it to the clients. Cost addition: Many Suppliers of Processings of Payment apply a surcharge by the inclusion of 3D Secure.

The elimination of the fraud is not proven to the 100%: Many thieves rob cards in the postal mail and can control 3D Secure with relative facility because they have new cards and up-to-date information. The system 3D Secure has even been object of some frauds with the practice of phishing. In order to reduce the problems that can arise to them to the retailers who incorporate 3D Secure, must ask the potentials Supplier of Processings of Payment for Internet the following thing: 1) Given the field in which it operates, is east additional step the best thing to the benefit of the company? 2) Which are additional rates ligatures to the processing of 3D Secure and Verified by Visa? 3) Is the transactions 3D Secure in house? Outsourcing increases to the cost and the difficulty of the transaction and can reduce the security level. 4) Has experience the Supplier of Processings of Payment in this type of transactions? Generally, a Supplier of Processings of Payment must be able to give to each retailer an idea of the volume of sales that can lose, following the sector, and to calculate how much they can gain by positions of bank and fraud if they offer 3D Secure. It is not necessary more to make a simple calculation to see in what case obtains a return of the investment superior. About Cashtronics Cashtronics is an important Virtual TPV based on Europe.

It is specialized in the treatment of payments for retailers with high volume of business with a platform of safe payment (it fulfills the standard PCI, level 1), flexible and profitable. Cashtronics offers individual accounts to the retailers to tariffs very competitive. Car it ArgellesDirectora de MarketingCashtronicsTlno: +34 932 240 199www. cashtronics. it is

Web Marketing

Nowadays many people dream about living on marketing in Internet, have heard highly favourable commentaries of him, dream about securing their financial independence, being their own heads, organizing their own schedules. All that is possible with a business of marketing in Internet, but not automatically, before it is necessary to prepare itself to introduce itself in this discipline and that there is to take measures before beginning his exercise. Marketing in Internet and personal order. There are two fundamental questions that agree to project: the hour dedication and the patience. In order to work in marketing in Internet it is precise to create his own schedules. In this work the work is no head verifying that you realise. To be its own head is motivating, but you are the one that you must mark its objectives of time to dedicate and to fulfill it.

The second subject is the one of the patience. We live surrounded by publicity that tells easy and the simple thing us that it is to secure economic results in Internet. One promises to us that in very just a short time our businesses they will go in autopilot and we will secure our financial freedom. This is not exactly thus, is possible that with a business in Internet we arrive at that situation, but this requires its time, a more or less long time based on its previous knowledge, its previous experience, its imagination, its skill with the language. It remembers I exist automatic does not exist. Marketing in Internet and investment It is certain that in marketing in Internet the initial investment is reduced. She is small mainly we compared if it with that we would have to do in a traditional business, in the physical scope.

But it cannot affirm clearly that it is not necessary to make any investment of money. Besides the typical costs: purchase of dominion, hosting, design Web if one needs; the investment in formation and tools cathedral is indispensable. It will need a course formation in marketing online, will need to rent to autoresponder to mount his lists of mail. It will need to count on some software that helps him to improve its positioning in the Web. It consists that these investments will not be great, consists that we called investments and nonexpenses, inasmuch as its quantity will base our business of marketing Web and its S-value will be recovered with time. The utilities of marketing in Internet One of the most attractive reasons than attracts of a business in Internet is to consider their economic income like residuals. In this way we talked about that once finished its daily work, the result of the same follows present in the network. In addition the schedule differences enter the different countries from which arrives their contents, play their favor. So that 24 hours to the day, during 365 days to the year, his website will be accessible to the public, and without his personal intervention, it will be able to generate good income to him. It is a sweeping successful or one moderate its dedication to marketing in Internet must allow him to live a desahogadamente economic level. Their problems to arrive in order month, to pay their invoices will have been finished. Txema Sanchis SoyMarketing